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Was the Civil War fought over slavery ?

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If you really pay attention in history you'll see that the main split between the north and the south was economically driven. The more industrial north had more money than the more agricultural south. I believe slavery was kind of the final straw that kick started the war. I think I remember seeing something that said Abe Lincoln mentioned that if he could win the war with out giving up slavery he would have done it. I could be wrong about that one though. 

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7 hours ago, ELMER J. FUDD said:

That's funny because I hear common core teaches you how to think, yet everyone complains about it.

Have you ever studied what Common Core teaches?  It's a classic case of teaching you what to think.  It does exactly the opposite of letting someone think for themselves.  That's why it is so despised by so many.

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1 hour ago, Rattler said:

Have you ever studied what Common Core teaches?  It's a classic case of teaching you what to think.  It does exactly the opposite of letting someone think for themselves.  That's why it is so despised by so many.

Have a link or a book to back that up?

Here's what "Common Core Teaches".



What is the common core curriculum?
The Common Core State Standards Initiative is an educational initiative in the United States that details what K–12 students should know in English language arts and mathematics at the end of each grade.


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10 hours ago, Rattler said:

Have you ever studied what Common Core teaches?  It's a classic case of teaching you what to think.  It does exactly the opposite of letting someone think for themselves.  That's why it is so despised by so many.

Not true.  It makes kids think for themselves.   The old school way of writing down what the teacher writes on a a blackboard and memorizing it is gone.   Now thats the definition of not letting people think.  Probably the way you were taught im assuming.  Oh no!!! What if you were indoctrinated????  Lol.  But in all seriousness im not a huge fan of common core coming down from the federal level but it definitely forces the kids to think and show their rationale. 

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I think we're going off on a tangent here.  Primary education isn't where the indoctrination becomes intense.  It sets the stage for it in high school.  But it really kicks in with college.  Most higher education in the USA today is preaching, not teaching.


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On 8/24/2017 at 7:23 PM, fasteddie said:

Wow, that was interesting.  It looks like more  "Fake News" to me.   I see why the author did not put his/her name on it.  Slavery was The primary issue and The main cause of the Civil war.  One simple truth that determines the outcome of all wars is that the side God backs has never and will never loose.   Even if you take slavery out of the equation, you don't have to do much research to see that the South treated Northern prisoners of war far worse than the North treated Southern prisoners.  Should it be a mystery which side God supported ? I wonder what the anonymous author would have to say about that ?   

That is not the first time I have heard the Civil war referred to as "The War of Northern Aggression" and I am sure it won't be the last.  A far better name would be "The War of Southern Stupidity".  It was an ugly war that cost more American lives than all other wars combined.   Both sides made plenty of mistakes.  The North had a bunch of clowns in leadership positions at the beginning.  Fortunately, who is in charge at the beginning is far less important than who is at the end.  No matter how much you shake the milk, the cream always rises to the top.   Grant and Sherman were the cream of the northern crop.   These are the generals who's statues should be displayed in public for all to see. 

The loosers should be housed in museums where folks would not have to look at them if they don't want to.   I am white, but if I were black, I would be offended if I had to walk past a Statue of massa Robert every day on my way to work.   I am glad we finally have a President with the stones to do something about it.  Lincoln freed the black slaves, Eisenhower desegregated the military, and Trump is presiding over the removal of the "eyesores".  What do these three Presidents have in common and what have the Democrats done for blacks in America ?    

What really amazes me about all this is how people can't see how history keeps repeating itself, and how they keep making the same mistakes.  All wars begin and are lost due to the stupidity of the Evil (loosing side).    Remember the Alamo and Pearl Harbor ?    How about operation Barbarossa ?   Lincoln may have baited the Rebs a little when he announced the schedule of the resupply fleet to Ft Sumter, but the Rebs were dumb enough to take the first shot.         


