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Hawk 1 - Pigeon 0

Jeremy K

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I was sitting outside on break ,minding my own business. I saw a hawk in the tree and watched him for a bit . He didn't do anything and I got bored looking at him and turned towards the building. About 30 seconds later ,10 feet in front of my face , hawk comes flying in and snags a pigeon from the air . It actually startled me it happened so fast . I was gonna attach the picture I took but decided not to after typing this . Pretty cool to see nature at work.

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5 hours ago, Jeremy K said:

I was sitting outside on break ,minding my own business. I saw a hawk in the tree and watched him for a bit . He didn't do anything and I got bored looking at him and turned towards the building. About 30 seconds later ,10 feet in front of my face , hawk comes flying in and snags a pigeon from the air . It actually startled me it happened so fast . I was gonna attach the picture I took but decided not to after typing this . Pretty cool to see nature at work.

So, what kind of hawk was it?

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I love watching hawks and falcons do there thing.There's a marsh hawk that comes through my yard on a regular basis.It really goes after a bird chasing it all over the yard.At work the falcons pick off doves and starlings early in the morning.I'm terrible at identifying birds.

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29 minutes ago, Curmudgeon said:

Interesting. Pigeons are really fast.

There' a hawk inside the plant that catches and eats pigeons constantly. About a month ago ,I refused a job because the hawk was in the rafters eating a pigeon and was dropping feathers ,blood and sh1t on the die I was supposed to be working on.

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Jeremy , betting it was a coopers or perhaps a sharp shinned. I’m terrible at raptor ID   I generally only see red tailed once in a while but the other two quite often. 

If you happen to pass Lancaster HS driving on Harris Hilll look a top the light poles. There’s one ( either sharpie or coopers ) there every day on one of 4 poles. He or another maybe sibling ( about 5 + years ) have learned to obviously that spot is great for the pigeons that sit on the wires right there , doves in the long row of pines or mice and bunnies in the field. We play Where’s Waldo “ about once to 3x driving past each day. 

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We have a couple of Cooper's Hawks at my plant too, they love the pigeons, also seen a few Kestrels but never saw them grab anything. The Ravens come into the rail building and walk the ceiling rafters looking for pigeon nests, then they pluck the baby pigeons out and tear them apart. Here's a redtail hawk I got some pictures of this morning, the eagles were also all over this morning. Something about birds of pretty that fascinate me. IMG_20180215_132833_518.jpgIMG_20180215_132833_517.jpgredtail8.JPG

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Cooper's and Sharp-shinned are very difficult to tell apart. Juveniles are even harder. The lightness of streaking on this one, combined with its size in comparison to the pigeon have me leaning towards Cooper's. Many times it is easier to ID these species in flight. They have a different profile, beat their wings at different rates and the tail shape is generally different.

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I watched a juvenile red-tail take a grey squirrel off a tree limb in my back yard not too long ago. They went to the ground, and the squirrel fought back and won. I had no wagers on the contest, but that little red-tail found out what it's like to mess with an adult squirrel. I laughed for a couple of hours.

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1 hour ago, Curmudgeon said:

Cooper's and Sharp-shinned are very difficult to tell apart. Juveniles are even harder. The lightness of streaking on this one, combined with its size in comparison to the pigeon have me leaning towards Cooper's. Many times it is easier to ID these species in flight. They have a different profile, beat their wings at different rates and the tail shape is generally different.

I concur with Curdmudgeon ( DANG that almost RHYMES)  that the hawk looks like a Cooper's....Adding to the confusion between Cooper's and Sharp Shinned, the females are bigger than the males, so a female sharpie might be almost as big as a male Cooper's...Kinda like Russian women...Hehehe...

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15 hours ago, tommyc50 said:

http://https//youtu.be/OJ58QivaMyU this was in canarsie brooklyn where i work the hawk had a kitten

there needs to be a colon ":" after the https. Get rid of the first http:// so your correct link is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJ58QivaMyU&feature=youtu.be But it also says the video is unavailable. Did you take it down?

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The redtails here are pretty bold and I've had them attack snakes, mice, and squirrels just feet away from me.

The ultimate hawk attack I ever saw was when this redtail dive bombed a group of wood duck chicks and their mother in the deepest section of the creek and then swam to shore. I had no idea they would even attempt that! How I managed to get these shots off in time is still beyond me, it all happened so fast.


Edited by wooly
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1 hour ago, goosifer said:

there needs to be a colon ":" after the https. Get rid of the first http:// so your correct link is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJ58QivaMyU&feature=youtu.be But it also says the video is unavailable. Did you take it down?

thank you for helping me you are my go to guy for this no its still on youtube if you go on there and search canarsie hawk you will see it. I went on there and viewed it

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