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  1. I took the first week off and got skunked. I was home alone with the baby tonight. Had just thrown a back strap from last year's last doe in the oven when I saw four or five deer in the field. Snuck outside while daughter was playing in her room. Took up a nice position about 120 yds away and let the Savage 220 bark. She jumped about 4 feet in the air on impact, wobbled about 50 feet and piled up. No tag soup this year. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I537 using Tapatalk
    6 points
  2. Got out to the swamp at about 2pm today. About 20 minutes went by and i heard two faint grunts. Was waiting for the buck to show from my right...i looked to my left and two small does came out. Then i noticed a bigger head and bigger doe. 35 yards to the ithaca with remington sluggers did the job. She went a total of maybe 15 yards. Quartering to me i took out the left shoulder. 120# doe...ill take it everyday of the week!
    6 points
  3. Taken in Jamesville New York last week TJ Sheridan
    6 points
  4. Congrats..., but I gotta ask...... exactly how many deer do you really need to kill in one year? Don't take this the wrong way. I'd really like an honest answer. I know there's plenty of guys here that do the same. If you've got the tags then by all means knock yourself out. Just seems like a little bit of "overkill" to me when guys feel they "need" to fill every tag issued. I'll be honest here, I even get a bit annoyed when I hear guys killing in excess of their own needs just to donate the rest. If they were really feeling generous, they would sacrifice one of their own. JMO
    5 points
  5. I can't count the ones I've seen from the stand but certainly less than 25. I missed one by inches with the bow early in October, first and only one I have shot at with the bow. A number of years ago I had a pretty good morning In Lima NY while deer hunting. I shot a nice doe, gutted her and dragged her up to my side of the gully and climbed back up into the stand waiting on a buck. No buck showed but two 'yotes did in the next half hour........all with the T/C muzzleloader.
    5 points
  6. My Birthday Buck, first day of a 26 day hunt. I think I jumped him earlier in the day. Called in with a doe bleet and grunt tube. After using the can I heard a grunt 30 minutes later and responded with a grunt. Twenty minutes of him making rubs just below me (I wondered what that noise was?) he came into view for a perfect broad side shot. Felt like a gift from heaven above, my 3rd Buck out of Moose River and the highlight of my ADK hunting adventures. What a Birthday gift!!!
    5 points
  7. Doe i took this afternoon around 3pm. 120#
    4 points
  8. Ok where to start. There are basically two types of people who shoot deer. 1. Those who willing knowingly break the law and have no regard for anyone else (poachers etc) Will they care of their license is pulled? Not at all. If they have no regard for the law why would they for that. Chances are if they even have a license, the tags have been used several times. This is the same as a felony convicted dwi alcoholic cares if they have a license. Both will continue their current behavior until it is no longer possible or they kill someone. Then maybe they will be put away where society is safe from them. i look at this person as every time they poach a deer, they are stealing one from you and I. 2 A hunter The person who hunts legally and ethically. Unfortunately they have a grey area in between them. When a person gets caught doing the ethically right thing which may cross a legal boundary, I could not begin to tell you how many go back to hunting and how many hunt anyway. The text book definition from NY state hunter ed for ethical is doing the right thing even if you knew you would not get caught doing the wrong thing. I realize you are trying to draw me into a discussion about the validity of revoking someones privileges and how ineffective it is. My stance if a person is a law abiding citizen, they will follow the law. If they become hardened to the system and hunt anyway, they never were that ethical or legal in the first place. This is like the old put a guy in prison he becomes a criminal. Personally in all the dec tickets I handled over the years, I only revoked one guys privileges. Shooting after hours with the aid of a light loaded gun in the vehicle under the influence of alcohol, shooting across a highway,as well as possession of an untagged doe where there were no dmp's. I am just glad no one was shot when he shot from the drivers side of the vehicle out the passenger window with a passenger with him. This was his 4th violation in 6 years. Did I stop him from doing what he was doing? I doubt it. Well I did for the 6 months he spent in jail. I have not heard about him since. I think he left the area.
    4 points
  9. Only had one poop blow out so far but it wasn't bad. Just a small amount. Have been sprayed though but it was my fault. I forgot 2 of the rules of diaper changing gun safety. 1. Treat all babies as if they're loaded. 2. Keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction at all times.
    4 points
  10. Here is a bear my buddy got on opening day. After being dressed out and sitting overnight it weighed 350. Taxiderist said it was the biggest skull he has seen and suggested getting it measured.
