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Another victory for justice


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Some of the post-Bin Laden comments are starting to turn my stomach. First of all we have a bunch of the pinko liberal wackos complaining about the spontaneous celebrations that broke out across the nation over the killing of that filthy dog.

They are not all liberal.  Many from religious backgrounds and conservative have had similar sentiments.  I guess to some degree they have a point.  Eventhough he deserved what he got, we maybe shouldn't stoop to a barbaric level where we cheer like we are still at an arena where people were being thrown and eaten by lions.  Then again humanity has evolved very little over the years.  Technologically we may have advanced, but in other ways we are no different to when we carried spears and walked barefoot.  Most people would still stone to death those who cross them if they could somehow get away with it.  In most cases the good feeling that revenge brings pushes aside any straight and reasonable thinking.

Steve, I don't agree with you on this one and neither do the families of the 3000 people who lost their lives on 9-11


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I don't think there is anything to disagree with me about actually.  I didn't say that I agreed with either side, just said that maybe they did have a point.  I also just stated what human nature typically can be.  I am sure that for many who lost people on 9-11 killing Bin Laden really does very little.  Sure as hell doesn't bring their loved ones back.  But as I said, revenge can be a good feeling to some.  Human nature is what it is and always will be.  Little has changed.

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I don't think there is anything to disagree with me about actually.  I didn't say that I agreed with either side, just said that maybe they did have a point.  I also just stated what human nature typically can be.  I am sure that for many who lost people on 9-11 killing Bin Laden really does very little.  Sure as hell doesn't bring their loved ones back.  But as I said, revenge can be a good feeling to some.  Human nature is what it is and always will be.  Little has changed.

Steve I have to tell you I worked down at Trade Center after the two planes hit and I personally know people who lost family and friend. For you to say the death of Bin Laden really does very little shocks me. How could you presume to know how they feel?


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And now we have to deal with some Native Americans ( I guess we can't say Indians ) being upset because the military used the code name GERONIMO for USB . What a bunnch of BullCrap !!!

I dont find it very appropriate to have named UBL after an Indian leader either. Would I go out and make a big deal of it? No, but I do find it odd. Yes, I am part Indian (Native American).

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Dave, I don't presume.  I will never know their true feelings and neither will you since neither of us know each and every family member who lost someone that day.  All I know is that if it were me who lost a loved one, yes I would feel happy that Bin Laden was finally brought to justice, but in NO way would his killing lessen my grief for the person I lost.

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Unarmed?...perfect. went out like the coward he was....no gun in his hands and cowering behind a woman. ...I personally wish they had an AED devise there....hit him with the paddles and double tap him again. unarmed.......probably like just about everyone that dies on 911.

This PC crap has gone way too far. We will never defeat these people unless you inflict more fear in them than they can dish out. I don't have a problem stooping to their level...even lower if required. Hell give me the pliars and I will show you how to get info out of the trash housed at Gitmo. They are uncivilized....you can't beat them back to the stone age...they are already there. Only way to defeat them is kill them. And the American public does not have the stomach for it. Happened in Vietnam and ever since. It is a dam good thing this mentality did not exist in the 40's or Germany would never had been defeated.

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Dave, I don't presume.  I will never know their true feelings and neither will you since neither of us know each and every family member who lost someone that day.  All I know is that if it were me who lost a loved one, yes I would feel happy that Bin Laden was finally brought to justice, but in NO way would his killing lessen my grief for the person I lost.

Steve, you can't speak from that position until you personally go through such a tragedy. What you feel before isn't what you will feel after such an event. That's all I will say on this subject.


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And now we have to deal with some Native Americans ( I guess we can't say Indians ) being upset because the military used the code name GERONIMO for USB . What a bunnch of BullCrap !!!

I dont find it very appropriate to have named UBL after an Indian leader either. Would I go out and make a big deal of it? No, but I do find it odd. Yes, I am part Indian (Native American).

