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all I'm saying is that I don't hunt from a treestand because I consider it waiting not hunting....

I guess that's a new one on me. I never met anyone who called me a bow-waiter before. I always thought I was bow-hunting. Well, I guess you learn something new every day. :)

No offense, I realize that is just your opinion, but I have to point out that that is just damn foolishness. ::)

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You know what, I'm going to have to call Bull Sh.... on this whole sitting in stands is waiting and not hunting thing.  The most successfull hunters in the world find where their prey frequent and then sit and wait.  I'm not talking humans.  I'm talking about the cute and cuddly kitty cat. 

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LOL. you can beat this to death all you want... I have already explained my position on the subject.. you don't have to like it... maybe it might make you feel better if I told you what you want to hear... then you can stop all this nonsense...

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Why yes that is me posing nicely in my buddies treestand as he takes a pic of me... it was a staged pic that I used for the header of my website... it was  taken in January...after the season...  I hunt from the ground with my recurve and have for the last 11 years... 11 years I might add that I have passed on at least 50 bucks within 20 yards...but haven't had one of my liking close enough to kill.. and have gone without a buck with my bow for all those exciting 11 years... looking forward to #12... does it really bother you all that much that I don't hunt over a food plot or sit in a treestand all day? I'm not sure why everyone cares so much... I just don't enjoy hunting like most guys do... I did years ago.. but I just don't get enjoyment anymore hunting the age old conventional way... sorry

Oh.. as for the irish looking hat and outfit... that would be the first clue that I'm not hunting.. I where a leafy gilly type suit when I bow hunt... but thanks for noticing my snappy attire  ;)

This BS has gone to 6 pages and personally , I don't give a Damn how you hunt ! And I could also care less as to how you think of my hunting .

I enjoy the treestand hunting and do minimal stalking of deer except for gun season .

Finally someone that gets it.. you shouldn't give a damn how I hunt or how I feel about your hunting... those are my choices... not sure why everyone else here cares so much about what I think... do what you enjoy.

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Easy Joe, I'm just pointing out that the stand method is a lethal way to harvest an animal.  Even the animal that is recognized at the top land hunter in the world uses the sit and wait method.  I agree with you and hunt in the manner that fullfills your desires the most.  Who cares what others think, but don't belittle their styles.  I enjoy a variety of hunting methods/tactics which include still hunting, stands, drives, etc.... 

I must say that the early 80's pick up truck with a million candle power and small caliber rifle is one of the deadliest approaches up here.

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LOL. you can beat this to death all you want... I have already explained my position on the subject.. you don't have to like it... maybe it might make you feel better if I told you what you want to hear... then you can stop all this nonsense...

Ah yes ...... the great escape.....lol. You are the one who made the statement indicating that stand hunters are not hunters at all. Why are you so surprised that such an offensive statement would invite a firestorm of replies? If you want to make controversial statements, don't be surprised if there are more than a few contradictions. It goes with the territory ;) .

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Show me where I said that stand hunters are not hunters at all... I said I personally consider it waiting not hunting and choose not to do it... and I am not against other hunters doing it if thats what blows their skirt up... it is a very affective way to kill deer.. just not one I choose to do

You guys got all worked up about nothing... why should something that I see differently be controversial... it's my opinion... and I can accept that others feel differently...

I got a better one for ya that might be a bit more controversial... I don't think it is much of a challenge to shoot a yearling buck either... now THAT will probably ruffle some feathers.. B)

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joe  your opinions and beliefs are yours! i have never seen you write a message telling this is how it should be! many others should take your example and use it. an expression of one s opinion is fine as long as the belief that its the only way is not the driving force behind it! and the pinot is it is an individual choice!! it should not be state mandated!

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I agree.. the state should only mandate when there is a need to protect something... as we all can see there are many different likes and dislikes when it comes to hunting styles... none of which are wrong as long as they're legal...

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  • 2 months later...

Waiting is not hunting ? If you're in a treestand you are waiting. Hence people who hunt out of treestands are not hunters. That's exactly what you said.

Good Boy.. Thats exactly my opinion...you don't have to agree... thats ok... I hope you didn't miss the part where I said killing a yearling buck isn't a challenge either ..

Edited by nyantler
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No.. I didn't say they weren't hunters at all.. just when they are stand hunting... thats my opinion... I don't think liver and onions is a delicious meal either.. but maybe you do.. just a difference of opinion... and perfectly fine that some don't agree... like I said if you think its hunting then I guess it is to you.. but it isn't to me... thats why I don't do it. If I someday decide to do it again... because I'm old and feeble... I will enjoy it because it gets me in the woods where I can maybe see and shoot a deer.. but I'm still going to call it waiting..not hunting...lol

To some .. baiting is hunting.. but I'm sure many of you feel differently.. are you wrong or are they wrong? I would say its just a difference of opinion.

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And so even with the exact quote, in your own words placed in front of you, you still twist and squirm trying to run away from it. Well frankly, I don't blame you. It was a pretty goofy thing to say. :rolleyes: That's like me saying the only reason you are forced to stillhunt is because you lack the patience of a real hunter. Sounds pretty silly doesn't it? kind of crosses over from "opinion" to a back-handed insult.

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I m not sure how it works I believe it would be up to the

officer of any agency.My thoughts would be that if it was

from a crop planted or natural such as apples falling off

the tree when they are ripened or acorns its the same thing.

My advice would be leave it on the stalk.But like I have

been told in the past before it was illegal to feed deer if

it was planted or standing its a legal food source.

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I just read through this thread and all I can say is WOW-WEE!

One of the best hunters,if not THE best are the cat species.Now we all have seen NatGeo. The cats in the Congo Delta or anywhere else for that matter,wait by water holes for a meal.Are they not hunters? Enough said about that.

I look at hunting this way: However I decide to legally take game,to me is hunting.....whether it be stand hunting,still hunting,in a tree,a ground blind,watching a field,running it down and cutting it's throat with a knife,a speer works good too as does going airborn from a tree stand with a machete.Whatever. Legal pursuit of game......is hunting.

And no,do not cut the corn down. JMO

Edited by Single_shot
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There is really only one true way to hunt. You should lie on top of a limb overhanging a trail and wait for a deer to walk underneath. When that happens, you drop down on it's back, bite it in the neck and wrestle it to the ground. ;) Nothing else is real hunting!

As far as baiting is concerned, unless you have trained the deer to eat out of your hand, it doesn't count as baiting. That's right isn't it? ...... No????

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NYAntler I have a question. Are you not "waiting" to see deer while your are "hunting" or are you just walking around carrying your bow trying to find your way home? lol

Ahh Antler dont really kill a whole lot of deer while bow walking or is it bow hunting? lol Thats just a friendly shot antler dont go gettin up tight on me.... :P

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And so even with the exact quote, in your own words placed in front of you, you still twist and squirm trying to run away from it. Well frankly, I don't blame you. It was a pretty goofy thing to say. :rolleyes: That's like me saying the only reason you are forced to stillhunt is because you lack the patience of a real hunter. Sounds pretty silly doesn't it? kind of crosses over from "opinion" to a back-handed insult.

It doesn't sound silly at all... I absolutely do lack the patience to sit in a tree and wait for a deer to walk by..whether or not real hunters have patience is a matter of opinion as well... if what I think is deer hunting is taken as an insult then oh well I guess you've been insulted... I don't base my opinions on whether or not someone agrees with them or not... and I never said that anyone that waits for deer is not a hunter "at all"... I said sitting in a treestand is waiting not hunting... not the same thing.. not sure what you think I'm running from I haven't changed my position at all... waiting is not hunting to me.. not sure which part you aren't understanding

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