    4 points
  11. My parents just braved the storm to get up here for from PA for thanksgiving. My grandad had mounted my archery buck for me and gave it to my folks to bring up. He does all the families except for the few shoulder mounts. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  12. Finally the stubbornness pays off. Filled a doe tag. Still leaning toward crazy though. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free
    3 points
  13. This story starts a few days before I left for the family camp in the Adirondacks. I was planning on heading up there for the last few days of New York’s northern zone season as I have for several years now. For some reason I had this odd, strong feeling about November 28, 2012 being “The Day”. I told my Dad and my girlfriend Bonnie separately that if I was going to get a buck that this was going to be when. This day would be my late Granddad’s birthday and the 10th anniversary of my first buck kill. I was a senior in college that year and in addition to being Granddad’s birthday it was also Thanksgiving. My brother Owen and I pulled into my Grandparent’s driveway in our hunting clothes with a dead buck to show off when we should have already been there visiting with family and preparing to feast. Of course everyone wanted to see the deer and hear the story. As I replayed the events to a mixed audience of farmers and city dwelling cousins I was cut off by Granddad in midsentence after I said I had “harvested” the buck, a term I used in an attempt to soften the details for less tempered relatives. Granddad exclaimed, “You didn’t harvest him, you killed him and don’t say it any other way!” I didn’t know it at the time but that would be Granddad’s last birthday. I’ll never forget that moment or that day. Hunting the rut in the Adirondacks would seem logical but if there isn’t snow in those big woods it can be difficult to locate deer, which is why I prefer the end of the season when it is more probable that there would be tracking snow on the ground. This year the conditions were perfect- three inches of snow on the ground and light snow showers every day with temperatures staying slightly below freezing. I started out at daybreak on the 1st day by driving thirty or so miles around the park and on various logging roads in search of a large buck track crossing the road, a track I never found. I ended up back near the main camp area and headed off on the trail to Salmon Lake as there had been a fair amount of deer activity seen in that direction a week or so before. I cut some deer tracks a ¾ mile down the trail and followed them in the general direction of North Pond. As the tracks appeared to belong to a couple does and fawns, I left them and followed the outlet to the Flowgrounds. From there I hunted up a hill off the north shore of the pond where I found a couple of snowed in scrapes and plenty of feeding activity. I soon spotted a doe and fawn towards the top of the hill but they had also spotted me and soon bounded away. I noticed the top of the hill appeared to be fairly open and looked like a potential buck bedding area. I was excited to find two big beds on an overlook; one was a day old with snow in it and the other was fresh with a nice-sized track which quickened my pulse. I followed the track down off the hill perpendicularly to the way I came up and noticed where the buck had fed on ferns, bedded very recently, and even saw where his antler tips stuck into the snow as he fed. Now I knew I was on a decent buck and the track was very fresh. As I followed the track it then traveled in the general direction of where I had encountered the doe and fawn. Suddenly the buck had stopped and then bounded away and down the hill to the northwest. I had been close, but not close enough. Without snow I never would have known about him at all. How often does this happen when there isn’t any snow to tell the tale and the hunter never knows? Not having to ponder the answer to this question I took off on his trail. Just because I had jumped him didn’t mean that the jig was up. I followed him for 3 hours and several miles. I lost count of how many times I almost caught up with him and he ran again, but each time he would bound a little less before returning to a brisk walk. I was unsure whether he was physically tiring or he was starting to wonder what was really following him with nothing really bad happening… yet. Several times he crossed other deer tracks and even my own as he attempted to shake his pursuer, but with every step he left a telltale trail that this predator knew he was at the end of. At one point he stuck his nose deep in the snow where a doe had urinated; apparently the urge to breed was slightly stronger than the urge to survive. I wish I could say that at the end the day there laid a majestic buck in a picturesque setting unaware of the doom taking aim at his vitals, but at 4:30pm I reluctantly left his track and beat feet from a point near the Salmon Lake Boathouse over the two miles of trail back to my truck. My GPS read 8.6 miles for the day’s wandering. Throughout the pursuit I innately knew it wasn’t going to happen that day and for some reason tomorrow, the 28th of November was The Day. The second day dawned with high hopes and optimism. Conditions were again great with another light dusting of snow that continued through late morning and I of course had that feeling. Because I had been on what seemed to be a pretty nice buck the day before I decided to get right back on his track and see if I could finish what I had started. I picked up where I left off and soon lost his track after he got into a group of does and fawns feeding. With a dusting of snow over everything it was impossible to figure out which tracks were his. As I write this I am kicking myself for not making wide