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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/12/15 in Posts

  1. 8 points
  2. Been a tough yr but seen her on my way in to my stand at 150 yrds and put her down
    5 points
  3. Been a very slow season but persistence finally paid off.Was on stand only 10 mins this afternoon when this 3pt walked out into my food plot.The only buck I saw all gun season.
    4 points
  4. And couldn't shoot him! I'm tagged out for buck! I was making a slow push to my buddy to try and put a doe in his freezer. All we had was a 4H DMP and a landowner antlerless tag. So I'm going through some thick stuff, just sneaking, cause I don't want to bust the deer out. Want to get them out easy to my buddy. Same area I saw a big buck during bow and even got a trail cam pic of him. We didn't see him at all during gun season. So I see a deer jump up in front of me about 30 yards and stand there looking to my right. I pull up get him in my scope and see it's a big buck! And I don't have a buck tag! He stood there for a couple minutes and walked out past my buddy and his jaw dropped too! Last hunt for us this year. Hope he lives another year!
    3 points
  5. Definitely not a successful harvest though. I've got a rack that I recovered much later. It isn't a trophy, like the rest of them. It sits in its own place, as a reminder that I need to make every possible effort to humanely & cleanly kill the deer I shoot at.
    3 points
  6. I feel for your buddy, unfortunately I think the story will always have a disappointing ending. If the guy finally gives in and gives him the rack it's only a band-aid and doesn't change the fact the deer went to waste, wasn't tagged and isn't a successful harvest. The only thing that heals this, is time and redemption, he needs to go out and shoot another. Sorry to sound harsh, I just wouldn't be overly enthused no matter what.
    3 points
  7. I dunno. If you fail to track and retrieve a shot deer, it's fair game for whoever does recover the carcass in the end. Once the blood ended on a deer like that I would have circled and circled until I was sure he wasn't close by. It sounds like a full 3 weeks passed before the carcass was discovered. I would have gone back every day for a week.
    3 points
  8. Oh damn! Sorry! DONT SHOOT! I forgot my TP, could you spare a square?Sent from my LGL16C using Tapatalk
    3 points
  9. Take a picture of them, it steals their souls. They hate that.
    3 points
  10. So after many of hours and passing multiple small bucks. I finally had the opportunity to harvest a fairly large doe today. I was having a crap day, starter went on my service van. Had an embarrassing moment when I had to rapp on it in their driveway but they were none the wiser. I went got a new starter, changed it and by the time I was done the work day was ruined. I decided to go for a long slow walk to ease the nerves and perhaps bump a deer. I never walk. Today I walked from 2-4 jumping only what I can only think was a pair as I never saw them. Was headed back through my food plot and checked my cam, nothing but coyotes. Decided on walking a trail I rarely walk out because it takes longer, I still had about 20 min of legal light. I start walking down the trail and everything starts rustling, then crashing. I stop and look around listening for the direction they are moving in. It sounded like they split but one was coming right to me. I turned down the trail, crouched down and waited. This doe popped her head out spooked and unsure. I put the scope on her shoulder and squeezed the trigger. She ran about 100 yards and died 30' behind my tree stand. I couldn't be more pleased with my harvest as it has been a tough year. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  11. Shot this buck on November 28th at around 9:18 am at 70-75 yards. He was running along a cut hay field just inside the woods about 60-65 yards from my stand. I normally hunt with my father facing one way and me facing the other so when I heard my father snoring I turned to check his side to see if there was anything behind me. I saw nothing so I turned around, but as I turned around I saw the buck running with what looked like a limp. He was directly perpendicular from me in a shooting lane when I saw him so I gave a couple bleats to slow him down so I can get my hearing protection on and my rifle up. He was also running into an area that has a few shooting lanes but they are close together and you need to be quick to get a shot there. I had to make a second bleat to stop him from running again. Once I was all ready I had my rifle aimed at a shooting lane I knew he was going to walk through but he started to run again. I tried to stop him but he wasn't having any of it so I knew it was now or never so I shot. I've practiced shots like this so I was confident in the shot. Well as I was getting ready to shoot my father woke up and watched the shot. Well he thought I missed the deer because all he saw was the head. At the time I thought I might have missed as well because he ran at an angle to where I couldn't see him for more then a quick second. He thought we should stay in the stand because he was almost 100% sure I missed, but I felt that there was no way I could miss this shot and he did look hit and I thought I saw a glimpse of him go down. I convinced him that we should take a look just in case, so we got down about 20 min after the shot. I went to where I thought I hit him and I couldn't find any blood but I decided to take a quick walk because if he was hit, he would be down pretty close. Well after about 10 yards I look up and saw a tree that was covered in blood. Another foot and I saw the deer laying maybe 2 feet from that tree. All in all he went maybe 40 yards from the point he was shot. The shot took out the left lung and severed the heart completely. Turns out his right shoulder was dislocated and he had a healed up wound on his brisket so I'm thinking he got beat by a bigger buck. Good thing this happened early because I had 3 parties to go to so I was only able to hunt until 11 am max. I had to rush the gutting and skinning to make it home in time for my father and I to get ready. I got up at 3 and didn't make it home from those party's until 2 am. Great deer and great parties...what an amazing day! Only bad part is my parents convinced me to mount it so now I'm going to be out 500 bucks, but its worth it.
