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38 minutes ago, turkeyfeathers said:

I've got a FW 21st in the cellar. Parabola comes around here fairly often   I'll keep my eyes open for you 

Maybe I missed it, but didn't see any FW product at my local bev mart.  Heard somewhere that the Parabola was one to try.

KBS is the main beer I'm waiting to be released next; never had it.  I'm due for another beer run though so who knows what will come home next...maybe more CBS? :)

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No idea on cheapest   Used to drink a bunch of Kochs golden anniversary, Genesee cream ale pounders in the cardboard case (the hard case you could thwap the cap off the edge with), Old Milwaukee ,Goebel Pounders from cardboard case when 17 and 18 though   Tell you what though  Had a Naragansett the other night  Bought a single at Trader Joes   Loved it  Come to find out it's $5.50 a sixer of pounders

Hamms was my cheapest. 1.79 a 6 pack.

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5 minutes ago, turkeyfeathers said:

No idea on cheapest   Used to drink a bunch of Kochs golden anniversary, Genesee cream ale pounders in the cardboard case (the hard case you could thwap the cap off the edge with), Old Milwaukee ,Goebel Pounders from cardboard case when 17 and 18 though   Tell you what though  Had a Naragansett the other night  Bought a single at Trader Joes   Loved it  Come to find out it's $5.50 a sixer of pounders

Old Milwaukee nearly got myself burned up passed out with my feet on the side of the campfire burnt the soles off of my work boots.Fun times 

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5 minutes ago, Jdubs said:

Maybe I missed it, but didn't see any FW product at my local bev mart.  Heard somewhere that the Parabola was one to try.

KBS is the main beer I'm waiting to be released next; never had it.  I'm due for another beer run though so who knows what will come home next...maybe more CBS? :)

On look out for KBS for you too then

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What is the cheapest beer per 6 pack have you ever purchased?For myself was Golden Anniversary I paid $1.49 It was shit beer but being 17 at the time it didnt matter the brand

Now your talking MY BEERS!!! How about a case of Black Label longneck bottles for about $10? At least that’s what I remember my dad paying 30 years ago

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4 minutes ago, crappyice said:

Now your talking MY BEERS!!! How about a case of Black Label longneck bottles for about $10? At least that’s what I remember my dad paying 30 years ago

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Ballintine is still less than a dollar a quart.I dont need to spend $$ on 1 or to beers infact when the local bars pubs started charging $2.00 for a bottle of Bud I stopped going out

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30 minutes ago, Dom said:

Ballintine is still less than a dollar a quart.I dont need to spend $$ on 1 or to beers infact when the local bars pubs started charging $2.00 for a bottle of Bud I stopped going out

Have not seen a can or bottle of Ballintine since the late 70's. Bought A&P 3/2 beer for .80 cents a sixer ol the Good ole days

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5 minutes ago, SmokeinTN said:

Have not seen a can or bottle of Ballintine since the late 70's. Bought A&P 3/2 beer for .80 cents a sixer ol the Good ole days

Ballintine is still aval. used to also get Lowen brau in the 7ounce nip bottles for around 1.80 a 8 pack

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4 minutes ago, Biz-R-OWorld said:

For me, early 2000’s with a fake idea was probably Busch Keystone or Beast (Milwaukee)

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Yup.  Used to buy the old mil long necks.  A case was an exact $10.05.  used to hand that exact amount to the girl I went to school with at the cash register so I didn't get ID 'd.  

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Yup.  Used to buy the old mil long necks.  A case was an exact $10.05.  used to hand that exact amount to the girl I went to school with at the cash register so I didn't get ID 'd.  

Yea man. Here I am (in the middle) drinking MGD! Circa 2002, I was 18. My brother is 14 in this pic haha

. 3cd4ae0307d9f34d348f54b6c2944cfe.jpg

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One of my underage buddies bought a keg.  We tapped it and there was something wrong with it, no carbonation.  So he took it back.  The guy questions him saying he didn't think there was anything wrong with it and that he wasn't even sure he was of age.  My buddy got all tough and said you sell me a S&$# keg and now ypu question my age what kinda place is this etc..... He ended up getting another keg and a 6 pack of killians longnecks for his trouble. Lol

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Who remembers beer balls ? 55 12 ounce servings. I copped my first feel of boobies after a beer ball blast I was 45 but that doesn’t matter does it ?!

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What about the HS g/f that you stayed with in NOLA?


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33 minutes ago, turkeyfeathers said:

Who remembers beer balls ? 55 12 ounce servings. I copped my first feel of boobies after a beer ball blast I was 45 but that doesn’t matter does it ?!

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What matters is who the boobies were attached to.

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