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Heaven forbid you have an accident, or even worse, shoot someone, after a couple drinks; the court will crucify you. Better off waiting until the end of the day. I realize your buddy is only bow hunting, but I get a little shaky climbing a tree sober, don't think I'd want to risk it half-crocked.

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Its not about being someones mother, its about protecting ourselves and others, do you know how much fuel it would give to them anti-gun groups if someone shot someone else hunting while drunk? Its about being responsible. I personally haven't touched a drop in almost 10 years. I can see having 1 at lunch or what have you, but if I have to help the guy get into his stand cause he had a few too many then that is a liitle much. Bottom line, we all need to act responsible and look out for 1 another

Seriously.... we do get a bad rap from drunken hunters. Maybe it comes from all the gin-mills being packed by noon. And then these guys head out to the woods again for the afternoon ..... YIKES! The public associates seeing these guys dressed in orange with those crowded bar parking lots.

I can remember encountering one guy that was totally wiped out. He stood there weaving around, waving his gun as he gestured, just barely able to stand. The reason I got anywhere near him was to remind him that he was well within 500' of my house in case he had any idea about shooting something. As it turned out, I suggested that he head back to his car and wait for his buddy (who I hope was in better shape than him). Fortunately he agreed and headed off toward the road. I don't think I've ever seen a guy so bombed and still able to stay upright. Pretty scary stuff. I didn't realize that hunting while drunk was illegal or I would have been doing him a favor and anyone around him by calling the cops. I always figured that I didn't handle that situation very well.

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Its not about being someones mother, its about protecting ourselves and others, do you know how much fuel it would give to them anti-gun groups if someone shot someone else hunting while drunk? Its about being responsible. I personally haven't touched a drop in almost 10 years. I can see having 1 at lunch or what have you, but if I have to help the guy get into his stand cause he had a few too many then that is a liitle much. Bottom line, we all need to act responsible and look out for 1 another

If you dont feel safe hunting with somebody because they drink then dont hunt with them.. simple as that

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Its not about being someones mother, its about protecting ourselves and others, do you know how much fuel it would give to them anti-gun groups if someone shot someone else hunting while drunk? Its about being responsible. I personally haven't touched a drop in almost 10 years. I can see having 1 at lunch or what have you, but if I have to help the guy get into his stand cause he had a few too many then that is a liitle much. Bottom line, we all need to act responsible and look out for 1 another

The anti's are just looking for things to complain about and drinking and hunting will be on the top of their list. If some one ever got hurt or shot, you know that will make the papers. I can see the headlines now.

"Drunken hunter shoots self" or" Drunken hunter falls out of tree stand and dies" or Drunken hunter shoots someone else by accident. It could go on and on. Like don't drink and drive don't drink and hunt.

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If you dont feel safe hunting with somebody because they drink then dont hunt with them.. simple as that

You don't always have a choice. If you hunt any public land, you don't have any say in who you hunt with or around. Maybe when they have let a round or two go in your direction, you might get a clue that all is not well with that particular hunter. Then you might choose to leave..... lol.

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For many people having a glass at lunch probably wouldn't be a problem. The bigger problem is that most people who are drunk, don't know that they are nor would they ever admit it. That's when the accidents happen. If all drunk people had the sense NOT to get behind the wheel of a car, you wouldn't have a fraction of the drinking related accidents that we do. But the reality is that they DON'T have the sensibility to make the right decision, and I think the same would apply to hunting and drinking. We would be just looking for trouble.

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You don't always have a choice. If you hunt any public land, you don't have any say in who you hunt with or around. Maybe when they have let a round or two go in your direction, you might get a clue that all is not well with that particular hunter. Then you might choose to leave..... lol.

The fact that you are assuming the guy the OP is referring to plans on getting DRUNK amazes me

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Having a drink or two is one thing, getting plastered is another. Would I drink in the woods? Probably not, but I dont mind if others have one or two, as long as they arent drunk, I dont see the problem.

The biggest problem I see in this thread is Dom's lack of any type of writing skills at all. Sheesh, its a big run on sentence. :D

For your info i do have writing skills just was not happy about this.What can i say im not his boss just dont think alcohol and weapons mix.

