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Flags at half mast for Whitney Houston's funeral? Are you serious?


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Gov. Christie is defending his decision to fly the American Flag at half mast today at all government buildings in honor of Whitney Houston. WTF? I thought that was only reserved for the military, and elected officials. Since when did it include drug addicted singers??


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Below is a portion of an email from a friend

The governor of New Jersey decided that Whitney Houston, deserves flags at half mast. New Jersey, we know that you don't understand a world without cockaine (Yes, that is the correct spelling for the drug in context with NJ, ask Whitney, oh wait...) but the aforementioned crack whore doesn't deserve a flag at full mast, much less half mast, a flags position of respect for a person that is deserving.

Just a day ago 20-year-old Lance Cpl. Osbrany Montes De Oca, FROM NEW JERSEY, died in Afghanistan, we're are his flags? Where is his parade? Where is the respect HE deserves.

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I always thought Gov. Christie was a stand up guy. He takes this position to put the flags at half staff for a drug addict entertainer who has contributed nothing to society. I have lost respect for him for compromising his principals to be politically correct. Disgusting.!!!!!! Just when you think one politician is different they show their true colors "Yellow". Our country is going to hell and you wonder why? We can't distinguish from right or wrong any more,ethical or unethical. There are so many other people worthy of this honor and they go unnoticed. This has really lowered the bar when we honor drug addicts just because she could sing . I hope the people of NJ remember this when Christie runs again.

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Okay, after further reading, I discovered that flying the flag at half-mast is not reserved for only military, first responders, and government officials. An executive order is order by the President and it usually for the highest regards. Governors can order their state to fly at half-mast for distiguished residents. With that said, it's still disrespectful but he does have every right to order this for New Jersey. Seeing how the only good things to ever come out of New Jersey is Bruce Spingstein, Bon Jovi, Frank Sinatra, and Giants stadium, they had to look for something to be proud of.

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This is the role model and upstanding citizen who deserves this honor I think NOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Home | Entertainment | Whitney Houston Eats Whole Crack Rock During CBS Early Show Appearance

Whitney Houston Eats Whole Crack Rock During CBS Early Show Appearance

By Barry Mandingo 06/07/2010 19:01:00

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http://www.dailysqui...=article_medium Whitney eats a whole crack rock during filming of the CBS's Early Show

CHICAGO - USA - CBS's Early Show was at the centre of a massive drugs bust this morning when special guest, Whitney Houston, ate a whole rock of crack whilst showcasing her special jerk chicken recipe.

"She was cooking up more than her Jamaican Jerk chicken for sure. She popped that crack rock into her mouth and started chewing like a **********," Early Show host Harry Smith said after the DEA stormed the studio during filming.

Audience members say they saw Ms Houston take the large crack rock out of her "****** up hairdo" and pop it in her mouth. She then started to stir the Jerk chicken recipe wildly in the pot and her eyes rolled up in their sockets whilst uttering a godawful banshee squeal of ecstasy.

"She chewed that crack rock like it was a lump of sugar. I guess she couldn't hold on. Hell, the recipe segment is only about three minutes long but she still took that rock and couldn't even wait to go back stage," CBS anchor, Julie Chen, admiringly quipped after the show.

Whitney Houston was arrested by DEA officers during the show and taken away still singing her hit song "I Will Always Love You"and snorting like a wild pig.

CBS received thousands of complaints from viewers later on, and have vowed to review the quality of celebrity guests that appear on the family show.

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"She was cooking up more than her Jamaican Jerk chicken for sure. She popped that crack rock into her mouth and started chewing like a **********," Early Show host Harry Smith said after the DEA stormed the studio during filming.

This is hilarious! I somehow don't believe Harry Smith would want to be quoted using those exact words. LOL

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Wow thats some really bad words in that Dave...isin't this a family site?

Sorry for the language just wanted to get the total picture if her out in the open. Didn't want to take any literary license with someone's else"s editorial. Should have used better judgement been having the worst two weeks in my life. Sorry guy's.
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