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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by grampy

  1. Yup, it really just cooks down to a choice. Hunters can choose to hunt from tree stands, from ground blinds, still hunt, ect. Hunters can choose to hunt with a vast variety of hunting implements, even all bows are not even close to being the same.. Hunters can choose to wear an unlimited array of clothing that fits their own style of hunting. The point is, choice! And I am not willing to choose what another hunter chooses to use, because it may be something different than what I use. C'mon guys, just get out and hunt! Don't worry what the other hunters are doing. You will find it's much more enjoyable doing your own thing, and leaving others to do theirs.
  2. Even though the hunter using a crossbow, may be a better than average bowhunter too. As the most successful crossbow hunters will be the average or above bowhunter. As they will already have the skills needed to get close to deer. As that is the number one skill needed to kill a deer, be it with a bow or crossbow.
  3. I've voted every year since 1975. Really, 'EVERY' vote matters, and is so very precious. Please don't waste the the golden opportunity, each and every citizen has, to voice "THEIR" opinion. Get out and vote!
  4. HaHa.....Yes, they can go a bit overboard up here sometimes. Like the woman a couple years ago, arrested for grieving at her father and brothers grave site, "after hours".
  5. grampy

    I screwed up

    There is a screw like attachment you put on the ramrod. Just screw it into the wad and pull it out, same with the ball.
  6. Congratulations silent death! Way to go!
  7. On the way home from work tonight, I was thinking, it just might be a good evening to be out there! And of course, I "can't" get out there tonight. Good luck to all that are though!
  8. Compound, 100gr, three blade Muzzy. Crossbow, 100gr. NAP Slingblade mechanical.
  9. Great buck!! I too have a couple of real good bucks on cam, only at night though. With some cooler temps and the rut lighting up by the end of the month, that may change. But usually those top end bucks don't get to be top end, unless they are very adapt at avoiding hunters, during daylight hours. That's where we use our best advantage, our brains.
  10. Yup, be hard to find any nicer fellers. Or better outdoorsmen.
  11. I've been known to nod off in my ground blinds every now and then. Never have in a tree stand though, cause I'm afraid of heights. About came out of my boots, the time a doe and fawn came up behind me while I was in a ground blind, nodded out, and blew from about ten yards away!!! YEEEOW!!!!!.....
  12. Warm welcome to ya dinorocks! So glad you decided to join us! You certainly have lots of cool and interesting stuff to share with us all. Looking forward to hearing more from ya. Just pull up a seat and join right in!
  13. Good stuff right here! Great guy doing something nice for another Great guy! Just another example of why this site, is a great place to hang out with friends.
  14. To some, 'anything' that goes "BANG", that is not a pistol, must be an AR-15 or an AK-47. So why does the false news, exploit that, to foster more fear and confusion?
  15. I agree! Post pics and stories of those family members and friends , or even past members here, who have passed on. But still live within our hearts. I find that the memories and stories are very dear to my heart. And we "vist" them, whenever we retell the stories.
  16. Looks awesome so far! Nice work! When done, are we invited to come hang out at the bar? smile.....................
  17. I needed a cam in a pinch for an area where we found a ton of fresh buck sign a week or so ago. Went to Tractor Supply and picked up A 'Wild Game Innovation' cam they had on sale for $89. Came with card and batteries too. Don't remember the model # though. But it's a black flash has multiple options and I have had good luck with the WGI cams in the past. But phade is beyond a doubt, the "go to guy" for cams! Be it for advice or for purchase. If I had, had more time, I would have PM'ed phade instead of going to TS.
  18. Ouch!!!! That hunter went above, and way beyond, with his compassion and concern for Kunox. That is a stand up guy right there. A big thumbs up to him. Hope he gets the biggest deer of his life this year! And hoping that Kunox feels better real soon! And you too! As no doubt it was all just as tough on you, out there. And hope Luna is back to herself quickly as well.
  19. I have many times been presented shots at some dang nice bears, over the last few years. But have not taken a shot at one yet. I definitely don't want to kill one, only for a rug. The few times I've eaten bear meat, I've found it only so so compared to venison. But I was not the one who dressed and processed the bear. I've heard from many that bear meat is very good. So, IDK, maybe some day I will decide to shoot one.
  20. 90% of our cam pic's the last 10 to 14 days have shown night time movement only as well. I did hunt opening day. That morning, it was about 34 degrees, and I had 11 deer around me. Once we get some cooler temps and the pre rut starts to kick in, in two weeks like Lawdwaz said. Daytime sightings and pic's will be picking up big time. My own preference is to not hunt in the heat. Especially this early in October.
  21. May Buck rest in peace. Condolences to his family and friends. He is Home now.
  22. Best Birthday wishes coming your way Belo! Enjoy your special day sir.
  23. I too, have the same POI using the 20 yard pin, from 5 to 20 yards on my old bow, with a single pin HHA sight. 29.5 inch draw, 53 lbs pull. Just put the pin dead on and thats where it hits.
  24. Sending out a huge conratulations to Kunox on his first find! He is very lucky to have such an awesome handler to work with! Wish I knew you were coming to John and Jolanta's, would have loved to meet you! As I live close by. I will be out of tracking this year, for the most part, as I'm dealing with a medical issue. But my hunting partner, and life long friend, Gary and his daughter Nikki are taking calls with Xola, and using a couple of the Jenneney dogs as well. You have a dynamic duo now! And yes, they "will work it out", even competing some for, "who gets to go". But no doubt they will complement each other nicely as each will have their own strong points. Wishing you continued success! Keep safe out there!
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