circles around the top of the hill and the feeding activity to find where he had walked out, but then I would have a different story to tell. One of the caretakers had suggested checking out the Fly Ponds area as he had seen a lot of deer activity in that general vicinity the previous year at the same point in the season. This seemed like a good idea and because I had never been there before that’s where I headed. The last major bit of deer sign I saw was right by the road where I parked even though I went to the Fly Ponds, headed west towards Salmon Lake, got tangled up in a nasty blow down area, looped back towards the low area between Pilgrim Pond Mountain and East Pond Mountain, crossed beaver dams, and closed my eyes and rammed through dense spruce thickets. Sure I saw a few tracks from does and fawns, but no major feeding activity, and more importantly, no big buck tracks that begged me to follow. I’ll admit, at 3:30 pm, when I was on the back side of East Pond Mountain and I hadn’t seen any deer tracks in the last couple of miles my inner “feeling” began to waver. I noticed a marker nailed to a tree indicating a trail that a cousin had cut over the peak of the mountain and down to the main trail that led to my truck on the other side. I had heard about this mountain trail but never actually been on it. Because it was a shorter route back to the main trail although steeper, I decided to give it a try. That was a mistake, but looking back, every step I took that day played a very important role in my timing. As I chugged up the mountainside I felt as though I had wasted a great day of ideal tracking conditions without actually following a track. There was always tomorrow, but what happened to today being The Day? About two thirds of the way up there were suddenly 3 does standing in an opening above me at about 40 yards. I raised my gun and searched desperately for a buck that wasn’t there. They ultimately spooked, taking a fourth, previously unseen doe with them. Exciting, but not what I was looking for. As I caught my breath at the top and peered over the edge at the rest of the trail disappearing below me I questioned my decision to go over the top instead of around but it was too late to turn back. Were there any deer tracks on that side of the mountain? I have no idea. I spent more time slipping, sliding, and getting grabbed by snags while trying to survive my ride to the bottom than I care to endure again. I can’t tell you what the purpose of that trail is but I know it’s not for hunting. At least now I was on fairly level ground and I could ease my way back towards the truck. Although the day was almost over I do remember thinking it wasn’t quite over yet and because I had long ago been taught to be attentive and looking for deer as long as I could still legally hunt, I carefully eased my way along the shoulder of the mountain in the direction of my truck. As I crested the saddle between East Pond Mountain and Bread Loaf, my eyes caught a horizontal shape that quickly turned into a deer 50 yards off to my right in a low area that drained towards East Pond. I froze and unaware of my presence, the deer raised its head to chew on some ferns it had dug from the snow. That’s when I saw a thick antler beam that rose up off the deer’s head. I saw all I needed to convince me that this buck was more than a few years old I quickly raised my rifle and fired. Although the shot was fatal I fired once more which dropped him immediately. It happened so quickly that the adrenaline didn’t start to hit me until I was halfway to the fallen buck, the whole time thinking, “I can’t believe it really happened- today!” What I saw when I reached had me struggling to think clearly; the antlers on this deer were absolutely gargantuan. The mass is indescribable. I admit I have not been known to be a spiritual person, but I immediately looked up at the tree tops and sky above and said, “Thank you Granddad.” After that I can’t remember what I babbled but I know I stomped around that deer just looking at the obscenely thick antlers in disbelief. I looked at my GPS, it was 4:22 pm, and I’d covered 11.1 miles at that point. For such a magnificent buck to cross paths with me at nearly the last legal minute, on Granddad’s birthday, exactly ten years to the day after I’d killed my 1st buck, and on a day that I somehow knew several days in advance was The Day is eerie. Coincidence? Anyone who knows me knows that I am more than a little superstitious when it comes to hunting. For example; I shaved off my big buck beard as soon as I got home (can’t shave from the beginning of the season until you get a buck or the season ends- I am not the only hunter that believes in this, and it may seem silly but you won’t convince me otherwise). For me to tell my Dad and girlfriend ahead of time about “The Day” was way out of character because it would ensure failure and I would jinx myself. The following morning I took a lot of pictures trying to capture the sheer massiveness of the buck. I have realized that a person really needs to try to wrap their fingers around the beams to appreciate how much bone there is. With bases of nearly 6” and H2s over 5”, the thickness of the antlers actually make the whole rack look smaller than it is when seen from a distance or in a photo. For example: I assumed the main beams were around 22” and the inside spread was about 16”, but was shocked to tape the inside spread at 18” and both main beams at 26”. What I assumed was a really heavy 135” 8 point turned out to be a high 140s (I rough scored it at 149) 8 point, which is remarkable considering G3s that are only 3 + 4”. Luck is the number one ingredient in deer hunting and I am extremely lucky to have as much of it as I’ve had, but on November 28, 2012, not only did I have a lot of luck, I had Granddad.
