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So I got a new neighbor


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I will very often invite a new hunter or a hunter that has not killed a deer in a while to hunt WITH me. But if I have to wonder who is where and is anyone there. I may as well hunt state land and save a bunch of money. I have no problem sharing the land on my terms. But some just think they can do as they please, and that's  what ticks me off!

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Just curious why you didn't let your neighbor hunt your land, then ask him for the same courtesy to use his land... and start a mutual hunting friendship that would have eliminated all this. I have done that with every neighbor I have had that hunted and it always worked out better. It gave us a chance to talk about a set of rules that kept everything working smoothly on both properties... we would help each other with cutting trails and setting stands... we even hunted together a few times a year.


bahaha. what a liberal attitude. Hey I know I pay all these taxes, but lets be friends and share.

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bahaha. what a liberal attitude. Hey I know I pay all these taxes, but lets be friends and share.

I have to agree, it would make total sense for him to let me hunt his 1 1/3 acre so I can let him hunt my 400.

So last nights "visit" went as expected he answered the door I told him what I seen him doing he denied it over and over and eventually slipped and fessed up.Then my neighbor who was with me told him that if that's how he was treating property that he didn't have permission to hunt that he didn't want him on his either. The man nearly started crying explaining how none of this was fair and he moved out of the city to get away from a$$ holes like us. And that he didnt work so he had a lot of time to "sneak onto our land when we weren't around" so as the plot thickens we will have to wait and see what else this moron will try. I don't think keeping him off of my property will be too hard because the only entrance he has because of the creek is about 20 feet wide and I have a 4 strand high tension electric fence that I have for keepin my beef cows in. Well needless to say the beef have been gone for a month but the power is back on the fence as of this morning:).

Edited by Buckmaster7600
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I am also tall and do this with my steps too. I actually had a local, not a neighbor, ask me why my steps were so far apart, it made it hard for him to get in my stand. He did not have permission to hunt. I just laughed at him and told him not to step foot on the property again. I would have taken him out with me if he had ask. I don't give permission for people to hunt on their own, but I will take people out with me and set them up, if they do not have places to hunt or have trouble seeing deer. I just do not want people walking around on their own, screwing up my setups.

Nice! If you're around the Rochester area let me know when I should show up for our hunt  :cheese:

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I have to agree, it would make total sense for him to let me hunt his 1 1/3 acre so I can let him hunt my 400.

So last nights "visit" went as expected he answered the door I told him what I seen him doing he denied it over and over and eventually slipped and fessed up.Then my neighbor who was with me told him that if that's how he was treating property that he didn't have permission to hunt that he didn't want him on his either. The man nearly started crying explaining how none of this was fair and he moved out of the city to get away from a$$ holes like us. And that he didnt work so he had a lot of time to "sneak onto our land when we weren't around" so as the plot thickens we will have to wait and see what else this moron will try. I don't think keeping him off of my property will be too hard because the only entrance he has because of the creek is about 20 feet wide and I have a 4 strand high tension electric fence that I have for keepin my beef cows in. Well needless to say the beef have been gone for a month but the power is back on the fence as of this morning:).


sounds like a real scumbag. no job and a law breaker (including hunting someone else stands). You have your hands full. I'd step up my trail cam game to focus a little more on trespassers.


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The worst they would do is give him a 25$ fine not worth my time or theirs.

he sounds like a real douche......$25 could be a lot to someone not working, make a call and inquire how much effort is needed on your part......at the very least have a LEO pay him a visit.

Edited by jjb4900
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That's pretty ballsy to not only hunt your land in the face of denial, but to actually hunt your stands.

Ballsy or genius. If he wasn't there he would not have known the neighbor was trying to hunt his property.


Would have loved to see the show. Is it really only $25? It should be closer to $100 plus surcharges.

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Someone should keep a tally of that type of post. So far, in the last few weeks we had a guy who wants to make booby traps for ATVs, a guy who openly admitted his desire to kill someone over a $150 treestand, and now someone who wants to sling lead at trespassers. At least there will be a plethora of evidence on this forum once all of the "hunting accidents" start happening.

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Ballsy or genius. If he wasn't there he would not have known the neighbor was trying to hunt his property.

Would have loved to see the show. Is it really only $25? It should be closer to $100 plus surcharges.

Yup talked to my best friend that's a sheriff he said 25$ plus court fees but unless a sheriff already had a reason to be at court the officer wouldn't show up so it would be dropped.
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I've had better luck getting the DEC's attention for trespassers than general law enforcement. I've had repeat problems with known trespassers and the State Police couldn't be bothered even though the trespasser threatened violence.

The DEC were very attentive. Luckily (for him) the guy didn't show the next day, but if he did, the DEC were ready, and verified with me that I would be willing to "see it through" with the charges because they guaranteed me that they would see it through.

Edited by Steuben Jerry
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Yup talked to my best friend that's a sheriff he said 25$ plus court fees but unless a sheriff already had a reason to be at court the officer wouldn't show up so it would be dropped.


Then you need to go right to the local judge ...thats what I did and still I think 70.00 plus court fees was low....But when I told him the situation ...he mentioned he had to sell a piece of land they had near Conesus lake due to all the hassels with trespassers.....Even with that I also called weekly until the guy had the fine actually payed...helps when you make sure they tell you the court date...... and your sitting there for the judge to see.... ;)

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Have tried this before and no one ever wants to put up the time and money but always wants to hunt over the best food plots and what not. I spend a ton of money and time on my land and I have found it easier to just have it to myself and my brother who hunts a few times a year. My neighbor on the other side who is a distant relative and I used to "share our lands" but he shot multiple "extra" deer and what not and instead of it becoming a fight we agreed to stay on our own sides with a "tracking agreement." It has worked very well for us. I guess I am kind of selfish but I like hunting by myself and not having to worry about others.

I have been lucky to have responsible neighbors... I certainly understand that some neighbors aren't... I was just curious is all.

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Then you need to go right to the local judge ...thats what I did and still I think 70.00 plus court fees was low....But when I told him the situation ...he mentioned he had to sell a piece of land they had near Conesus lake due to all the hassels with trespassers.....Even with that I also called weekly until the guy had the fine actually payed...helps when you make sure they tell you the court date...... and your sitting there for the judge to see.... ;)

I'm absolutely not spending this much time on this guy however I rent the 4 acre field that surrounds his lot for hay and I just made a call to have 2 6500 gallon loads of liquid cow manure spread on it :). We will see how he likes that!

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