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7 minutes ago, Water Rat said:

It's too bad that Trump won the nomination , because he wont win the Presidency.

I believe Cruz , Rubio , Kasich and even Jeb Bush would have beaten her.

I don't think they would have, I honestly think Trump has the best chance to beat her if he could have kept his mouth under control.

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She's for open borders.............do you have any idea what that means for the hard working middle class taxpayer ?

Liberal Supreme Court Justice's who will "interpret" the constitution totally against what the founding fathers wanted. We will be putting in a criminal organization tonight and be dominated by third world unskilled welfare recipients and our taxes will skyrocket. The list is near endless...and if we don't agree , we're racists.

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5 minutes ago, Water Rat said:

She's for open borders.............do you have any idea what that means for the hard working middle class taxpayer ?

Liberal Supreme Court Justice's who will "interpret" the constitution totally against what the founding fathers wanted. We will be putting in a criminal organization tonight and be dominated by third world unskilled welfare recipients and our taxes will skyrocket. The list is near endless...and if we don't agree , we're racists.

Yeah they will be the new poverty just like North Vietnam, Upper class and the rest are poverty stricken.

On the latter part of your post I hate to say it but I feel there will be a civil war for the ages if that happens. Maybe not to the extent of the first one but there will be a change.

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I'm waiting until after work. The wife and myself are taking the kids along with us so they can see what its all about. For the first time in my short presidential voting career I am truly nervous about the outcome of this election. And i'm not just nervous that my guy wont win I am also nervous that what will happen if he does win. 

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Hope my vote gets counted - scanner for reading/tallying votes was broken by 8:00 am and they were collecting ballots in a lock box.

Wife went in later with our son who came home from college to make sure his ballot gets counted and the scanner was working intermittently.  Previously collected ballots had not been scanned in by noon. (scan tally was about 80 short of what voter count was).

My son has been telling us about how liberal most of students he meets are and they don't really see what those repercussions are.  More government handouts = more taxes or raising taxes at all levels of government (local -> State -> Federal).

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6 minutes ago, Uptown Redneck said:

Talking after school today with RedneckChild I am very happy to hear that a majority of the kids she goes to school with all Support Hilary, through not yet of legal voting age, their absolute stated hatred for Little Hitler Trump and republican/conservative views express hope for the future

Pfffftt....:mda:With the Dem's in control, what future?

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Some people look at this as a popularity contest, who is the nicest, vote by party, or let's put in the first female president - I look at who is the better person to get the job done.  There is no perfect person to be President (even Pres. Kennedy who shared Marilyn Monroe with his brother Robert, had some issues).

If a person who is running has been involved in so many scandals since the 80's, it leads me to think not very trustworthy.  Witness dying off don't help the situation. There were some better choices in temperament earlier in the race (in both parties), but we have to pick from what is left.

If you don't vote, you shouldn't complain about who ends up elected, as you did not allow you voice to be heard in the process to try to get your preferred (or lesser of two evils, if that is how you feel) candidate elected.  The more people who refrain from voting changes odds for those who do, to swing the election one way or another.

If you think your vote doesn't count and 1 million others feel the same way and you all don't vote, that could have changed the election.

So please exercise your rights as a citizen and vote.

And remember our political views may vary, but we all have a common interest in the great outdoors, hunting, and fishing.

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Talking after school today with RedneckChild I am very happy to hear that a majority of the kids she goes to school with all Support Hilary, through not yet of legal voting age, their absolute stated hatred for Little Hitler Trump and republican/conservative views express hope for the future

Support her if you must but celebrating the fact we are about to have a definite criminal in the oval is no cause for celebration IMO. My daughter had some school vote today. She planned on voting for Hillary. I said vote for Jill stein if you want to support a woman. It is important that we teach in or kids that tolerance for corruption is a cancer to a country.
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