    2 points
  14. Greetings everyone. Looking forward to posting and reading some good posts here on the forum. I hunt in Cayuga county finger lakes. I am cleaning the rust off my hunting skills after moving out of the area for longer than I should have. I came back to snow geese everywhere, rifles allowed, and anti hunting neighbor(s), and just about nowhere to hunt anymore. (I am looking for land in the area if anyone on here knows any) Last year was my first deer hunt in some time and I managed to knock down a doe that tasted great. I hunt mostly with my trusty Browning BPS 12 gauge. It usually shoots straight, though now and again I think some voodoo curse bends the barrel slightly at the wrong time and nothing falls from the sky. Doesnt happen often. I upgraded from my old Browning bow to a sweeetttt PSE Stinger this fall. WOW. Its like night and day. I had a few shots, deer made me each time. Sucks... Picked up a savage 30-06 and am carrying that these days. Browning sits for bird hunting and days where my scope gets wet. Last year my wife expressed interest in hunting with me!! Got her a nice pink youth PSE and a 20 gauge 11-87 autoloader. We had a spare 308 around and she carried that opening weekend and nailed a doe at about 175 yards. First shot at her first deer. Good stuff.
    2 points
  15. Hello everyone! I'm a minority in here, I'm sure. I say that because I am female. I love hunting just as much (if not more) than many of you. I have been bow hunting for 18 years now and to date have harvested with my archery equipment over 30 whitetails, 2 coyotes, 1 bear, several turkeys, squirrels, grouse, rabbits and woodchucks. In addition to hunting I also compete with my bow and am proud to say that I am a 2 time I.B.O. National Triple Crown champion. Last year I spent over 140 hours in a tree stand trying to get one particular buck with my bow. I seen him 3 times but was unable to connect with him. Fortunately, I shot him on the 5th day of the rifle season. He was a 10 point and scored 142. He was the biggest buck I have ever shot! I've included a picture of him. I'm excited to be a part of this forum and look forward to reading about other's successes. I hope that someday soon I can add my own success story for this season!
    2 points
  16. I've seen what women carry in a small purse. I can only imagine what they got in a backpack
    2 points
  17. I understand that. I'm by no means new to this hunting stuff and what my purpose is out there. I'm struggling with typing this in my most civil tone possible, so if anyone takes offence, it's either unintentional or you have a guilty conscence for some reason,lol For one guy to take 6 antlerless deer this year, kinda puts him at least 12 deer behind the 8 ball heading into next year already. If you take a look around the site, there's no shortage of posts here about decreased deer #'s.., and fewer than usual sightings..., and it's so quiet out there this season. Heck Meat Manager himself has been involved in many of those posts. What do you expect we're gonna be reading about the same time next season if we kill every deer that shows us it's vitals. That's just not good sound management no matter if you're a meat hunter, a trophy hunter, or even one of those guys in between who supports AR's and has big dreams! I'm no biologist, but lets get real here people. If your not seeing the deer on your property like you used to, you might do good to give a few of them a pass to replenish what you've already taken instead of starting in a hole for 2014. All the food plots and land management you can come up with in the off season wont make a shit bit of difference if you don't have any deer left to benefit from it. We've also seen the quite a few topics about how DEC issues more antlerless tags in certain areas than they should. Some will say this is due to their innaccurate method of calculating deer populations over smaller areas instead of a broader assumption over a WMU. You guys that are out there every day know what's going on in your particular woods better than anyone else and need to recognise and adjust your harvest goals accordingly.... not just shoot 'em up because you can. As always JMO!
    2 points
  18. At what point does a person feel they killed enough deer for one season? I don't think there was anything wrong with Wooly's question, and in fact find myself wondering the same thing. I doubt like heck anyone on this site would rather see a deer on anybody's windshield, and see that comment more as a knee jerk, emotional response to an honest, poignant question. By the same token I don't think it requires a list of explanations or excuses about why someone kills a pile of deer if it is done legally. To answer Wooly's question though I think is really pretty simple. It's a very personal thing we all need to ask ourselves, and to know when the little voice in our head (conscience) tells us enough is enough, it's time to stop for the year.
    2 points
  19. Biz...why do u have to play DEP? Congrats on a great first deer...biz has been hunting for years payin thousands and still cant shoot one that big, no wonder why he is jealous!!