Strange how some are getting their panties all bunched up. The first report I heard was that the seal said "Geronimo- E-KIA". I really though the mission was named that. E= Enemy....KIA=Killed in action. I kind of took it an a fitting name in a nobel warrior sense for the mission to be named that....or the act of taking him out. (should not have code named him that)

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Dave, I don't presume.  I will never know their true feelings and neither will you since neither of us know each and every family member who lost someone that day.  All I know is that if it were me who lost a loved one, yes I would feel happy that Bin Laden was finally brought to justice, but in NO way would his killing lessen my grief for the person I lost.

Steve, you can't speak from that position until you personally go through such a tragedy. What you feel before isn't what you will feel after such an event. That's all I will say on this subject.


I am sure you are right, but all the cheering in the world will not bring back one of those people killed that day.  I don't think anyone can argue that.  Again it all boils down to the revenge is sweet thing.  I agree, no need to discuss this any further.

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Dave, I don't presume.  I will never know their true feelings and neither will you since neither of us know each and every family member who lost someone that day.  All I know is that if it were me who lost a loved one, yes I would feel happy that Bin Laden was finally brought to justice, but in NO way would his killing lessen my grief for the person I lost.

Steve, you can't speak from that position until you personally go through such a tragedy. What you feel before isn't what you will feel after such an event. That's all I will say on this subject.


I am sure you are right, but all the cheering in the world will not bring back one of those people killed that day.  I don't think anyone can argue that.  Again it all boils down to the revenge is sweet thing.  I agree, no need to discuss this any further.

I watched an interview of a Dad that lost his son at the Trade center. His son just started working at one of the firms, out of college a great kid. He said he wants people in this country held accountable. Those in the Bush and Clinton administration that did not heed warnings about Airplane safety and terrorist threats that were real. It was heart breaking hearing this guy talk.

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Tough call, Burt. I understand he is in pain but imagine all the measure that are implemented now. If they were put into place before the attakcs....imagine the outcry. Hell the people are going nuts over the body scanners now.

Patriot act?...try to get that through before. I think it takes a tragedy to get people motivated sometimes...as sad as that sounds....we are all just fat and happy here. (but a pretty big force when someone pokes the bear)

Take India. We said there was going to be hell to pay for anyone harboring terrorists.....think we are going to do squat? I don't. We will continue aid and propping up there govt.

I have to admit there is a cold callosed part of me that wishes as soon as our troops cleared Pakistan...the White House flipped that little toggle switch and sent a nice uranium enriched package over there. Followed by a headline in every world paper..."SEE....WE TOLD YOU...DON'T F WITH US"

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I watched an interview of a Dad that lost his son at the Trade center. His son just started working at one of the firms, out of college a great kid. He said he wants people in this country held accountable. Those in the Bush and Clinton administration that did not heed warnings about Airplane safety and terrorist threats that were real. It was heart breaking hearing this guy talk.

I feel for the father and his family but don't agree with him . No matter what they do to make things safer , people complain . People don't want to be patted down but want to be safe .

Someone pats down a 6 year old girl and gets chastized for it . "The guy's a pervert" , blah , blah , blah .

UBL is dead but we aren't any safer . We still need security .......

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And now we have to deal with some Native Americans ( I guess we can't say Indians ) being upset because the military used the code name GERONIMO for USB . What a bunnch of BullCrap !!!

I dont find it very appropriate to have named UBL after an Indian leader either. Would I go out and make a big deal of it? No, but I do find it odd. Yes, I am part Indian (Native American).

Strange how some are getting their panties all bunched up. The first report I heard was that the seal said "Geronimo- E-KIA". I really though the mission was named that. E= Enemy....KIA=Killed in action. I kind of took it an a fitting name in a nobel warrior sense for the mission to be named that....or the act of taking him out. (should not have code named him that)

Maybe they misunderstood or heard the same report I did initially, where the news referred to UBL as Geronimo. I looked further into it today and found that the operation was code name Geronimo. I dont know what the heck they are bitching about.

