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Another GREAT Trip With Pygmy!!


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Looks like we have a real comedian here, what time do you go up on stage?

I'll answer the q's as I see 'em...

1) You can have the trout, pass the perch to me.

2) You'll have to use your imagination.

3) I have more of the tube socks....and yes, they could very be older than your punk ass. default_smile.gif

4) Say what?

Dan always talks about being so old, etc. he doesn't look all that old.

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1 hour ago, Biz-R-OWorld said:



Dan always talks about being so old, etc. he doesn't look all that old.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Trust me, Biz.....Inside that handsome, finely chiseled hunk of a body, there lives a decrepit, wrinkled, lecherous old man.

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1 hour ago, dbHunterNY said:

technically I wear tube socks every day.... under my pants when pressed and dressed for the office.  ladies love a man in tub socks.

The girls I date love tube socks...

However they also  wear engineer boots, carry chain drive wallets and braid their nose hair.

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3 hours ago, turkeyfeathers said:

Gotcha, so they play roller derby

Roller Derby ?   Is THAT what you call it up your way, TF ??

Well, let me tell ya...

Ya aint LIVED, until you've played "roller derby"  in a hot attic with a fat, sweaty blonde.....<<<SIGH>>>....

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4 hours ago, moog5050 said:

So you guys can share underwear.  very economical of you Pygmy

I can't wear boxers, Moog.. It seems like every time I turn around, " Big Bob and the BOYS"  are hanging out one opening or the other.

I have always been a jockey short kinda  guy...Well except for my " Special Occasion Thongs"...

I use the lizard skin  thong for summer and the mink lined thong for winter, on special occasions, of course...

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4 minutes ago, Pygmy said:

I can't wear boxers, Moog.. It seems like every time I turn around, " Big Bob and the BOYS"  are hanging out one opening or the other.

I have always been a jockey short kinda  guy...Well except for my " Special Occasion Thongs"...

I use the lizard skin  thong for summer and the mink lined thong for winter, on special occasions, of course...

You are darn funny Pygmy.  I assume you were donning the lizard skin thing on this trip?   Law you should feel honored.  

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