    2 points
  20. They are trying to clean up their internet image as it must be taking a toll on the money coming in. I have viewed the craiglist adds and people have been posting responses on there that are very damaging. Some people get deer at the club but most don't go very often and that is the member they love. Some members get special spots and the rest get screwed. Pictures are taken from anyplace and are mostly of deer shot in other places. As for the small game and bird hunting it is a preserve run by the son and if you don't pay him to guide you, you are on the outs and can forget weekends. It could be a good club if it were about hunting but its about money for Bob and east end living for his family. The defenders of the club come out this time every year as the push for shotgun hunters starts. That's a big money maker for them, only one month a year for a nice fee and a lot of those guys are not as intense as bowhunters and they like guys that are not that into it. The problem is that everyone now does internet searches and the real word is out. This thread has been here a long time and Bob would do anything to get it removed. This is another attempt at that. Keep up the good work Geno.
    2 points
  21. My daughter guilted me into coaching her church basketball team this season."you never coach me...only my brothers!" Ok I'll coach. Day before her first practice, she separates her growth plate in her ankle and has been on crutches since...I on the other hand have been coaching 4th grade girls basketball as my daughter sits and watches or stays home on the couch where I want to be! Wwwwhhhaaaaaaaaa!
    2 points
  22. holy crap, where are all you one post wonders coming from?! lol i can sling a line of BS? im not anywhere near good as your buddy bob. and bob was the first to drag your deer??? what are you sick? facts are facts Rudy, no BS here... BS is charging someone 1500 to hunt land that doesn't even belong to club , have an array of people come in an ruin your hunt everyday, guys baiting everywhere, tree stands popping up 15 yards from your. C'mon, there was NO ORDER when i was there and from the members who left there with me who were there for 10 years or so say they put up with it since day one. do me a favor... your buddy bob has an issue with whats said about him and his club tell him to drop me a buzz and man up, otherwise i can give two craps what people say about that place. im a big boy and if he was organized he would know how to get in touch with me since i filled out the paper work and wasted $1500, so he would know how to contact me. otherwise, save it... you boys have issues, are you really telling me he lets you stay at the club house? i call BS, i specifically asked him if i could stay there to save me the 40 min drive there more then once and he told me NO, they dont do that there and when i replied i was told by him i could upon signing up he ran circles around what i said, i never pushed the fact. let it go and tell your buddy this thread will be here and is NOT going anywhere. he should have made right once upon a time with the many people who lined his pockets and only asked to get in return what we paid for. thats it... i honestly DO NOT care how things are over there nor do i care about that club in general. i liked bob, i did until i saw he was BS'ing me from the start and basically took my money and offered NOTHING what was told to me when i signed the papers. and dont make it sound like its us, i spoke with Bob on the phone after i left and he tried to get me to stay and he offered me to help him run that club they way it should be ran and said i can run it how i see fit, i declined and kept living my life. now i see many 120-130" plus deer a year and dont have anyone ruining my hunts. tell him i said good luck with the club, i hope he does the right thing.
    2 points
  23. It's not babysitting. It's parenting. I had to wait for my mom to get here to go get the deer because my wife works til 9 on Mondays and Tuesdays. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I537 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  24. Here is mine, people shoot small bucks and fawns, Then whine that they do not see big bucks. Let the fireworks commence!!
    2 points
  25. My 6 month old had 5AM blowouts two days in a row requiring a full bath and nightmare cleanup. Why can't these diapers do their job.
    2 points
  26. I managed to fill my regular season buck tag today with a nice 6'er! I wasn't even going to go out because of the weather and no sightings lately. I froze my butt off for 4hrs before this fella came running in from behind me right around noon. When I stood up to grab my smokepole my treestand let out a God awefull groan and he ran away from me. Unfortunately for him, he didn't run far enough before he stopped, and I dropped 'em in his tracks! Not to toot my own horn... but I don't miss with this gun! As I was gutting him, I had 4 antlerless stroll by me at 20yds, and on my way dragging him out I bumped into 4 more antlerless on the trail home. I can still go out for late ML season but only got the antlerless tag so I'll see how cold it is,lol Looks like shed season will come early again this year!