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12 hours ago, wolc123 said:

Wow, that was interesting.  It looks like more  "Fake News" to me.   I see why the author did not put his/her name on it.  Slavery was The primary issue and The main cause of the Civil war.  One simple truth that determines the outcome of all wars is that the side God backs has never and will never loose.   Even if you take slavery out of the equation, you don't have to do much research to see that the South treated Northern prisoners of war far worse than the North treated Southern prisoners.  Should it be a mystery which side God supported ? I wonder what the anonymous author would have to say about that ?   

That is not the first time I have heard the Civil war referred to as "The War of Northern Aggression" and I am sure it won't be the last.  A far better name would be "The War of Southern Stupidity".  It was an ugly war that cost more American lives than all other wars combined.   Both sides made plenty of mistakes.  The North had a bunch of clowns in leadership positions at the beginning.  Fortunately, who is in charge at the beginning is far less important than who is at the end.  No matter how much you shake the milk, the cream always rises to the top.   Grant and Sherman were the cream of the northern crop.   These are the generals who's statues should be displayed in public for all to see. 

The loosers should be housed in museums where folks would not have to look at them if they don't want to.   I am white, but if I were black, I would be offended if I had to walk past a Statue of massa Robert every day on my way to work.   I am glad we finally have a President with the stones to do something about it.  Lincoln freed the black slaves, Eisenhower desegregated the military, and Trump is presiding over the removal of the "eyesores".  What do these three Presidents have in common and what have the Democrats done for blacks in America ?    

What really amazes me about all this is how people can't see how history keeps repeating itself, and how they keep making the same mistakes.  All wars begin and are lost due to the stupidity of the Evil (loosing side).    Remember the Alamo and Pearl Harbor ?    How about operation Barbarossa ?   Lincoln may have baited the Rebs a little when he announced the schedule of the resupply fleet to Ft Sumter, but the Rebs were dumb enough to take the first shot.         


Here is why the war was not about slavery at first.. The South secceded because of right to self govern this included slavery.. But!!!

The North invaded the South and the abolitionists would not fight because the North did not make slavery an issue..it wasn't until the North was losing and losing interest in the war when their papers(terms of service) were up 2 and 3 years into the war .when Lincoln knew he needed the abolitionist support and mean and materials they could provide that the emancipation proclamation was given..he even had to wait till the North had a victory to present it as if it was done after a loss he would not gather abolitionist support to a lost cause.. This is fact .. Did slavery become part of the war absoultly was it the cause no.. It was part of the cause for secession but was not part of the births involvement in the initial war that was solely to preserve the union... Of slavery was the main issue freed blacks and abolitionists would of joined immediately.. That is simple fact ..no revisions no interpretations of what we thought they meant..  They stayed out till slavery became the issue .which was only when the North was losing and in danger of giving up on the war.. Was a great tactical move by Lincoln to bolster war support in the North and raise more troops and material and monetary support.

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55 minutes ago, G-Man said:

Here is why the war was not about slavery at first.. The South secceded because of right to self govern this included slavery.. But!!!

The North invaded the South and the abolitionists would not fight because the North did not make slavery an issue..it wasn't until the North was losing and losing interest in the war when their papers(terms of service) were up 2 and 3 years into the war .when Lincoln knew he needed the abolitionist support and mean and materials they could provide that the emancipation proclamation was given..he even had to wait till the North had a victory to present it as if it was done after a loss he would not gather abolitionist support to a lost cause.. This is fact .. Did slavery become part of the war absoultly was it the cause no.. It was part of the cause for secession but was not part of the births involvement in the initial war that was solely to preserve the union... Of slavery was the main issue freed blacks and abolitionists would of joined immediately.. That is simple fact ..no revisions no interpretations of what we thought they meant..  They stayed out till slavery became the issue .which was only when the North was losing and in danger of giving up on the war.. Was a great tactical move by Lincoln to bolster war support in the North and raise more troops and material and monetary support.

