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What do you tell your daughter when she wakes up and says, “Daddy, am I HuntingNY famous yet?”


I went with, “No sweetie...you’ve been banished! But, congratulations you are probably the first person to be banned after only two comments, none of which had foul language(unless you count the chicken comment to Aunt Cynthia but that’s a different fowl!)”


She already lost her spring musical, her sweet 16 party, her driver’s permit test and now her dream to become an active member in the hunting forum world crushed before she had a chance.





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What do you tell your daughter when she wakes up and says, “Daddy, am I HuntingNY famous yet?”
I went with, “No sweetie...you’ve been banished! But, congratulations you are probably the first person to be banned after only two comments, none of which had foul language(unless you count the chicken comment to Aunt Cynthia but that’s a different fowl!)”
She already lost her spring musical, her sweet 16 party, her driver’s permit test and now her dream to become an active member in the hunting forum world crushed before she had a chance.
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Snuffed out before she even had a chance at life. #SAD

I'm Surgical

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So messed up! What city are the mods in? I think we need to find the closest target!!!! Who’s got the tear gas

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Please...while I appreciate your support I do not support violence. She will get stronger from this- I just hope whoever “pulled the switch” feels good about what he did...holding another female hunter down.

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Ok what am I missing.... Mustve missed her strong post that caused the banishment.  Was it a post of social injustice? Some strong language that offended all? Or possibly a post saying that salad is better than venison? Or  baiting and crossbows for coyotes out of season?  

I am willing to go back out on the lake and kill a bunch of walleye in outrage if need be! You just say so. 

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9 minutes ago, Robhuntandfish said:

Ok what am I missing.... Mustve missed her strong post that caused the banishment.  Was it a post of social injustice? Some strong language that offended all? Or possibly a post saying that salad is better than venison? Or  baiting and crossbows for coyotes out of season?  

I am willing to go back out on the lake and kill a bunch of walleye in outrage if need be! You just say so. 

She asked Bob Lee Jerkman if he ever found the monster buck he missed at 7 feet. 

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Sorry-I forgot that her post was BANISHED so if you blinked around 10:30 last night you missed it.

Last night, I hanging with family and my daughter was mad that I kept checking the forum- she said She wanted to join to see why I'm so addicted...so she did “Broadwayhunter”- the girl can sing!!!
in her first “new to the forum” post she offered to babysit for Biz, told Cynthia she wants a chicken but I wouldn’t let her have one, and that she is annoyed at Bio since I always make her “Get the Tater Topper!”...

The Jerkman replied with his tired wit and sarcasm and a slam on Biz.

She congratulated him on his turkey and asked if he ever found his buck from bow season.


She’s doing much better now though. However vows to never step foot in the virtual woods again.

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Sorry-I forgot that her post was BANISHED so if you blinked around 10:30 last night you missed it. 

Last night, I hanging with family and my daughter was mad that I kept checking the forum- she said She wanted to join to see why I'm so addicted...so she did “Broadwayhunter”- the girl can sing!!!

in her first “new to the forum” post she offered to babysit for Biz, told Cynthia she wants a chicken but I wouldn’t let her have one, and that she is annoyed at Bio since I always make her “Get the Tater Topper!”...


The Jerkman replied with his tired wit and sarcasm and a slam on Biz.


She congratulated him on his turkey and asked if he ever found his buck from bow season.




She’s doing much better now though. However vows to never step foot in the virtual woods again.



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She shouldn't be so downtrodden due to an overzealous mod. I for one vote for reinstatement! 



Reinstate Broadwayhunter






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I smell a Jerkman payoff.  Sounds like he was threatened and had her snuffed.  I call for an investigation.
Wasn't me. I for one and publicly calling for reinstatement. If she's as crappy as her dad is I say it'd be a nice addition to the forum

Reinstate Broadwayhunter

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crappyice- we can make your daughter HuntingNY famous by replying to your post and having her read our replies. She may have been banished and been deprived of the things a 16 yr. old girl deserves due to the pandemic, but we won't deprive her of becoming HuntingNY famous. So let all of us reply to this post and grant her wish of becoming HuntingNY famous. I don't know her name but I say "You Go Girl". We are going to make you famous! And you can thank your loving Dad for it.  valoroutdoors.com 

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My sincere apologies to crappyice's daughter. I did see the post last night. And being a bit tired from working all day, planting fields, I figured it was some guys just goofing around? Had I been more awhere, I'd have given her a big HuntingNY welcome, and her first "LIKE" !!! She can have all of mine, if she comes back. And I truly hope she does. 

Have her sign back on with BroadwayFamous! Because some day she will be!

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