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i'm from an old Italian hunting family, we have hunted for decades, im talking from the ole boot right to upstate NY, and we almost always meet up in the mountains for lunch, which includes suprasada, provolone, red roasted peppers and yes a little wine.

no one has ever shot anyone or for that matter ever missed a deer because they were drunk. may be hard to believe but not everyone turns into a total jackass after a drink, yes there are alot of responsible drinkers out there. if you are doubtfull of how you will react after having a drink or cant stop after one then you are far better off not drinking because you more than likely a jackass drunk or sober.

I hear you. The Italian side of my family (my spouse) is the same way. We head out in the early AM. Come in for lunch about 12 for a nice spread of roasted peppers, home made pizza, goat cheese, homemade bread and some homemade wine. Then we head out again around 2:30 to be in our stands by 3pm. We never had a problem with drinking as long as it is in moderation and you leave plenty of time for any effects to wear off.

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Generally I say no alcohol... not necessary. That being said, I have been with some hunters and at lunch some had a can of beer. I've had one myself. The problem with any alcohol, is you never know who has a 6 pk with them and is drinking throughout the afternoon while sitting on a log. So I say No to Alcohol while hunting... especially a BIG DOUBLE NO during rifle season.

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i used to drink a lott.I dont drink any more but when i did i would pack 1 beer with me to drink when on watch.Never was impaired but liked to have a drink and relax.Then after about an hour after sitting there after my budwiser was gone i was doing everything possible not to fall asleep.Beer is a depressant,remember.So i didnt carry 1 with me all the time cause i didn't want to fall asleep on watch.

Now i bring a Red Bull or a Monster. :drinks:

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just be glad you live in a state where if you wanna drink some it's OK, or if your against drinking it's OK too. there are still places in this country where you have bible thumpin nuts swearin it's the devils seed and counties all over the south where you cant even by an alcoholic beverage.

we have good friends that are a retired airforce couple from Ohio who settled in Galax Virginia. once the locals found they like to have a drink every now and then, and that they drove out of county to get booze, these people basically shunned them?? they had enough of that in less than 2 years, sold and moved up to PA.

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Drinking and hunting is one thing that no one ever needs to worry about with me. A whole bunch of years ago, I woke up one morning with a pounding headache, and a crappy taste in my mouth like I had spent the night with a sweaty sock in my mouth. Stomach did a couple of flops, and I felt like the on-set of flu. Looked in my wallet and found most of the money missing and realized that I actually spent good money to feel like that. I just hope I had a good time.....lol. That was the end of my drinking ...... anywhere. I haven't had a drink since.

I never became a campaigner trying to stamp out alcohol, but there are two places where I don't want to see it. One is in the car and the other is with people carrying guns or other weapons. I'll generally avoid being anywhere near those combinations and I'm not real bashful about explaining why..

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My drinkin' days are over as well.. maybe an occasional manhatten when at camp in the summer at night by the fire with a good cigar.. I woke up with that same sock in my mouth and an empty wallet a few years back too Doc and decided to take a different path. I must say.. it was a good ride for a while.. til the wheels fell off.

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Drinking and hunting is one thing that no one ever needs to worry about with me. A whole bunch of years ago, I woke up one morning with a pounding headache, and a crappy taste in my mouth like I had spent the night with a sweaty sock in my mouth. Stomach did a couple of flops, and I felt like the on-set of flu. Looked in my wallet and found most of the money missing and realized that I actually spent good money to feel like that. I just hope I had a good time.....lol. That was the end of my drinking ...... anywhere. I haven't had a drink since.

I never became a campaigner trying to stamp out alcohol, but there are two places where I don't want to see it. One is in the car and the other is with people carrying guns or other weapons. I'll generally avoid being anywhere near those combinations and I'm not real bashful about explaining why..

Cant blame you there doc... And trust me I do agree with you that guns/alcohol dont mix (just look at the case in buffalo where some drunken fool shot his best friend dead because he wouldn't let him drive home drunk)

But I know their are many people out there who can keep themselves under control and still enjoy a cold beer with his lunch before he goes out hunting and be ok. Everybody is different some I wouldnt want touching a gun after just one drink and others can drink a 6 pack or more and ill feel safe standing next to them at the gun range.

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