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looks like democrats going to try and steal the election

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6 hours ago, steve863 said:

And you've obviously been brainwashed by a snake oil salesman named Donald J. Trump.

Look, I have little faith in Biden, most especially that it very well might be President Harris in a year or two.  I am not happy that they will be running the country for the next four years, but it was Donald J. Trump who has made this happen.  Any other sane republican would have won this election easily.  All he had to do was show a bit of compassion through this Covid drama, not mock people for wearing masks, etc. and not contradict experts at every turn and he would have sealed the deal.  But NOOOO, Trump has to show the world that he is the one who knows everything.

It's a funny thing. For four years, Trump's opposition have been saying, "if only he could act like a President and not insult people" and the Trump supporters have responded with "that's what we love about him" and the occasional "f@#$ your feelings." And now, on the many other forums I look at with fervent Trump supporters they're saying, "if only he could act like a President and not insult people".

You can't have that both ways or more accurately, "you dance with the one who brung ya".

6 hours ago, cachemoney said:

Mitch Mcconnell did all his heavy lifting, he is the guy who got shit done, not Trump.

McConnell used Trump. And now that he's no longer useful, he will be dropped.

It's not over but if Trump loses (and once he gets over the hurt), it's the best thing that could happen to him. He gets to do some screwed up shit in the next few months and can whine about being cheated for the rest of his life as he will now be unfettered.

Assuming that the SDNY and his creditors don't come calling.




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8 minutes ago, phantom said:

So  tell me how  we are brainwashed did he not go after china on trade yes he did. did he not protect the borders yes he did ,  did the economy get better yes it did pre virus  did he not help black people yes he did .  did he not stop all the wars in the middle east yes he did .  did he not protect 2nd am yes, religious  rights yes . put in Judges  that fallow the law not make it, yes 

You  have been brainwashed  and will get shit from biden   less then shit he works for big money not you .  Why do  you think they wanted trump gone so bad  you guys just don't get it government is just a business for the political class most of them  are there to make money for themselves  and there family's  gov  is there only income . its not like trump who already had big money to be his own man that's why they hate him . and I can show you videos of trump saying the same basic things from 35 years ago  he con nobody he was the same back then . 

you got conned by the media and who do you think is the media in this country poor folks ? there billionaires  globalist  that figure out they can make more money with china then deal with the American worker and laws .   China thanks you and  is laughing at you  .. you gave them a gift of biden  and they gave you a virus and misery IN return . 




I'll be damned if I will be arguing with someone like you over this, Phantom (Stormy).

All I'll suggest is that you check with your health insurance provider to see if they provide substance abuse coverage.  Have a good day!  




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20 minutes ago, left field said:

Trump supporters have responded with "that's what we love about him" and the occasional "fuck your feelings." And now, on the many other forums I look at with fervent Trump supporters they're saying, "if only he could act like a President and not insult people".

Gotta say, I'm not in that group. I voted for him twice and always regretted the a-hole factor of his personality. I said all along that he can't afford to turn off so many people and expect to be reelected.

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I wasn't suggesting that. Honestly, the disagreements on this forum are very light and seem to be good natured.

But the point remains. If only there was a parable in the form of a poem to reinforce my point. Something about a snake not being able to change its nature once you invite it into your home ... let me think.

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14 minutes ago, left field said:

I wasn't suggesting that. Honestly, the disagreements on this forum are very light and seem to be good natured.

But the point remains. If only there was a parable in the form of a poem to reinforce my point. Something about a snake not being able to change its nature once you invite it into your home ... let me think.

74 year old guys don't change 

we no trump is a big mouth but he did the job good   . 

nobody is perfect what you think biden is not a jerk in person to people  that piss him off  lol

I  can  show you video's  of  Bidens  big mouth  thats why they  kept him in the basement  

anyway the country will  survive with who ever is president  don't think sleepy joe has the energy to do much damage its the senate and  courts that matter more . 

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18 minutes ago, phantom said:

74 year old guys don't change 

we no trump is a big mouth but he did the job good   . 

nobody is perfect what you think biden is not a jerk in person to people  that piss him off  lol

I  can  show you video's  of  Bidens  big mouth  thats why they  kept him in the basement  

anyway the country will  survive with who ever is president  don't think sleepy joe has the energy to do much damage its the senate and  courts that matter more . 