    3 points
  12. I'm done already! First nice buck I've seen all season, I'm tempted to shoot it but I paid like $80 for it, so is that cheating? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  13. I will never, ever, welcome people to this country who's greatest wish is to participate in it's destruction.
    2 points
  14. The biggest threat to America today comes from Washington DC. The Socialists, Communists, Enviro-nazis, gun-grabbers and alternative-lifestyle folks don't mean a damn thing until they get legislation passed to 'normalize' their views. I'll keep working hard to thwart that. "Never give an inch."
    2 points
  15. What kind of doosh takes someone else's antlers and tries to claim they are his own? You Can't Beat My Meat!
    2 points
  16. I dislocated my pinkie, it was flipped sideways. When I was filling out the form at ER I put "Concert Pianist" under occupation. Highly recommend, I got some sympathetic looks!
    2 points
  17. Those long pieces along the spine are not fit for human consumption, however if you don't mind if like to have them for my dog...
    2 points
  18. That's the spirit. Who needs 10 ?!
    2 points
  19. You can hang quite a number of deer and bear with that thing.
    2 points
  20. Well I'm done at 11:30 up to 52 here done for the day have my daughters sweet 16 party today. Good luck out there.
    2 points
  21. I am kinda wild he should have been scared Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
    2 points
  22. yote #3 today Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
    2 points
  23. Heard 2 grunts and some scruffling to my right in these thicks hoping for it to come out
    2 points
  24. Still no desire by Outdoor News to factor in two bad winters: http://www.outdoornews.com/December-2015/A-weird-deer-season/
    2 points
  25. Hey , c'mon , we speak English here !
    2 points
  26. Burmjohn, your cabin is beautiful. Love the workmanship and style, great job!
    2 points
  27. Homemade pizza tonight. I was a good boy and only had 3 slices. One white garlic, one pepperoni, and one peppers, onions, and mushrooms.
