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Everything posted by SportsmanNH

  1. Beautiful Buck ! What a nice thick rack !
  2. I looked those up . From what i'm finding the kind in your package are discontinued. They still make a 100 grain like yours that looks the same but its called a G2 . Maybe that G2 stands for 2nd generation. I think the only difference is the new ones have a thicker blade .
  3. Unfortunately it is 100 percent true . And every one of those morons allowed their cities to be ransacked by the scumbag mobs. Now if you lived in any one of those cities or suburbs and watched your businesses get torched , vandalized and looted , do you really want to vote the lib democrat communists back in ? They allowed their own residents to be beaten and robbed and some killed.
  4. Wondering if George had to bring shorts as hunting gear hunting in the hot southern tropical climate . LOL
  5. Put bucket of grain in the shack. Drill peek hole through door and stand behind it. You can call it " The Door Stand " Wait for deer to walk in . Slam the door shut ! Come here and start new thread " Live In The Shack "
  6. Sounds like official names to me !
  7. So basically they knew everything was a phony long before the election , and they played games on the country to get Hillary elected If Trump wins this election , Comey , Macabe, Strzok , Page , Brennan , Hillary , need to be on trial. Maybe even Biden.
  8. I cant believe whoever made that calendar missed 2011 . On May 2nd 2011 Chicken Joe No Balls Biden was the ONLY ONE in the war room that voted " NO " to sending Seal Team on the special ops mission to kill Bin Laden because he was afraid he wasn't going to be reelected if the mission failed .
  9. Precious memories Moho ! The only thing better than you getting a deer with your daughter there is her getting a deer with you there.
  10. I like my Hondas better but certainly would not turn away a Yamaha either. Myself I like the 400 -450 better than the 500's and bigger only because the 400's fit in the back of my pickup's 6 1/2 foot bed. I dont think there is anything the 500 can do that the 400 cant do. If you are using it on your own land and not transporting it everywhere you go then by all means get the 500 . But hunting in Maine always presented a different problem using my 4 wheeler to retrieve a deer thats way out there in the big woods. You could not get anywhere near the deer to drag it out with the 4 wheeler. Most of the old logging roads are grown in and the woods and swamps are tough to penetrate with a 4 wheel machine . I solved that 3 years ago with the ultimate big woods machine . Rokon Trailbreaker 2 wheel drive mototrackor. This thing will go through places that you would not think it was possible . Dragged a buck out last year from 1.5 miles right through the thick whips , mud holes , crossed 3 brooks with steep banks, and right through real thick hemlocks with tons of blow downs
  11. BINGO ! I believe you are ready to put some meat in the freezer ! Scopes with the dial that you have to turn with a dime tend to creep until the springs settle in place. Scopes that adjust by turning the handle in clicks still creep on occasion but much less . You are ready to go !
  12. LF , not to take anything away from your success sighting in , but I would shoot it one more time to make sure the spring in the left right dial is set in place. Adjustments like that tend to keep moving . I like seeing 3 shots in the same place to confirm the adjustment spring is anchored in place . Im sure you cleaned the gun already . Tap the adjustment dial a few times lightly with the handle end of a small screw driver or even a quarter and fire 2 more shots to make sure it doesn't creep to the right . Otherwise some nice shooting there .
  13. This is the list of buyers for parts of the Remington assets . It could be looking bad for the 700+ workers at factory in Ilion NY . Remington is being sliced and diced. But nothing is final yet. https://wibx950.com/preliminary-details-of-remington-bankruptcy-has-ilion-worried/?fbclid=IwAR29vOV15XHPBuQxzo6lqGCqJwI7De-W4Xq9ku2s3eX__xvqG9rC1j47Tvw
  14. Wiring ? When is the electric baseboard heat , stovetop burner , and fridge going in ? After you drywall or pine board the walls ? You running a cable for TV or are you going with a satellite dish so you dont miss the NFL games ? You aren't building this for hunting. You are building a place to go to escape from the wife ! jk with ya Lomax
  15. Very sorry for your loss . Your parents are together again smiling watching you carry the torch forward.
  16. If the barrel is a smoothbore dont waste your time trying out any saboted slugs. You would notice the slugs will hit the paper sideways. One brand you should try is Brenneke Rifled slugs. They were extremely accurate using them in my smoothbore barrels. Good luck with it
  17. Very nice ! Looks great ! I like the choice of mount. Looks like a 6500 series
  18. These 2 work just fine, and you dont need to go find CO2 cartridges . I only had to use it once and worked like a charm. My gun didn't missfire . Was sighting in with a bunch of friends yacking away and shoved the bullet down the barrel then realized I didn't put the powder in when the ramrod went all the way down and didn't stop . https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07MXP5ZSD/ref=sspa_dk_detail_1?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B07MXP5ZSD&pd_rd_w=SsU2a&pf_rd_p=48d372c1-f7e1-4b8b-9d02-4bd86f5158c5&pd_rd_wg=sGSNY&pf_rd_r=Z0Y75VQCCFJSQM1Y1QKP&pd_rd_r=024658e8-3b93-4950-9378-31ce78176f03&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzN0lJVVhXQllLNDZJJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMzAxMzY2Mk9VTVU4M1A5RVAwQiZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwMTM3Mzc3MkxFRlNBUlkxTkdJVCZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2RldGFpbCZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU= https://www.amazon.com/Pro-Shot-45-58-Caliber-Powder/dp/B008PL8L98/ref=pd_lpo_200_t_2/147-9013638-4415123?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B008PL8L98&pd_rd_r=43d9fc4f-fd63-4887-a985-f87401d43695&pd_rd_w=dxoyb&pd_rd_wg=cd0ta&pf_rd_p=7b36d496-f366-4631-94d3-61b87b52511b&pf_rd_r=8W4PYZX87ATW54QDZFWS&psc=1&refRID=8W4PYZX87ATW54QDZFWS
  19. The wife and daughter wanted salmon fillets . Son wanted a porterhouse steak. And I was having a swordfish steak. Mix of zucchini, red peppers , brussel sprouts, carrots, and summer squash lightly coated with olive oil and spices and baked in the oven.
  20. Having salmon fillets and swordfish steaks on the grill tonite Picked up some Harpoon IPA for the occasion .
  21. Maybe thats the type of Supreme Court Judge you would of loved . Voted 4 times against your 2nd Amendment rights to own a firearm . Good riddens to him . I'm glad we never had a chance to find out what he would do as a Supreme Court judge https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2016/05/01/merrick-garland-guns-supreme-court-second-amendment-column/83670044/
  22. What A Beauty ! Very nice TG ! Lots of delicious fillets on that monster !
  23. Wow ! This look like total devastation to the herd in those areas affected . Frost cant come fast enough to save the deer that are still healthy. If these are the ones that are found by one person looking , I cant even imagine how many others are out there that haven't been found
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