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Uncle Ted being investigated by Secret Service

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players on both sides insulting their opposition is the norm. for anyone to cry foul here they can add themselves to the long list of hypocrites that cry when it's their side under fire.

investigating Nugent here would be another huge hypocrisy as Maher can say whatever he wants about the other side.

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I'm not too fond of Ted but what happened to Freedom of Speech ? He's right ..... the Liberals are destroying our country . People will vote for Obama because he is giving them welfare and are too dumb to see the value of the dollar is becoming less and eventually won't be worth the paper that it's printed on .

Work your ass off for 40 years and give what you have to the lazy slob that won't even look for a job . Nice country .

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You guys are whipping yourselves into a lather again. What's the big story here? The Secret Service has stated that they're going to 'follow up' on a statement that could be construed as a vague threat to the President. That's their job. Are you not ever able to put your feelings aside about this particular President and expect a certain amount of respect for the office? Bush was a clown and a fool. But, when the Dixie Chicks spouted off about him during a concert, I was offended.

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Are you not ever able to put your feelings aside about this particular President and expect a certain amount of respect for the office? Bush was a clown and a fool. But, when the Dixie Chicks spouted off about him during a concert, I was offended.

Now those three sentenceskind of clarify just how sincere your comments are. I may have some extreme problems with Obama's politics and idealogy (shame on me) but I guess if I was to make personal attacks on him and maybe call him some names like a clown and a fool, that would be ok. And you were offended by the Dixie Chicks' comments ....... how big of you ..... lol. I think you just took a massive credibility hit.

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