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Long Island NY Monster Whitetail


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WOW nice buck, i did not hear of this deer... yeah it looks like he recovered it 6 days later. Atleast he was able to recover it. Wonder if it was a shelter island buck?

there are huge deer out on LI every year, some real big deer are taken off the island each year  :)

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could you imagine the stink on that thing after 6 days and being gut shot. I have helped find gut shot deer before and after 12 hrs they smell bad enough. I think I would have just cut the head off. After six days the hide couldnt have been any good anyhow and after the blood settel's the meats no good so why bring the whole deer out of the woods.

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Just for me, I can't see doing anything but making knife handles if that on a buck I didn't find while the meat is still good. Looking at any kind of mount would just remind me of not getting it done - whatever the reason. I sure wouldn't score it, but would burn the take. Again, just for me.

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Just for me, I can't see doing anything but making knife handles if that on a buck I didn't find while the meat is still good. Looking at any kind of mount would just remind me of not getting it done - whatever the reason. I sure wouldn't score it, but would burn the take. Again, just for me.

Check out 'whitetail antlers' on ebay before hacking up a set like that.

You'll be able to buy a nice set of knives, and a dinner to boot..

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Just for me, I can't see doing anything but making knife handles if that on a buck I didn't find while the meat is still good. Looking at any kind of mount would just remind me of not getting it done - whatever the reason. I sure wouldn't score it, but would burn the take. Again, just for me.

Although I feel kind of the same way.. But I would enter the buck in the Big Buck club as found dead just to make sure the antlers were recorded for future hunters to see.. I would mount the deer for the deers sake not as a personal harvested trophy... the main reason that the Big Buck Club exists in NY is as a record keeping for the deer.. not the hunter.. we just give the hunter his 15 minutes of fame as a means to record beautiful bucks for future generations to witness. And a good thing we did or many would never have heard of the "Roosevelt Luckey" buck which would have fallen through the cracks and disappeared if not for the NYBBC

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You guys are full of bull#@$, if you shot a big buck and it somehow found a place you couldn't quite locate it immedaitly but then found it within a week or so you would still claim it as if it were the day you shot it. At least it was recovered.  Come on here with this crap about knife handles aand such.  The reality is you harvested the deer and it does happen that deer will cover major ground and not always be found immediately after the shot but that shouldn't take anything away from the trophy and the hunting experience. We have all made marginal shots and if you haven't then you haven't been hunting long or hard enough.  Fact is it happens, why does everyone have to put such negative attitudes into such a awesome sport. Geesh just leave it alone already.

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Try rereading my post - I said TWICE "just for me.

Nothing negative towards ANYONE else.

NEVER claimed that bad things have not happened to me.

Just said that not recovering while meat is still good WILL take away from both

the hunt and trophy experiance for ME.

Hope the caps made it a little easier for you to understand - if not, let me know

and I'll try to make it even clearer. Or if my thoughts on what it means to ME are just

to difficult to understand, try skipping over my post.

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Seems like in other posts when guys find a dead buck they complain that the hunter didn't look for it, what a waste,ect.. Well here is a guy that followed up and Found his deer!! I give the man a lot of credit and i would like to think he follows every deer he hit with such percistance!! Yes he made a marginal shot but he followed it up anyway knowing the deer must be dead even to the point most or all of us would of gave up looking i am sure!

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I will give the guy credit for finding it and actually putting his tag on it.  I guess for a big buck like that, most hunters would use up their tags, but for smaller ones I doubt many would if the season was still on.  Legal or not many would probably saw the horns off and leave the rest of the deer in the woods.  Did he actually drag out the smelly carcass after 6 days?  Where do you then dispose of it?  I do also agree with many here that say that the hunt would not be entirely considered a success if edible meat could not be salvaged.  I hunt and kill for meat most of all.  If something I shot at and hit ends up dead and I can't eat the meat, the hunt will surely not be a success in my book.

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i give him credit too. i also would take credit for this deer and be as happy to find this beast a week later as i would if i found it the day i shot it! i dont shoot deer to shoot them but if i made a marginal shot and was unable to find the deer for a week it wouldnt take much out of my sales except that the meat was spoiled and that would be the biggest waste. Aside from that i would be in my glory that i was able to make the recover and punch that tag of mine. id much rather punch the tag on this buck then to loose him and let him die, never find him and punch a tag on another buck.

this stuff happens guys... this guy was fortunate enough to recover the deer whether it was a day late and a dollar short WELL, i would thank my lucky stars that i even found him. 

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Its still a waste of a deer.  Doubt very much if that was a doe and it was found 6 days later it would be dragged out. It would be left right there.  And to say you would feel the same way if you found it the day you shot it or 6 days later as you swat the flys and maggets away is BS. Your right bad shots happen to everyone and yes i give him credit for looking for it that long but JUST FOR ME its still a wast of a deer and i didnt accomplish what i set out to do and that is number one put meat in the freezer.

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You guys are full of bull#@$, if you shot a big buck and it somehow found a place you couldn't quite locate it immedaitly but then found it within a week or so you would still claim it as if it were the day you shot it. At least it was recovered.  Come on here with this crap about knife handles aand such.  The reality is you harvested the deer and it does happen that deer will cover major ground and not always be found immediately after the shot but that shouldn't take anything away from the trophy and the hunting experience. We have all made marginal shots and if you haven't then you haven't been hunting long or hard enough.  Fact is it happens, why does everyone have to put such negative attitudes into such a awesome sport. Geesh just leave it alone already.

Nobody said it wasn't great that the guy found it.. we were just saying that for us it would be a little lack luster... I commend the guy if he looked for 6 days and finally found the buck... my experience with this sort of thing is the guy continues hunting and while hunting hopes to find his buck... nobidy is taking anything away from the fact that the guy killed it, but you have to admit it isn't the same finding it 6 days later as finding it immediately or even the next day... this real issue would be how he found it.. if he was actively looking for six days instead of hunting I'd say it speaks volumes about the guys character as a deer hunter.. if he fell on it by chance while hunting or someone else happened pon it thats a bit different... either way it's still a hell of a buck and congrats to the guy on recovering it.

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Its still a waste of a deer.  Doubt very much if that was a doe and it was found 6 days later it would be dragged out. It would be left right there.  And to say you would feel the same way if you found it the day you shot it or 6 days later as you swat the flys and maggets away is BS. Your right bad shots happen to everyone and yes i give him credit for looking for it that long but JUST FOR ME its still a wast of a deer and i didnt accomplish what i set out to do and that is number one put meat in the freezer.

if i DID NOT hunt in those 6 days and spent those 6 days in search of that buck you bet your ass i would feel the same 6 days later as i would day 1. So dont tell me how i would feel... if you wouldnt feel that way thats your deal, Dont call BS on me! you know me from a hole in the wall and knno nothing on my ehtics or feelings on a matter such as this...

good day

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