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Ronald Reagan's code name when he was president was rawhide.  I wonder if any native americans were upset the president was named after a cowboy show since cowboys and native americans were always feuding.  Not to much to gripe about if that is all anyone can complain about.  I wonder if the mission was called operation bacon or pork chops.  my neices son now plays western mirauder and native americans when they play in the yard.  Ridiculous.  The bottom line is he is dead and needed to be.  Get over the whining about stupid crap

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I have yet to see any event in our recent history that most Americans consider to be a positive for our country where there weren't a few people eager to try to show the U.S. in a bad light because of it. Doesn't it always seem to be that way? Some people get all puffed up and full of self importance if they think they can manufacture some form of moral high ground and  point at all the lesser masses as being less evolved than themselves. It is amazing how these people need to create some negative views of the U.S. government and citizens in order to feel better about themselves. That's something I'll never understand but seems to be a basis in human nature for some portion of our citizenry. It does become tiresome, but has raised its ugly head once again as the basis for the criticism of American reactions to long delayed justice being meted out for Bin Laden. My take ..... if this long overdue accomplishment gives rise to massive loud, vocal and at times patriotic demonstrations and celebrations, more power to you for having a bit of passion and awareness, and an understanding of when something constructive and important has taken place. Let the world see and hear that we support the action that took place and let them understand our resolve when we are attacked. There's nothing wrong with that.

By the way, I also have a hard time finding anything to be all offended over when a daring mission performed by a few of our fearless warriors is named after Geronimo. I believe some people spend a lot of time simply looking for things to be offended by. ::D

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  I have a hard time believing that he is dead.  With all the media and troops that have video cameras and cameras etc etc.  It just seems wierd that he was dead and gone all in the same day with no evidence.  No evidence is just the same as all the cougar sightings in new york (sorry didn't mean to bring that subject up) but we all say prove it and show us real evidence and now we all just believe the media and government because they say so??

  I have a hard time believing the government when they just say whatever they want and everybody believes them.  If he is actually dead then those troops need a good rest and a pat on there back.  I fully support our troops and what they fight for every day.  I just have a hard time believing it.

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By the way, I also have a hard time finding anything to be all offended over when a daring mission performed by a few of our fearless warriors is named after Geronimo. I believe some people spend a lot of time simply looking for things to be offended by.

Im with ya. Seems to be a sign of the proliferation of the victim mentality that has gone on in this country for quite some time now. Everyone wants to be a victim of something so they can blame their problems on anything other than themselves.

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If it weren't true I'm sure we would have heard from him by now...

Yep, if it wasnt true, dont you think Bin Laden would take the opportunity to show the world how smart he is and make the US look completely stupid by proclaiming his continued existence? It would be all too easy for him to do. The simple lack of that happening is proof enough. I would like them to release the pictures, but I dont feel like its that big of a deal if they dont. I have a bigger bone to pick with the way they have given him Muslim rituals with his burial, and are pussy footing with Pakistan over the deal.

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Don't get me wrong, media has a place in this world, good media, but pick apart a story like crows picking at roadkill on rt 17. I'm in the media business but man these days with instant reporting with the internet, twitter and so on every last bit of information has to come forward and then lets spin it and try for information that doesn't exist. Sometimes I just get so tired of it. Here's one headline "was the killing of Bin laden legal"  WTF! Well lets see he declared war on the U.S. killed our citizens and terrorized countless others. Here's another "senators get duped with fake photos" Come on guys you are ones leading this country, keep your mouths shut until you know the photos are real. Just ranting here, I was in the city when it happened 0n 9/11 my daughters friend has grown up to be a lovely young lady without her Dad who was killed at the trade center. I jog every morning passing 3 streets that were renamed to remember a lost neighbor in the attack. That Fawk got what he deserved it should of happened sooner, he got to live ten more years while our brother and sister's lives were cut short.

