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Live From The Water 2019 Edition


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Early morn on Oneida. Got two eyes , lost two eyes. Had two doubles and each time one came off. But 8 perch and two eyes is a good day. Ended when I had to untangle line that got in the motor. So I called it a morn and it was getting warm quick. Good day. 34 ft of water on worm harnesses. 


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20 hours ago, Pygmy said:

I just got back from Dunkirk  late this afternoon....My partner and I had a super trip....Totaled 18 keeper walleyes with the best fish  at 28" and 7 lb. 11 oz, plus several others at 5 lb plus...

Many thanks to Treeguy for steering us in the right direction...

We started the trip out with a little jigging, which turned up no walleyes , but I have USURPED Turkeyfeathers  as the sheepshead king....I landed about a dozen sheepies in about an hour of fishing, including a couple of real toads, on a black and purple bucktail jig...

All of our walleyes came on bottom bouncers and worm harnesses in 28 to 40 feet of water..

Way to go Dan! Sounds like a great trip indeed! 

Big thumbs up to tree guy too! Andrew gave spot on info to ya! Moog really should pay more attention to his info too! Especially range estimation!

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21 hours ago, Pygmy said:

I just got back from Dunkirk  late this afternoon....My partner and I had a super trip....Totaled 18 keeper walleyes with the best fish  at 28" and 7 lb. 11 oz, plus several others at 5 lb plus...

Many thanks to Treeguy for steering us in the right direction...

We started the trip out with a little jigging, which turned up no walleyes , but I have USURPED Turkeyfeathers  as the sheepshead king....I landed about a dozen sheepies in about an hour of fishing, including a couple of real toads, on a black and purple bucktail jig...

All of our walleyes came on bottom bouncers and worm harnesses in 28 to 40 feet of water..

Where is the pics ?

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My buddy's wife took a pict of me with the biggest eye..Hopefully she'll send it to me and I can get one of you computer wizards to post it for me..

MEANWHILE, back at the OASIS, I fried up a walleye dinner tonite for The Mermaid and I and we discovered that Lake Erie walleyes are just as delicious as  Canisteo river walleyes, Chemung River walleyes, Oneida Lake walleyes, Candadian walleyes, and any OTHER walleyes I have ever eaten...

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12 hours ago, chrisw said:

Harassing a few fish with my co-captain, his first time on a kayak and he loved it.IMG_20190703_161822862.jpgIMG_20190703_161817764_HDR.jpg

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His proper nautical title is XO....." Executive Officer".....<< GRIN>>….

Edited by Pygmy
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4th cruise on the boat ! Saw the tall ships, went 7/8 walleyes in 25 min, watched an epic fireworks display and made it to the docks quick enough to not deal with the chaos. Best day on the boat so far. We could see fireworks from Canada/Niagara falls all the way to orchard Park, if not Dunkirk. d35f72cc0547060981c5a33cd339658f.jpg&key=3c984070dd1a874b35006bcca641077387db8303b3514f8cee6aa3f53c5285ff061f75921d897f043ea2c37535680f19.jpg&key=f939e80b550b752b575583a848bacedd370981187c5291018c3e7f185ac71f7fcdcec55b219e5af9196e4f21d3365fc5.jpg&key=0e67133a4a2979491abac6757f3aef8197fbbcfcd6f8a30f90e1d37bbe34a7a9820abbe54dc214ac4f163604c55767a5.jpg&key=69c7c254eb831ad6668edb7b7f21cfacb6ebea927caed6ac58ae2b9527a859c99f526baeca47c2eae477af308f7b3d87.jpg&key=13b82cccae98d70bb0bd7204a729597eb2154da17069fea92f5793790319b5d7e4dbd5ec9f332666391060035ea0c82a.jpg&key=d0d16ac297026ad92d60c762de22d2e85a76eb18ed5ea549cfad2cb5426fde7391dd1b0c524497d75de601fd00e454aa.jpg&key=578cabd35ba7c457b4c7511bef6c01b55c6479bb643d565e4bda660b784beea7


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1 minute ago, TreeGuy said:

4th cruise on the boat ! Saw the tall ships, went 7/8 walleyes in 25 min, watched an epic fireworks display and made it to the docks quick enough to not deal with the chaos. Best day on the boat so far. We could see fireworks from Canada/Niagara falls all the way to orchard Park, if not Dunkirk. d35f72cc0547060981c5a33cd339658f.jpg061f75921d897f043ea2c37535680f19.jpgcdcec55b219e5af9196e4f21d3365fc5.jpg820abbe54dc214ac4f163604c55767a5.jpg9f526baeca47c2eae477af308f7b3d87.jpge4dbd5ec9f332666391060035ea0c82a.jpg91dd1b0c524497d75de601fd00e454aa.jpg