What it was at first was the latest flareup of the age old struggle of Good vs Evil.  That struggle started with Cain and Abel and will not stop until the second coming of Jesus Christ.  The Civil War even had many instances of "brother vs brother".   Slavery eventually came into play, along with the treatment of prisoners, as easily verifiable facts.  Those made it simple for us, who came later, to identify what side was good and what side was evil.

Personally, I am glad to see those statues coming down.  What is your opinion on that ?         

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8 minutes ago, growalot said:

Man it lightens my heart to see some here actually read...

I try and read from the Bible every day.  That is the manual that clearly explains how to win the ancient battle of good vs evil.  It remains the only book that I have ever read that only contains "the truth".  I have also read a ton of WW II "non-fiction", but the Civil War is my latest interest.  I picked up a thick volume on Grant, while we were down in VA this summer, but I have not read it yet.  I just started "Marching Through Georgia", which is all about Sherman's campaign.  Unfortunately, reading time is tight around now, until after Christmas.  My reading schedule opens up considerably at that time.     

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4 hours ago, wolc123 said:

What it was at first was the latest flareup of the age old struggle of Good vs Evil.  That struggle started with Cain and Abel and will not stop until the second coming of Jesus Christ.  The Civil War even had many instances of "brother vs brother".   Slavery eventually came into play, along with the treatment of prisoners, as easily verifiable facts.  Those made it simple for us, who came later, to identify what side was good and what side was evil.

Personally, I am glad to see those statues coming down.  What is your opinion on that ?         

I don't consider myself an artist, though many of my customers over the years have called me that. The hundreds of pieces; furniture, boats, houses, and musical instruments I've built over the years are my legacy, such as it is. When I watched that mob in Durham, NC pull that statue down I cringed as it was destroyed. Whatever symbolism and re-presentation was assigned to that statue some guy, an artist, worked damned hard to create that piece and none of those militant a**holes give a crap about that.

That's my opinion when it comes to destroying or removing statuary from public view for political purposes. That sort of mindlessness won't end well.

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Mindless thugs..what is the worst of this...these actions are ones that show a perpensity to the same mindless human terroism they say they are condeming. In other words I have no doubt that they are obe level below  the type that would bomb an abortion clinic,killing people to show how much the "killing " should end and is wrong. They are just looking for an excuse for their true natures to come to the surface.

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12 minutes ago, growalot said:

Mindless thugs..what is the worst of this...these actions are ones that show a perpensity to the same mindless human terroism they say they are condeming. In other words I have no doubt that they are obe level below  the type that would bomb an abortion clinic,killing people to show how much the "killing " should end and is wrong. They are just looking for an excuse for their true natures to come to the surface.

The wise thing to do would be to remove all such statues from public places  with dignity and care and put them in private places or museums.   Clearly, wisdom is lacking.  I blame the smart-phone for the recent steep escalation in the loss of wisdom.   The radio started it, the TV made it worse, the computer worse yet, but the smart phone has really put it in high gear.     

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I'm No longer able to allow such excuses to pass my eyes unchallenged. NO electronics,mommy,daddy,mean brother nor sister made these people do the thing they have or will in the future. IT IS SOLELY on their heads .  The school bully nor bad teacher or coach forced their decisions. The Devil nor  God played a hand in their actions. 

We are all born with a brain, we all start out with free will. WE make our choices no one else. We are all exposed to good and evil deads. We choose what side we  fall to. Blame or acculades fall at only our own feet,no one elses.

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18 minutes ago, wolc123 said:


The wise thing to do would be to remove all such statues from public places  with dignity and care and put them in private places or museums.   Clearly, wisdom is lacking.  I blame the smart-phone for the recent steep escalation in the loss of wisdom.   The radio started it, the TV made it worse, the computer worse yet, but the smart phone has really put it in high gear.     

IOW, just give these radical Leftist anarchists what they want? Nice to know where you stand.

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