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  I have a hard time believing that he is dead.  With all the media and troops that have video cameras and cameras etc etc.  It just seems wierd that he was dead and gone all in the same day with no evidence.  No evidence is just the same as all the cougar sightings in new york (sorry didn't mean to bring that subject up) but we all say prove it and show us real evidence and now we all just believe the media and government because they say so??

  I have a hard time believing the government when they just say whatever they want and everybody believes them.  If he is actually dead then those troops need a good rest and a pat on there back.  I fully support our troops and what they fight for every day.  I just have a hard time believing it.

I do believe he is dead, but I also do think a photo should have been released.  Yeah, some people still won't believe it and all, but as they say a picture is worth a thousand words and an image can stick in people's minds.  Without any sort of photographic or other evidence we are simply taking someones word for it, which will not be enough for everyone.  Way too much respect was given to this thug by our government in my opinion.  I am the type that won't publicly cheer his death, but I won't go out of my way to show him any respect either.

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If it weren't true I'm sure we would have heard from him by now...

Yep, if it wasnt true, dont you think Bin Laden would take the opportunity to show the world how smart he is and make the US look completely stupid by proclaiming his continued existence? It would be all too easy for him to do. The simple lack of that happening is proof enough.

Sorry but sometimes I like to play on the conspirousy theorist's side! ;) 

If you believe everything our government releases as fact, perhaps there's some finer details that need listening to in many cases that cry cover-up.

What you say here may be true......BUT!!!!

A few things to ponder as we all say our prayers tonight for UBL's exceptence into hell with open arms!

Our government has released a statement, and many other organizations and reports of his own oversee'rs have already began to take credit for UBL's demise..not to mention that he may have just as well killed himself. That's not even remotely my concern who killed him, just the fact that somebody got him is good enough for me, dead or alive. :)

Anyhow, you need to ask yourself, how good is UBL to the U.S. DEAD? Via such a secretive opperation they've been planning for months. Wouldn't you think if this mission were so secretive they would have well thought out damn near every aspect of the public perception to every possible response, from every foreign coountry covered beforehand? THEY DID! That's exactly why the had a clergy on-board that ship to pronounce a propper burrial at sea for the fallen leader. In the next breath they act like they didn't know what was gonna happen untill now to decide if they should release pics or not? ??? C-mon now.... ::(  They are much smarter than all uss with the kill 'em all attitude. Hell... that's how they get away with murder! I ain't complainin'.

Got the pics...but not releasing them. Got video of the shroud capsuled body going overboard.

Today Pakistan releases photos of the bloody aftermath our local news edited for rating PG-13.

Now what have we been told so far is that we had 24 Seals carry out this mission. In the next report, I hear there were 25 women and children inside the compound and possably more.

Pay attention here! ???

Day or two before this all came out they were all reporting a few women and kids in the mix that the Seals all took good care to "cover there eye's" from all the mass murder so as not to...well, leave them in a state of depression I assume from what they may have witnessed. OR Was it just to get rid of witnesses as they hauled his ass out the door while dumping a pile of UBM's blood for the locals to discover and just say...,

That only leaves 2 Seals left to do the 2 shot shooting....get my dirft or no? Ummm. I think we may have been out numbered. ???

"Yep, he's dead..they musta got 'em"" ::O

Who's to say first of all that he's NOT dead and the government has CAPTURED him for interrogation. We all know the UN would never stand for us "stealing" a war criminal on forbidden land without authorization and torturing the info out of him.., right?

There's much more to this than any one of us will ever know, but who cares! Time to have fun with the fact the suckers finally not a leader of the Taliwackers anymore!!!!

I give credit where credit is due, but in this case the credit's being spread around like butter on hot toast. Anyone that is farmilar with body language will tell ya O'bamas hiding something from America.

We'll never know the truth how it all went down and a pic aint gonna prove chit with todays advances in PhotoShop,lol.

We got him one way or another, whether we're being lied to or not, his carcass has been disposed of perfectly fine by me or his body is in United States of Americas hands to put the nipple clamps on to gather more intelligence.

If you took the time to read all this crap, I salute you! Must be an American! :)

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