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So the "new" Playboy came today


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Maybe it was my wishful thinking, but I thought it was to still remain topless, but I can't confirm that, so someone correct me if they have the new issue.

X-Calibur Lighting Systems



I have not seen the new issue but going topless would defeat the new strategy goals.  From what I read, the move was prompted when they notices that stores are no longer carrying their magazine anymore and only "specialty" stores are keeping stock.  Playboy realize that they can no longer make a profit since every now has access to free internet porn so they are switching gears and advertising to a different medium.  Removing nudity allows them to reclassify themselves a men's magazine like GQ or Maxim instead of an adult magazine.  I don't think they would be able to do that if they allow exposed breasts.

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Do the guys who pick up your trash and recycles send you Christmas cards???? LOL!!

After we remodeled the kitchen , I had quite a pile at the road for pick up. I of course helped them and under the last cabinet was a 12 pack for them .

After that I think I could have left dead bodies at the road and they would have taken them !!!

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I saw on the news recently that the Playboy Mansion is up for sale. The only catch is that Hugh still gets to live there.

Imagine shelling out big cash to buy that place, but having to deal with some old stranger walking around in his pajamas all day???? Creepy……..

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  • 11 months later...
13 hours ago, kpkot said:

Just saw playboy is going back to nudity in their magazines.

Ya  I saw that too . Problem was not just the nudity being gone, they changed the whole magizine . Gone were the cartoons , the jokes, all the regular features , everything including the paper it was printed on .

I could have lived with the no nudes if they kept all the rest . 

Was a 30 year subscriber , not sure what boat I missed though .

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And it' sucks. Ok they were going to a no nude format, fine but everything's gone. The cartoons, jokes all the familiar columns , the little black and white photos of " clothing " malfunctions , everything is gone.
I thought there still would be layouts of sexy clothed woman like Maxium and the ones on Instagram nope, a few shots of so so woman , certinly not Playmates though . It used to be a "men's " magazine , sports cars , cigars , liquor , nice clothes, hot women , I'm not sure what it is now .
30 year subscriber , but I'm letting it run out now . This is worse than the new Coke ....

Nudes are back. Going back to the way it was. Sales are way down.

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i don't know about sales or the mansion.  never bought a Playboy mag in my life, despite i have flipped through some.

Look, all i know is i bought a new dishwasher after years of not having one.  now i experience this Playboy stuff often each and every week.  moral of the story buy a dishwasher.  if you've already got one turn the water off or something and pretend it's broke.  after a month, turn it back on and claim to fix it.  buying nude mags is like procrastination.  remember gentlemen procrastination is like masturbation.  you're only screwing yourself in the end.  now if you'll excuse me, i have dig out a washboard and flip the breaker to the washing machine.

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Reading this is funny...What has been going through my mind is why spend the $$...just go pick up some high end clothing ads,better yet watch some day time soap operas, it's all soft porn...hit up some of those mid west weather girls:wink:....Though I'll admit....I'm not sure they have them any more..it's been years since I had real TV.

Good old Hef...Some things just don't age well and should fade away quietly... Some old bands and singers and Hef come to mind...It just taints memories when they don't, IMO

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On ‎2‎/‎17‎/‎2016 at 9:21 PM, shawnhu said:

After the first 100 or so issues, you get bored of the repetitive poses, and the articles are indeed entertaining.

Taking out the nudity really wasn't a big deal IMO, just like how NYC supposedly isn't allowed nudity in their gentlemen's clubs. If they got rid of topless, now that's a different story.

X-Calibur Lighting Systems


 I had a subscription for a few years. read it on the shitter. it was cool to flip through and see some pretty woman and also some good articles, so the repetiveness wasn't a big deal as it was just a flipper for me. certainly the internet tended to my other needs.

magazines in general are a dying breed. now I play games on my phone in the shitter.

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