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Everything posted by Lawdwaz

  1. What area? The bobcat and fisher are cool as heck.
  2. You have some good pics. Next year put it in the same place just turn it a hair to the left.
  3. I went by the Birthday Boy's house around 2;30 today and his truck was home. I never checked the site this morning and hence didn't know until now. If I new ahead of time I would have stopped and bought a card and flowers. 39, really? You better enjoy the heck out of this year because it goes down hill FAST at 40. Happy Birthday WNYBH!
  4. For many years my favorite and most successful call was my Quaker Boy Old Boss Hen diaphragm. Not so much anymore though..........I've bounced around and will just reach into my vest and pull one out and see how it sounds. If it is OK, that's the flavor of the day. If not I just dig in a little deeper. One that keeps popping up is a Kits Call, I think. It is a yellow and I've been using it for a few years. Although Kits has been a defunct company for a number of years I had a few of their best stashed away.
  5. The woods are still full of snow? I was thinking of taking a ride this weekend down to Canadice to go for a walk. It ain't happening if the snow is still pretty bad........................
  6. It may be before your time but I'm sure some of the truly old bastids on here will remember WPOD. Fee Waybill & The Tubes................
  7. I don't know if it is THE stupidest but it has to be in the top 5.
  8. I saw a SUV today with the license plate "WPOD". I'm sure you guys know what the refers to.............
  9. Great on oatmeal too.
  10. Nice to see you around Joe. How is the bow shooting? Happy Spring!
  11. Boned............on a guided hunt? Say it ain't so. Glad it was "only" $350 but in all reality, it has NOTHING to do with the money. It's the damn inconvenience and mind games that these scumbags play. Hopefully your guide Shyler gets you a good hunt someday.
  12. I think I paid $2850 in 1988 for a caribou hunt with Delay River. I think that number is accurate but I could check as I believe I still have the file.............could have been $2350 too??
  13. Better than a skunk but no fun either way!
  14. Nice review & pics. I'd say it was $80 well spent............
  15. Lawdwaz


    Their new rigs will bump that old skanky stuff off in a few weeks...........................
  16. Signature #189 is in. I'm going to have my wife and children do it also. Thanks again Mike............ I just might have to get another lab when this comes to fruition.
  17. Your camera? Any other particulars?
  18. 20' is a high sum-biotch! I've only used a few ladder stands and most were custom built and nowhere near that high. I just bought one lag last fall and don't recall how tall it is as it's still in the box and at my buddies farm. Good luck!
  19. Back on track here..............I've seen Tarjac work before and I was impressed. FWIW
  20. Firefox & AdBlock Plus and you'll see no ads to cause you grief. Again, it is only going to make your life easier but why would you travel that road?
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