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Nice Pics Andrew!   Beautiful  day to be out

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Fished the Niagara River this morning. That fast drift takes some getting used to. 3” gulp Minnie’s and 1/8 oz jig heads. Fished a few docks pitching at cover I caught 4 smallies between a pound and say 2. Buddy caught a few Rockies, couple dink’s , a nice LMB and a musky, bunch of good smb. Drift fast , snag , retye. I like drifting the lake better. He totaled for 25 fish. 84b5b24abd00fb8edafe04a29bbf6a06.jpg5a4fcc386d38c49a0979ee7916a959c2.jpg41de475ba0098a3802ad12b913627f19.jpgc14ebf404fc8b7b0149a16a915f52699.jpg4ba34994a5513847e9b1dd9baf6e683f.jpg
Didn’t think we could outrun this boat 84d0fd4ab45fea1b372613657c0d9f1e.jpg

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Was going to head out of Montauk again today to try my luck again. Thought better of it. Yesterday, the mouth of the harbor was packed with googans running in and out like the scenes from jaws. Nearly run down from behind by a 40 foot transient boat from Brooklyn in a no wake zone.


Hit the water for some calm by the ocean at the beach instead. Saw one yahoo casting in a group of people catch a scup. No one had any idea what it was.


Weird Montauk day. Fog at the ocean. Bright sun on the sound. aa715c986450f0cba59c82750505ced4.jpg&key=c8a6dc6024e77a4b83d6d4698a66982d734c3f87b65f7aad9a4da13a07edcab5


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2 hours ago, turkeyfeathers said:

Fished the Niagara River this morning. That fast drift takes some getting used to. 3” gulp Minnie’s and 1/8 oz jig heads. Fished a few docks pitching at cover I caught 4 smallies between a pound and say 2. Buddy caught a few Rockies, couple dink’s , a nice LMB and a musky, bunch of good smb. Drift fast , snag , retye. I like drifting the lake better. He totaled for 25 fish. 84b5b24abd00fb8edafe04a29bbf6a06.jpg5a4fcc386d38c49a0979ee7916a959c2.jpg41de475ba0098a3802ad12b913627f19.jpgc14ebf404fc8b7b0149a16a915f52699.jpg4ba34994a5513847e9b1dd9baf6e683f.jpg
Didn’t think we could outrun this boat 84d0fd4ab45fea1b372613657c0d9f1e.jpg

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I wish I had been there...Betcha I'd kick your ass on sheepies...Hehehe...

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So was planning on being on the water. GF said no it was gonna rain. And damn if she wasnt right. Got up and it was raining.....witch!  She's a witchhhh! Lol. 

But the other thing that kept us of the lake.  .... Watching news and they are looking for someone that went in the lake yesterday eve. Right where I fish. Pics on the news were right from where I was gonna launch. So def staying out of there today.  Prob not much chance of a happy ending there but hoping for the best for them.  Sherriff boats and divers out. Heard the helicopter last Eve. Not sure what happened but doesn't sound good. 

Update....guess someone went swimming off the boat and didn't resurface.  They are resuming search this morning.  


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13 hours ago, turkeyfeathers said:

That was the joke. No sheephead for me today said friend 


13 hours ago, Pygmy said:

I would have caught one big one,,,,Hehehe,,,,

Oneida lake has the state record.  Sounds like a challenge!  https://www.google.com/search?q=ny+state+record+sheepshead&amp;client=ms-android-verizon&amp;prmd=insv&amp;source=lnms&amp;tbm=isch&amp;sa=X&amp;ved=2ahUKEwj-z7vLk6DjAhWIXc0KHSvJC6EQ_AUoAXoECAwQAQ&amp;biw=360&amp;bih=512#imgrc=iQHyaRQhdHQaPM

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On 7/4/2019 at 6:54 PM, Pygmy said:

My buddy's wife took a pict of me with the biggest eye..Hopefully she'll send it to me and I can get one of you computer wizards to post it for me..

MEANWHILE, back at the OASIS, I fried up a walleye dinner tonite for The Mermaid and I and we discovered that Lake Erie walleyes are just as delicious as  Canisteo river walleyes, Chemung River walleyes, Oneida Lake walleyes, Candadian walleyes, and any OTHER walleyes I have ever eaten...

Lake Erie Walleyes taste good until they move out and suspend under the zooplankon.   That usually starts around mid-July.   The meat starts tasting like algae smells around that time.  They are very easy to catch by trolling then, but not so good on the table.   

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