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Strangest thing you have seen/ have had happen while hunting


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Saw this thread on Archery Talk and the stories were great. I was thinking how cool it would be to hear NY stories. I don't have anything to exciting. I had a guy a couple of years ago walk up to me on our hunting lease and ask me if I had seen anything. He was wearing brown carhart coveralls. Not the best thing to be wearing in the woods obviously and he was drunk and had no idea where he was. This was at  7:30 am or so. Asked me how to get to the RR tracks and I walked him to them. I was thinking after he left I probably should have made sure he made it out ok but all I was thinking at the time was this moron is ruining my hunt.....

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A cheating couple.


Pickup truck parked in public land.  Guy is decked out in camo gear.  Car parked next to the truck (I'm assuming hers) and the lady in normal casual clothes on top of him lips locked.  My guess is he told his wife he is going out hunting but in was really just having a rendezvous with mistress.  Of course I could be all wrong.  It could have been someone else car parked near by and this was simply a husband/wife hunting duo who decided to get a quick one in before their hunt.  I decided not to knock on the window to confirm my suspicions.  I just let them be.

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A cheating couple.

Pickup truck parked in public land. Guy is decked out in camo gear. Car parked next to the truck (I'm assuming hers) and the lady in normal casual clothes on top of him lips locked. My guess is he told his wife he is going out hunting but in was really just having a rendezvous with mistress. Of course I could be all wrong. It could have been someone else car parked near by and this was simply a husband/wife hunting duo who decided to get a quick one in before their hunt. I decided not to knock on the window to confirm my suspicions. I just let them be.

Liar! You watched and rubbed one out. We saw you!

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I once saw two nice 8 point bucks, that looked like twins, chasing a doe in heat, as they were side by side and noses even, looking like they were harnessed together pulling a chariot.  They were running pretty fast and less than a foot apart.  They were weaving through the trees and this run lasted for at least 200 yards.


They matched each other step for step the entire way.  I thought I was seeing them with double vision, until I realized there was just one doe.


Are there Siamese deer twins?


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A cheating couple.


Pickup truck parked in public land.  Guy is decked out in camo gear.  Car parked next to the truck (I'm assuming hers) and the lady in normal casual clothes on top of him lips locked.  My guess is he told his wife he is going out hunting but in was really just having a rendezvous with mistress.  Of course I could be all wrong.  It could have been someone else car parked near by and this was simply a husband/wife hunting duo who decided to get a quick one in before their hunt.  I decided not to knock on the window to confirm my suspicions.  I just let them be.


I banged a few girls on local public fishing properties back in the day, never during hunting season. Too cold outside for that.

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I came across this hunter standing about 50 yards from my house, leaning on the butt of his shotgun with the muzzle resting on top of his boot. The guy was drunker than a skunk. his eyes were blood red, and he was having a hell of a time standing upright. I talked with him a bit just to let him know that the house was there and to remind him of the setback requirements for discharging his gun. He apologized and went staggering off toward the road. I have to admit that I really didn't know what to do. I was a bit concerned for this guy's safety, but didn't realize that I probably should have called the cops or something. This guy was heading back to his car, and he really shouldn't have been anywhere near the road in his condition. I found out later that drunken hunting is illegal too (for good reasons). That experience was probably a lot more scary than strange, and I believe I handled it all wrong. I just never encountered anything like that, and got caught completely off-guard.

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I had a Red Tailed Hawk land on my boot while while turkey hunting.  Had my back to a tree with my legs stretched out on a log while calling.  The bird landed on my boot toe and stared into my camo face mask for about 10 seconds before flying off.


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I had a hen turkey peck the eyelets of my boot when I was spring turkey hunting, also have a real nice pic of a bobcat walking under my stand while bow hunting 2 yrs ago and I watched a great horned owl case a squirrel thru a swamp I might add it didn't end well for the squirrel. last year I watched a bald eagle picking on a road kill deer that was dead in a field. 

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I was bored and decided to take two substantial saplings and aggressively hit them together. Not taking it to serious, I non chalantley turn around and have a see a nice 6 point running towards me. Unfortunately, I never re-nocked an arrow after getting out of the treestand and there he goes. It was so cool. I think to this day some people don't believe me.

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A few years back I was sitting in a hay wagon and mid morning I see to lady's coming down a trail.They got off their horses and took a pee break not even 10 yard's from me/not 15 mins later I shot a deer where they pee'd.

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Nothing really strange ,we had just pulled onto some state land in angelica and a cow stepped in our way and stayed in front of the truck 90 percent of the way up the hill, every time it got to the side of the road i would try to drive around but it sped up to get back in front of us. If it had not been a seasonal/fire road we probably could have easily got by.

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Many years ago, I was hunting mule deer on the outskirts of a Colorado ski town on some public land that was popular with hikers.   A trail followed a creek a long way up a tall mountain.  I killed a buck at 10 am, about a half mile off the trail, and about 5 miles from the trail-head parking area.  I figured I had the rest of the day to get the deer out myself, rather than heading back to camp to get help like the other guys did when they got theirs.  I was young and foolish.  When I started up that morning before daybreak, it was quite cold, but dragging that heavy carcass down that trail into the afternoon, it got very warm.   I was literally sweating gallons, and very thankful for the creek, my canteen and some water purification tablets.   The thin air at high elevation didn't help, but fortunately it was mostly a downhill drag, so gravity did. 


About mid-way thru the drag, a couple big dogs came charging, barking, and drooling from around a bend.   I had saved the heart and liver in a plastic bag. That was inside the carcass, along with some snow I had packed in there, from a shady spot, to try and preserve the meat in the rising temperatures.   The dogs quickly ripped that bag apart and tore into those "treats".   I dropped my pack, frantically trying to find my slingshot to drive them away.  Just then two good-looking women, dressed in flashy jogging suits, rounded the bend and called for their dogs.  


When they reached the bloody mess blocking the trail, one of them said: "that's gross".  I replied: "Bambi was hurt real bad, I was trying to get him to the vet but now your dogs just ate his heart".   They just shook their heads and continued up the trail.   Several hours later they passed me again on their way back down and without saying a word.  Had I known how bad that deer would taste compared to a NY whitetail, I would have just saved the rack and let them dogs have the rest of it.                 

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