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Proper Gun Maintenance

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I have never been real anal about keeping my rifle bores squeaky clean.


I generally clean my centerfire rifles every 20-40 rounds with Sweet's 7.62, which is a pretty aggressive copper solvent.


One of my hunting buddies has a 1970s vintage tang safety Ruger 77 in .270  and claims that he's NEVER cleaned the bore, and the damn thing still shoots bugholes with any load he puts through it.  That is an extreme example, of course...

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I have never been real anal about keeping my rifle bores squeaky clean.

I generally clean my centerfire rifles every 20-40 rounds with Sweet's 7.62, which is a pretty aggressive copper solvent.

One of my hunting buddies has a 1970s vintage tang safety Ruger 77 in .270 and claims that he's NEVER cleaned the bore, and the damn thing still shoots bugholes with any load he puts through it. That is an extreme example, of course...

I've lost track, but I've put several hundred rounds through this rifle now. At some point, I'm sure copper fouling will have a negative effect on accuracy.

What's your experience with Sweets 7.62 in terms of shots/patch?

X-Calibur Lighting Systems


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After verifying the zero before hunting season, I do not clean the bores of my rifles. A clean bore can shoot to a different POI than a fouled bore, sometimes as much as an inch or more @ 100yds.


After the season I run a dry patch through the bore, then I use "Wipeout" until all copper is removed, usual 2 or 3 applications will get it all.. No scrubbing, just plug the chamber W/a patch, spray into the muzzle for about 1 second & keep the nozzle tight against the muzzle until the foam expands, filling the bore. Let it set for an hour or so & wipe the bore W/a patch. Re[peat until no more blue comes out on the patch. After that I oil the bore W/G-96 gun treatment & put them away.


Edited by wildcat junkie
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Yup….Once my rifle is zeroed, pre season, I don't clean the bore until the end of the season. I still use Hoppe's #9 and Hoppe's copper solvent. I clean the bore, with the copper solvent about every 20 rounds. Normally I just use #9 with patches and a nylon brush. I clean out the bore then apply a thin coat of gun oil to it for storage. I have been using a product called "Barricade" for the external metal parts.  Its designed specifically for storage. It seems to work well. I occasionally check my stored guns, and the Barricade is alway thick and appears to be fresh. I rarely have to reapply it. Its about 10 bucks a can.

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So far ive been cleaning the way my father was taught in the military. We take a string, attach a piece of an old shirt soaked with hoppes #9 and run it down the bore. Then we wait 20-40 min and repeat the process 2 or 3 times, depending until no more copper and powder. After that we do the same process with oil and I put it up till next deer or turkey season. Ill probably check it right before the summer or mid summer and clean if necessary. 

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My guns go through hell up in the ADK especially if it rains.  Simply put I need a stainless steal composite gun for that area.  2 weeks in high humidity is simply bad for metal parts. 


   I try to clean the barrel every 40-50 rounds or if I notice poor accuracy or 2 range shoots.  I try to keep them oiled but rust is always an issue.  I usually run 10 or more patches of cleaner along with dry patches down the barrel and then last but not least is an oil patch.  I use Q-tips and old tooth brushes for the fire mechanism and smaller moving parts by the action.  Another reason I do not worry so much about scent, my guns stink of gun oil.

Edited by NFA-ADK
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When I come back from duck hunting I always clean my shotgun regardless of taking a shot or not. I'm afraid of the salt water and the negative effects it has on metal/ moving parts of a gun ( I use a pump)


Deer rifle only after season or if it's exposed to inclement weather.


I use hoppes, b/c that's what my dad taught me and he still uses...


Of course all the above is strictly my preference, and I welcome all suggestions/constructive criticism

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Like a fews guys have said I sight in before the season 5 maybe 6 shots and a good cleaning after the the season ends......If i shoot a gunm or hand gun it gets cleaned when i get it home...........butch"s bore shine is great for copper fouling very strong stuff....

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