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Outdoors columnist fired over recovery rights article..


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Yep it's shitty I lost one in archery season bc of it. Shot a doe another one came by and I shot that one too ended up hitting her back in guts. Didn't give enough time ands rain was starting and dark was comming tracked it to the property line where guy had his number. I called he said no but promised me he would go get it as I told him right where it crossed. Nothing we can do about it as hunters it will happen to the best of us. Only reason this became an article was bc it was a big buck unfortunatly

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Go to the site and state how great the article and writer is for posting!  Like the article and repost as much as possible.  This writer did nothing wrong except to state his opinion on ethical hunting.  Lets give him all the support we can!!!

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I lost a hell of a nice mule deer buck when the land owner denied me access to retrieve the deer, then to add salt on the wound a short time later he went and got the buck. I like to think that karma will bitch slap him but it's out of my hands. My only redemption was killing its twin 8 days later.
I think right to recover laws are in everyone's best interest and applaud states that already gave it on the books.

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4 hours ago, SteveB said:

Have to subscribe to read the story.

Not happening.

Like I said, it's a Facebook story that came up in my feed from a friend of a friend.

I don't know any of the details or persons involved, but the topic caught my attention. I figured some of you guys might recognize the name of the author from the article.

My understanding is he changed the name of the landowner who wouldn't grant the hunter recovery rights, but he left it close enough that anyone who knew him would know who it was.

Screenshots of article from FB.

The Sun apparently pulled the column from their site which is why some of you are having a problem accessing it.


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DEVILS advocate....did he ever show where he checked or even tried to confirm the other side of this.? He went on an emotional attack with  his nasty fictitious names for the other party. The article wasn't just a piece on recovery rights but a one-sided attack.  I  am sure the paper received a call..perhaps with the whole story and or from a lawyer. 

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 Experience has shown me some Deer can and have traveled some pretty far distances after being shot especially with archery equipment. If a neighbor or any hunter for that matter shot a Deer and it happened to make it on to my property and keel over and as long as they informed of what happened I would be glad to help them recover their Deer. I would hope the same courtesy would be applied to myself if the same situation ever came up for me.


Edited by airedale
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Every book has a front and back cover, why didn't the landowner get his say about this?  I bet if some investigating was performed, then we would have the whole story, not some hearsay.  The author of said article might be opening a can of worms as to legal issues.  One last question, how can he be fired from the job when he was never on the Evening Sun Staff?  WTH

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