Sounds to me like you're coming to terms with reality and conceding. Nothing wrong with accepting defeat, and I for one revel in no one's disappointment. 

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17 minutes ago, blackbeltbill said:

I saw that coming Months back. In less then 2 years-- Harris will take over as President. 

  Kiss your Guns Goodbye. Now is the time to give a favored Family Member a Long Gun or 2 for Christmas and tell them to keep their Mouths shut.

   Beto will head up Gun Confiscation.

    Buy up Guns + Ammo now...

Please don't forget the flood of illegals that Biden,/Harris will be letting into the country, and the prisoners that will be let loose to commit crimes again. And if you don't have your guns you can't protect yourself or your family. And the police may not even be there to help because Harris and Biden have promised to defund the police. Maybe Biden will apologize to ISIS for the defeat they suffered at the hands of President Trump. That's what the Biden voters want, so I guess they are going to get it.

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My buddy who studies game theory told me weeks ago that this was the play: knowing that the mail-in vote would swing Democrat, Trump would claim victory the day of the election then as the mirage dissipated, he'd claim fraud and that "they" were stealing the election. He hit the nail on the head. It was so, so predictable.

Despite the fact that each state's policy for counting votes and deadlines was clearly established prior to the election.

Despite that the counting is still going on in states that he has already won (like Texas, where last I saw only 86% of the vote had been counted). No lawsuits filed there though.

And despite the fact that both parties have had many, many observers present as the counting occurs, to ensure transparency. 

I think that Biden is a milksop and Harris is dangerous. But I respect the rule of law. 

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I voted for President Trump because of what he has done for this country. The Libs voted for Biden because of their hate for Trump and their vote will also help ruin this country.. And the Lib media can go F themselves. 


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31 minutes ago, knehrke said:

My buddy who studies game theory told me weeks ago that this was the play: knowing that the mail-in vote would swing Democrat, Trump would claim victory the day of the election then as the mirage dissipated, he'd claim fraud and that "they" were stealing the election. He hit the nail on the head. It was so, so predictable.

Despite the fact that each state's policy for counting votes and deadlines was clearly established prior to the election.

Despite that the counting is still going on in states that he has already won (like Texas, where last I saw only 86% of the vote had been counted). No lawsuits filed there though.

And despite the fact that both parties have had many, many observers present as the counting occurs, to ensure transparency. 

I think that Biden is a milksop and Harris is dangerous. But I respect the rule of law. 


If he would have been behind by 20 million votes nationally he still would have made the same stink.  That's his nature.  Can't fathom that he could actually lose.  Plus, swindlers and crooks which many who have done business with Trump claim he was always think that everyone else is a swindler and crook so this was to be expected from someone like him.



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6 hours ago, Splitear said:

Sounds to me like you're coming to terms with reality and conceding. Nothing wrong with accepting defeat, and I for one revel in no one's disappointment. 

Its no big deal to me  because the democrat's did not get total control so what can sleepy joe do  except make  a executive  order  to stop hunter biden from  smoking crack on air force 1 on the way to china to get more kickback money for his father lol 


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12 minutes ago, phantom said:

Its no big deal to me  because the democrat's did not get total control so what can sleepy joe do  except make  a executive  order  to stop hunter biden from smocking crack on air force 1 on the way to china to get more kickback money for his father lol 


From Wikipedia: “Smocking is an embroidery technique used to gather fabric so that it can stretch. Before elastic, smocking was commonly used in cuffs, bodices, and necklines in garments where buttons were undesirable.”

Your opinion is yours, and you are entitled to believe what you wish, even if it is wrong. I just hope most sensible people can come to terms with outcomes and work together to move forward. 

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42 minutes ago, steve863 said:


If he would have been behind by 20 million votes nationally he still would have made the same stink.  That's his nature.  Can't fathom that he could actually lose.  Plus, swindlers and crooks which many who have done business with Trump claim he was always think that everyone else is a swindler and crook so this was to be expected from someone like him. 



Trump would say it was rigged even if he won lol so true but in ways he is right the same  democratic city's always have these shifty  problems  and it was rigged  against him in many ways when you have media big tech big money and  parts of the government  against you  hard to over come all that plus the shifty mail in stuff . 

biden would be smart not to  even touch anything trump did and go take a nap for 4 years . trump  if he lost it is because of  his a-hole personality not because of his policy  actions  .  

