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The rut ?


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So this weekend me and my cousins were hunting 

I seen a buck at about 8am and I got it on video of me grunting and bleat calling at him he was a small buck.

He didnt care at all about it and he was walking slow wasnt looking like he was in rut at all

Now 150 yards from me my cousin shot a spike he came into a rattling sequence 

We found him and he stunk and his neck was deff bigger than normal. He said he was behind does. I checked his glands on the back of his legs and they were dark and like I said stunk

Now that same night my other cousin shot a buck a 5 pointer and he came in normal pattern to food he didnt stink and his glands didnt stink and his neck was normal and this buck was in the spot I hunted that morning where I grunted and bleated. This buck did not come Into a grunt or bleat he just walked pass the stand.

What's is ur guys thoughts??

I know the younger bucks will chase before the bigger ones. 


I'm hoping this weekend coming up will be amazing 

Edited by Daveynewman
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I saw similar results on this Saturday with a young and an older buck .  A 1.5 year old 3-pointer came in just after sunrise.  His neck was swollen and he worked a scrape 10 yards upwind of my stand.  He even stood up on his back legs and licked an oak branch up above the scrape.   About 10 minutes later, this 2.5 year old 8-pointer came in on the same trail.  After hanging up at 50 yards for a 30 minute "stare down", he began to slowly work his way closer while gorging on clover.  I arrowed him at 20 yards, broadside.  His neck was not swelled up and he did not smell "rutty" and there were no busted up tines on his rack.   I am very thankful that I passed on "the scout".   I prefer killing them pre-rut when they still have "heafty" rear ends, intact antlers, and don't stink as much.




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Seem to have had mixed results too.do have some rubs and scrapes but odd things with the scrapes are is they will be fresh one day then dead after that.

so far ive had a spike chasing a doe and another smaller buck chasing/grunting.heard grunting before getting in the woods this morning.

the 7pt from this afternoon ignored the grunt,rattles,the can and even a snort wheeze.usually the rut is much more active than this,weird one for sure

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  On 11/4/2019 at 1:42 AM, The_Real_TCIII said:

I drove 70 miles of thruway today and saw
One dead doe. When it’s fully on I will see five to seven nice bucks dead most without their heads. That’s a sure indicator to me lol

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


Good point you have there also.i took a ride to the rez yesterday(36 miles) taking all back roads and i typically see atleast 4-6 dead deer.only one doe

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Had a little buck chasing a doe  grunting yesterday.  A 2.5 year old walked up said doe and wandered  away.  Had what I thought was a doe walk my scrape line  and then my drag line . At 5 yds  I could see the tiniest needle like horns . First time I have ever seen that . Hocks were snow white on it . No grunting .  8pt wasn't bird dogging or grunting just following  along .

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  On 11/4/2019 at 11:37 AM, Nytracker said:

Had a little buck chasing a doe  grunting yesterday.  A 2.5 year old walked up said doe and wandered  away.  Had what I thought was a doe walk my scrape line  and then my drag line . At 5 yds  I could see the tiniest needle like horns . First time I have ever seen that . Hocks were snow white on it . No grunting .  8pt wasn't bird dogging or grunting just following  along .


Where are you hunting 

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We’re on the 8W / 8T border and 2 weekends ago I watched a young buck bread a doe. We also had scrapes showing up. This last weekend noticed more scrapes, rubs and heard bucks fighting. But I also grunted at a good 7 pointer and he didn’t react . I have not seen any other chasing though since that young buck. I am getting lots of bucks on cameras though . 

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Just starting to happen here in 9Y...should really pop in about a week. Had small eight pointers under my tree, Saturday and Sunday, two different stands and hunting properties. Saturday night, just at dusk a big buck trailed a doe past my stand just out of range. Gotta love this time of year! Nothing like it! 

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