    2 points
  27. Nailed a 5 point tonight at 220 yards
    2 points
  28. 2 points
  29. Should I mount it ? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  30. November 25, 2013 Ladies and Gentlemen, As a method of providing an update on our fight to overturn New York’s SAFE Act (“the Act”), we are providing this letter, in “Q and A” form, with the answers to questions you might have concerning the case. Q: What is the current status of the proceedings in the New York action? As you are aware, in the beginning of the case, we moved for a preliminary injunction. In this motion, we ask the Court to stop the provisions of the SAFE Act from taking effect while the lawsuit is ongoing. In particular, we are seeking the court to enjoin the enforcement of the following provisions of the law: 1. The section making it unlawful to possess an ammunition feeding device containing more than seven rounds of ammunition. 2. The sections making it unlawful to possess, transport, ship, or dispose of, a large capacity ammunition feeding device (we are alternatively seeking to enjoin these provisions as applied to any such device manufactured before September 13, 1994). 3. Certain unintelligible portions of the section making it unlawful to possess a large capacity ammunition feeding device (if the court does not enjoin the entire section). 4. The sections which make it unlawful to possess a device that can be readily restored or converted to accept more than ten rounds of ammunition.” 5. The sections which make it unlawful to possess a device that can be readily restored or converted to accept more than ten rounds of ammunition, or a device that holds more than ten rounds as applied to tubular magazines. 6. The sections which define an “assault weapon” in part as certain rifles and shotguns as having a folding or telescoping stock, a pistol grip that protrudes conspicuously beneath the action of the weapon, or a thumbhole stock. 7. The sections which define an “assault weapon” as a semiautomatic shotgun with a fixed magazine capacity in excess of seven rounds or an ability to accept a detachable magazine. The Defendants have opposed our Motion for Preliminary Injunction and have filed their own Motion to Dismiss and for Summary Judgment, which asks the Court to enter judgment determining that the SAFE Act is valid. In response to the State’s Motion for Summary Judgment, we have filed our own Motion for Summary Judgment. The briefing on these motions (which has been extensive) is complete. Q: What will happen next? Since briefing is complete, we believe the Court will schedule an oral argument on the motions. Normally, for cases involving these controversial of issues, courts will hold an oral argument, although the Court is not required to do so; as the issues involved in the motions are purely legal, no testimony is required and the Court may just rule on the papers that have been filed. We do not know, however, if the Court will have a hearing and when it will happen. The procedural rules do not require the Court either to set a hearing or to decide the motion within a specified amount of time. The time in which a court sets a motion for hearing and issues a decision on a matter is impacted by several factors, such as the judge’s schedule, pressing criminal trials, and the complexity of the issues involved. Every judge handles his or her caseload differently. Given the issues involved, we believe the Court will do its best to hear and decide the motions as quickly as possible, but ultimately we have no control over that time frame. We have conveyed to the Court, and will continue to convey to the Court, our desire to move this matter along as quickly as possible. Q: Will we get relief before January 15, 2014, the effective date of the requirement that all previously grandfathered magazines of more than 10 rounds must be discarded or sold out of state? Possibly, but unlikely. While we understand that this portion of the law is a source of particular anger with members, the chance of the Court ruling to strike down or otherwise enjoin the law before that date really depends on how quickly the Court decides to either hold a hearing on our motion for preliminary injunction or issue a decision. As mentioned earlier, the Court has almost complete control over its schedule. As described above, there are three motions pending: our Motion for Preliminary Injunction, Defendants Motion to Dismiss and for Summary Judgment, and our own Motion for Summary Judgment. The Court may rule on these motions at the same time, or it may rule on them separately. The Motion for Preliminary Injunction asks the Court to enjoin, or stop, the enforcement of certain provisions of the Act while the lawsuit is ongoing. Concerning this motion, the Court has two options: (1) It can grant (either in whole or in part) our preliminary injunction request, which would stop the provisions described above from being enforced while the lawsuit is ongoing; or (2) It can deny our preliminary injunction request, which would not stop the provisions described above from being enforced while the lawsuit is ongoing. The second and third motions are the Defendants’ Motion to Dismiss or for Summary Judgment and our own Motion for Summary Judgment. If the Court grants the State’s motion in its entirety, then the case will be dismissed in favor of the Defendants. Similarly, if the Court grants our own Motion for Summary Judgment, then judgment will enter in favor of the plaintiffs. If the Court grants part of the Defendants’ motion, than the case will be dismissed in favor of the Defendants as to those parts of the law upon which the Court grants the motion. The same holds true, obviously, if the Court grants the Plaintiffs’ Motion in part. If the Court denies the motions in their entirety, then the case would continue to proceed as it is