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3 hours ago, steve863 said:


If he would have been behind by 20 million votes nationally he still would have made the same stink.  That's his nature.  Can't fathom that he could actually lose.  Plus, swindlers and crooks which many who have done business with Trump claim he was always think that everyone else is a swindler and crook so this was to be expected from someone like him.



Gotta say though, he had a damn good run. Three conservative Supreme Court justices, a record economy, no wars, Middle East peace deals, a couple of dead terrorist leaders, the beat down of ISIS, the rework of NAFTA, higher average wages, lower taxes, no new gun laws (except bump stocks). Pretty damn good on those fronts. That’s what I voted for.

I want more of that action. Think we’ll get it in the next 4 years?


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Gotta say though, he had a damn good run. Three conservative Supreme Court justices, a record economy, no wars, Middle East peace deals, a couple of dead terrorist leaders, the beat down of ISIS, the rework of NAFTA, higher average wages. Pretty damn good on those fronts. That’s what I voted for.

You should take a look at those peace deals all
He did was offer Arab counties fighter jets in exchange for singing... so just like in the past they will sign and then do what they want

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1 minute ago, Chef said:

You should take a look at those peace deals all
He did was offer Arab counties fighter jets in exchange for singing... so just like in the past they will sign and then do what they want

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Better than no deal. Israel is at peace with more entities than they were before.

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16 minutes ago, Chef said:

You should take a look at those peace deals all
He did was offer Arab counties fighter jets in exchange for singing... so just like in the past they will sign and then do what they want

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That's what it takes.  I would go as far as to say he didn't do enough of it.

And for this, China actually prefers Trump.

Lets look at this China deal.  We lost.  But then again, it was hard to lose.  Look at what we import from China.  You think little trinkets from the dollar store is what accounts for the 1/2 trillion $ worth of imports?  Most of what we import is electronic equipment and appliances.  Tell me can you name one thing we actually buy that is actually Chinese?  Just the DJI drones.  No...our biggest import is iPhones...which is an American company.  Just like your microwave or you electric shaver.  Imported from China but not a Chinese company.  So when you tax the labor and material on an iPhone who is really paying for it?

Then we look at the deals.  Trump made a hard stance against NATO and also the WHO.  For years we use to back the NATO and these countries would use to owe us.  When you have a bunch of smaller guys in a room with two big gorillas and the one gorillas that use to protect you tells you "F you guys...you're on your own"...who do you think those countries are now turning to?  China is completely building the road infrastructure in Africa for "free"...They are building a fusion reactor in Brazil.  Take a guess what cars Africa will be buying?



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17 minutes ago, Elmo said:

That's what it takes.  I would go as far as to say he didn't do enough of it.

And for this, China actually prefers Trump.

Lets look at this China deal.  We lost.  But then again, it was hard to lose.  Look at what we import from China.  You think little trinkets from the dollar store is what accounts for the 1/2 trillion $ worth of imports?  Most of what we import is electronic equipment and appliances.  Tell me can you name one thing we actually buy that is actually Chinese?  Just the DJI drones.  No...our biggest import is iPhones...which is an American company.  Just like your microwave or you electric shaver.  Imported from China but not a Chinese company.  So when you tax the labor and material on an iPhone who is really paying for it?

Then we look at the deals.  Trump made a hard stance against NATO and also the WHO.  For years we use to back the NATO and these countries would use to owe us.  When you have a bunch of smaller guys in a room with two big gorillas and the one gorillas that use to protect you tells you "F you guys...you're on your own"...who do you think those countries are now turning to?  China is completely building the road infrastructure in Africa for "free"...They are building a fusion reactor in Brazil.  Take a guess what cars Africa will be buying?



yea you make a lot of sense china favored trump lol  

if we did not have a manufacturing base in this country during ww2 we would all be speaking germen right about now . 



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4 minutes ago, phantom said:

yea you make a lot of sense china favored trump lol  

if we did not have a manufacturing base in this country during ww2 we would all be speaking germen right about now . 

We lost the trade war the moment Bill Clinton allowed companies to shift their manufacturing overseas.

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Better than no deal. Israel is at peace with more entities than they were before.

It’s not, because we give the Arabs high tech fighters in exchange for nothing it’s actually mental midgetry at its finest.

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