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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Nomad

  1. Jumped 4 on walk out one decent buck, I hate that . So six this morning and 9 last night . That's it till Friday.
  2. Very windy here two young bucks has been it . Disappointing for this stand major route from field to thick brush
  3. 6 more doe . 4 feeding to me then 2 more from Other direction . That scatters them only shot would have been two fawns at ten yards. Heading home.
  4. 1 st sit this year. 15 min. A 2 1/2 fat body buck hung out for a bit. Little later a fawn and mom . Not much size to mom or would have shot .
  5. First sit will be this afternoon,hope to hit the stand at 5:00 . Deer have moved through today's spot about 3/4s of the afternoons of bow for the last 25 years. First bow kill there in '88. In fact I've used the same tree many times since '88. Today's is 30 yards over in a triple tree.
  6. Congrats ! I hunt every year on our anniversary it's Nov. 4th,I take her out sometime in January .
  7. I've had ASAT for idk 20 years ? Need to get more warm weather ASAT and a size that fits me today..... I've been amazed with it. My throughs are I don't need to look like a tree,which at a distance you just look like a dark blob anyway. Like fish lures are made to catch fishermen more then fish, camo is made to look good to the hunter.
  8. Thanks for the Merino tip and Bello the code. I use UA ,but I don't have an Under Armor body, more of a suit of armor.......
  9. Two guesses ,someone from a neighboring property ( who says they know the lines? ) Or an anti who lives by ,walks through looking to mess up hunts.
  10. Good to hear ! PT really helped my shoulders,double impingement ,bone spurs, beginning of frozen shoulder,and a partial tear they think. It took longer then they first lead me to believe ,but i did the exercises as RX 'd and it helped greatly. So me advise is do them ,sometimes it's easy to blow them off,what with doing them 3 to 5 times a day,day after day week after week.
  11. The first thing you do is take off the cap and have your wife come over and sniff the bottle....
  12. My problem is the farm I hunt,as soon as they are harvested they turn the field over. One field though has a depression that runs across it into our thick brush and they still follow that route,right to my stand.
  13. I agree,it's early ,you could try it a couple times ,then have weeks to let it sit.
  14. If you scroll down a bit on the main page you'll find a section called , " members hunting journals". Good luck this year.
  15. Each year we get a full physical at work. Mine was last week,use the same joke each time the Dr. ( female ) is checking my prostate . " Doc could you check for my wife's wedding ring while you'er in there ? "
  16. On nights t,w,th. Was going to go fri afternoon,but looks like rain so I guess sat.afternoon then perhaps Monday morning . Doc I hear ya. Just closed the pool,redid a bathroom,the front steps,wife's car has to go in for inspection,daughter moving to apt., awards dinner,FF ball..... Good,luck to all.
  17. Oh BS! Up don't have to save 600k! We saved less than 75k of our own money. I dumped 2 to 3 k year into their 529s from birth, the stock market did the rest .Some guys buy new pick ups instead ...... Our RN can pull in 75k and the CPA well above that. Both from a state school ,UB. 15 to 17 k a year for everything .
  18. Oh from the title I though you were calling me....
  19. Awesome perhaps ill take the mrs. On a boat ride up,the river to see the leaves.
  20. Well tell me what is the problem? What is out in the fields eating the profit 24/7 ? Well yes it's population control and a very small part,both of the permits I mentioned account for 2% of the deer take so it's a very small part . To be honest I don't use doe permits because the farm gets dmaps ,so there are more permits in the system for everyone in the zone to get and use. When friends come hunt with me and they don't have tags for our area I can give them dmaps, more then a few guys took does hunting with me that otherwise could not. I'd give you two. I see benefit for many here.
  21. Well the bucks I've found on our managed land with rifle holes and no skull plates sure were real. The 145 ( scored by the dec) we found when the poacher was chased off after firing with a bow hunter nearby who yelled sure was real. The 155 that a guy claimed he killed opening day from his blind,the very blind I heard a rifle shot at dusk, on the second last day of bow,i'd bet the farm was shot then. The kid with a nice buck in his truck bed last bow season,when we said that does not look like a bow hole,but rifle who then tossed his coat over it and took off I'm pretty sure about as well. All,the single shots at night like 2 And 3 AM. Then sadly the older I get the more hunters I know the more they slip up,the more folks talk,the two dec personal that we know tell those stories ,It can get you pretty down. Our biggest issue is not growing and keeping around big bucks,it's keeping them from poachers.
  22. Nuisance permits and dmaps are two differant things . For Dmaps it doe only two per hunter used in the season following the laws. Our farm gets 30 or so these and are given out two each to hunters on the farm. Nuisance permits are for damage control and used out of season mostly before the season . There are often doe only as well. We get single numbers of these. Both you have to show them how much land you own along with the damage,how many hunters you have,how many deer you kill each year . If the big bucks are gone its one of two things one their patterns change this time of year,and two a lot of big bucks are poached prior to and during bow season.
  23. 31 days off this bow season ,can hunt half the other days a bit mid day if I chose,just don't ever do the all day thing though. Hunt the morning go home,to the gym,work in yard ,nap go back for last hour or so.
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