styled with all of our claims intact. Given the complexity of the issues raised in the motions and the current caseload of the Court, it is unlikely (but not impossible) that the Court will rule on our motion for preliminary injunction before January 15. We are sending a letter to the Court trying to get the Court to expedite a hearing on our preliminary injunction motion to stop the enforcement of the law, but it is unlikely that the Court will take action before the January 15, date. Q: How is this lawsuit affected by other lawsuits challenging the NY law? Many times when a law is enacted that infringes core rights, like the Act, there are multiple lawsuits filed seeking to stop the law from taking effect or otherwise being enforced. Sometimes, these actions proceed in harmony with each other; most times, they do not. For example, there have been other lawsuits filed which challenge the SAFE Act on various grounds that we may or may not have raised in our lawsuit. One suit has challenged the emergency manner in which the SAFE Act was adopted. This was a potential basis for challenging the law that we considered, but rejected, at the onset of this litigation: our analysis and experience showed that courts do not get involved with the merits of “emergency” determinations, and have historically taken a completely permissive attitude towards legislative circumvention of these aging requirements. We therefore believe that a challenge on this basis would be quickly rejected (as the one brought by Robert Schulz on this same basis has been), would detract from the strong arguments we have prepared, and could cause us to lose credibility with the court. We believe that the lawsuit we have brought is well-crafted, and that the record supports the relief we are seeking. This was the product of a lengthy, deliberative process in which we analyzed many different approaches. Having a law invalidated is not an easy thing to accomplish, and we believe that the approach we have adopted and implemented gives us the best chance of success. This may be different from the approach taken by plaintiffs in other lawsuits, but it is the one that we believe gives us the greatest chance of prevailing in the end. We hope this gives you an accurate picture of where things currently stand in this lawsuit. If you have follow up questions about any of the matters discussed in this letter, or the case in general, please do not hesitate to contact us. We welcome your call. Thank you. [email protected] King Cogito ergo sum armati
    1 point
  31. All checked in by Meat Manager! lol
    1 point
  32. Turns out he Beasted him! Both he and I weren't sure how to get close enough to get in there and kill him but after he watched the dvd I sent him he went right in and found a ton of sign in the thermal tunnel area on the ridge above the field he'd been getting pictures of him in. He moved right in yesterday morning before first light and sat all morning in 8 degrees. The buck came cruising through at 11:45 and the rest is history!
    1 point
  33. this is the guy who bragged about massacring deer with red tags off season...yet never posted a live from the stand or harvest.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  34. pulled into drive at 3pm...a doe and fawn standing there watching me 35 yrds out...I spooked them back across the road...saw back neighbor getting out to hunt their land ...hope he pushes them to me in plot...headed out now groceries be damn....
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. Well it could be all these jobs Obama created. There has to be a few more of those guys out there picking up the road kill for the state???? lol
    1 point
  37. And what about standing in a checkout line when you are in a hurry and some old fart ( older than me ) is holding up the line digging in her purse saying " I know I have a penny in here somewhere " . I slap a quarter on the counter and say take it from this and the old fart feels insulted .
    1 point
  38. Sounds like a great camp to me.
    1 point
  39. You used the wrong kind. You've gotta make sure the packages says it's good for up to 20 pounds.
    1 point
  40. Give it time my friend. I was at defcon 1 this morning.
    1 point
  41. Just because something is Illegal does not make it wrong. Some of you would turn in your mother if she did not stop at a stop sign properly. If police operated in this manor, ever person doing 1 mph over the speed limit would get a ticket. Then the police would not be doing their job and would just be ticket generating every day. We all know that these official are suppose to use some discretionary and objective thinking while on the job. ECO are in the same boat... While new people in this position get a little overzealous, as they progress in their roll they will learn and prioritize. Many examples of this exist: Hunter driving home sees a deer on the side of the road that will die from a car accident. To end the suffering he puts a bullet in the animal but this was after dark. ECO arrives and gives a ticket for spotlighting and shooting after dark. Thrown out of court. Putting a mortally wounded animal down after dark IMO is an obligation morally. Might not be legal but my ethics will not let that animal suffer. These are some examples of how a law can conflict with what is right. And NO I will not use a knife, no way I am getting that close to a wounded animal and risking my life. After taking his first deer Joe Smoe goes to the DEC check station, after showing the officer where he took the deer, he gets a ticket for baiting due to an apple core that is days old 30 yards from where he was hunting. Baiting ticket given to this lucky lad. Officer is just interested in giving out tickets... Who cares if the apple was 5 days old. Many of us follow the game laws to the best of our ability and