    2 points
  28. I sure would like to go duck hunting with the rifle only guys.
    2 points
  29. And what a waste of space in my gun safe to only have one. I'll join the 12 gauge people
    2 points
  30. I will say this it is not deer numbers I hunted bow and saw deer almost every time I went out.... Bucks does fawns what ever.... I have trail cams out have many pics on all the cams.... Gun season has been dead have not seen much at all.... I know the deer are still here but something is keeping them from moving too much after sunrise
    2 points
  31. I'll be out there Monday with the smoke pole. All day sit in rain and winds. Still beats working. Killed 2 already with it during gun season. I post "milk" from my Iphone awhile back. Somehow it became "MILF". Hmmm, how'd my phone build that into it's memory I wonder
    2 points
  32. First of all, I want to say thank you. I'm sitting in a Quality Inn room, with my wife sleeping in one bed, and my 17 yr old sleeping in another. Luckily, my 18 yr old is still at his dorm in brockport. Little background on the dawn events: At 3 AM, I am woken up by someone frantically pounding on my door and ringing the doorbell. I open my eyes and my room is lit up like mid-day. I grab the wife, go downstairs and grab the kid, and bolt out of the house. As I leave the house, I look back and see that the garage and both vehicles are on fire. I rush my family across the street in fear of explosions. By the time I get across the street, the fire has trippled in size. The shear heat of it literally melted the siding of my neighbors house 30 yds away and the peak of my back porch had burst into flame. A teenager approaches me and I realize he is the one that rang the bell. He saw the fire from a street away, called 911 and races over to alert us. In the space of 15 minutes, the garage went from a fire that could be handled by a few extinguishers to a roaring blaze that chars all of the surrounding houses, shattering windows and melting siding. By 4am the fire was out, the garage was barely a skeleton, the car and truck are not even recognizable. It was so damn fast! If that teenager had walked by 10 minutes earlier, he wouldnt have seen it. If he were 10 minutes later, we probably would have died. (I looked for him later when I could think, and he had dissapeared. never saw him before, and never got his name) As I sit here, I am filling out my itemized loss listing. With my family finally peacefully sleeping, at 41 yrs old, I am feeling like I want to cry. I don't care how un-manly it makes me. To all you parents, you must understand what it takes to be the rock of the family. The steady presence that holds things from going over the edge of hysteria. It's a job I happily take, but it tears me apart. When I realize I was just a few minutes from losing everything, it literally has me shaking as it kicks in. I posted here because I had to get it out in a safe place, so as to keep my spirits up and to not let my family see me falter when they needed my strength. Again, I was not looking for sympathy or handouts. I didnt even have a need for people to read my post. I just needed to write it. (If that makes sense) To all those responding, and especially to those that are offering prayers and assistance, I cannot thank you enough. Even if I have no idea who you are, your support and understanding are priceless to me. I don't know what else to say. Thank you. Joshua O'Campo
    2 points
  33. Or kinda like using a condom...Not quite the same, but less complications..
    2 points
  34. The pattern seems the same, considering what I observed, what my local friends observed and what lots of members on this forum observed. VERY little deer movement during daylight hours after the first weekend. I blame it on the tremendous acorn crop plus lack of snow cover. The deer don't need to move. They bed in the thick stuff and when they get hungry all they have to do is stand up and gorge themselves on acorns. If they venture out of thier secure bedding cover to feed in fields, they do it at night.
    2 points
  35. Beauty! That's the kind you'd wished you've saved your tag for. If there's any justice at all, Diana will save that one for you for next year.
    1 point
  36. Cool you got to see him...I had the same thing happen to me a few years back ! That one did not make it to the next year, however...He went out the side of the brushlot and a neighbor shot him ...<<grin>>...
    1 point
  37. Some class on the part of the guy who won't give the antlers to him. What a loser.
    1 point
  38. If they get installed backwards , they attract deer instead of scaring them .
    1 point
  39. Maybe someone hit the gas instead of the brakes?
    1 point
  40. Unless you can't read, why is it hard to comprehend? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  41. average temp of 7 in February didn't help either
    1 point
  42. Laugh if you will but the .410 is good and fun for 90% of hunting.
    1 point
  43. quite honestly, I wouldn't just turn it up two inches and assume that it's gonna hit where you want.....I've played with some scopes that what it said the adjustment was and what it REALLY was, turned out to be quite different......not to mention that some ammo can do different things once you start to stretch the distance.
    1 point
  44. think about what you might do to get a piece of ass? Traveling a few miles is nothing for a deer. I think a lot of us would do it ourselves when we were teens.
    1 point
  45. I never use all the tags available on my land and the local farms I hunt, due to lack of deer.. If I could get everybody else in the neiborhood to get on board our herd may recover..instead , every yearling buck and doe they have a tag for is shot.. And the bitching continues...
    1 point
  46. Taken Sunday....not bad for a first buck....very proud DAD........
    1 point
  47. Finally after an absolutely stressful season full of problems I put this big bodied 8pt on the ground. Catt county ridge runner And I got some blood on the new rig!!!
    1 point
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