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Ithaca man kills deer with shovel


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I think the guy is a little dramatic:

"I went in thinking it would be like shooing a rabbit away," he said. "But the next thing I know, I am in the battle of my life. I was just defending myself. It was either me or the deer."

We are talking about a 80lb "buck" it must have been a yearling button buck. A real man eater!

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Never under-estimate the power and strength that a deer has. There have been quite a few people who have learned that lesson. I always said that if a deer had any idea of just how much damage their strength and quickness can do (and antlers in the case of a buck), nobody would be safe in the woods without a good solid firearm...... and maybe not even then all the time.

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I think the guy is a little dramatic:

"I went in thinking it would be like shooing a rabbit away," he said. "But the next thing I know, I am in the battle of my life. I was just defending myself. It was either me or the deer."

We are talking about a 80lb "buck" it must have been a yearling button buck. A real man eater!

You'd be surprised how strong even a little deer is. Plus it was fighting for it's life. I saw a spike throw a 250 pound guy like he was a rag doll. The deer was stuck on a barbed wire fence and we were trying to free it up. My friend who is a big boy grabbed it by it's antlers and the next thing I know I see him flying past me like superman !

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