it is real easy for someone on the internet to say I would not have done that but I find that what some say on the internet is vastly different from what they would do in real life. Sometimes ethics will interfere with the law. No one is perfect but if you follow the laws to the best of your ability and use good moral ethics you should be ok. This includes following the sunrise to sunset shooting times, do not drive with a loaded weapon! (I can not believe how many people get caught doing this!) Fair chase standards apply, identify your target and place your shot! Not everyone stops perfect for every stop sign, or waits the full 3 seconds at a camera light. And I do not think their is a single person in the world who is a perfect driver. We all make mistake, no one is perfect. Follow the game laws to the best of your ability and be safe with your weapon, your ethics should provide the rest. Be safe, ID your target and place your shot. Only hunt with hunters that share your high standard of ethics and kick out any that do not. General NFA camp rules 1)Only smoking in the tent is from the wood burning stove. 2)No loaded fire arms at base camp. 3)No guns, knives or axe(wood chopping) after your first drink or dark which ever comes first. 4)After your first drink you are done hunting for the day, no exceptions. 5)No quads (Lost a member due to him wanting to use a quad on state land where it is illegal. Told him to find a new camp after he insisted on it.) 6)If everyone is not back by dark turn on the radio's, that includes me. 7)No politics or religion (No arguments at camp NFA this is suppose to be vacation!) 8)No excessive noise like music, I go up hunting to escape not listen to a concert. 9)Know your target and beyond, place your shot. Don't shoot at anything white or brown, that is just me with toilet paper finishing up! 10)Don't get lost!!! Get out of the woods and return home safe so we can do it again next year. As long as this happens we had a successful trip! 26 years of hunting. One bad accident which was one too many. Two people banned. One for improper handling of a fire arm and one for insisting on using a quad on state land. One member was given a warning for taking 3 shots at a running coyote his first year. After explaining shot placement, backstop and the fact that my partner of 26 years had NEVER taken a shot I think he understood. But he left the next day, I might have been a little hard on him. But then again this was the same person who wanted to leave after one day of hunting to get back to his family, hard for me to fathom but I have no kids... Again no one is perfect yet If you follow the law and your moral obligations you should be ok. Just wish more would follow the moral hunters code of ethics then the laws would be second nature and not needed. Wish full thinking...
    1 point
  42. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  43. He is excited over his deer, nothing wrong with that
    1 point
  44. Took this 8 point buck on Tuesday the 19th. I was sitting on the ground against a big old mossy stump, near the edge of a patch of hemlock. I had just looked at my cell phone to check the time, because I knew it was getting late. The time was 4:02 PM. Figured I would sit until the very last few seconds of legal light. It was going to be my last day of rifle hunting of the year in NY. Before I put the phone back into my pocket, I look up and see movement. I immediately see a good sized rack about 120 yards away. The deer is moving at a good pace, from my right to left, not just tip-toeing through the woods. I knew I had to make a move and fast, or he would be gone. I threw my phone onto the leaves to my right, and I jumped up. I moved forward about 5-10 steps to get behind a big hemlock. I rested my Marlin 30-30 on a broken branch to the left side of the tree. I look for a shooting lane he may pass through, and wait for the buck to come into view. Within seconds of getting my rifle rested, I see the buck come back into sight. Another second or two later the buck was in the shooting lane I was hoping he would move through. I made a loud bleat sound by mouth to get the buck to stop, he didn't hear it. I try again, this time very loud, almost just yelling, and he stopped in his tracks, broadside, and swung his head to look in my direction. I placed my crosshairs on him quickly, and squeezed the trigger. He didn't run far, first about 15-20 yards in the direction he was going, then spun around and started running back the way he came, maybe 30 yards. He paused for a second and I was about to fire another round, but he tipped over and fell. He weighed about 130 pounds dressed. He's also a red head! When I took him off the pole, he was frozen stiff and standing on his own...
    1 point
  45. Our deer hang on opening morning. This was by 11:00. Should of had a nice 8 hanging but I rushed the shot and my neighbor took him. Hanging are two doe, button buck and another buck with broken antlers. Friend thought it was a doe. We did tag it as a doe because the 1 antler was 2.75 inches. 1st time hunter and newly weds were together and they shot the button buck!!
    1 point
  46. LOL. Yeah someone from downstate entered it.
    1 point
  47. Laws aren't worth a whole lot if they are impossible to enforce. That is why there has to be defined hunting times. So the DEC set the hours as being sunrise to sunset. That's a pretty handy standard that everyone has access to, that also keeps up with the changes throughout the season as the daylight changes. I don't have any problem with it. Can I actually see good enough to shoot outside of those times? .... Sure, but so what? Do I need to shoot outside those times? .... Not really.
    1 point
  48. I will not comply! That's all I have to say about that.
    1 point
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