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Everything posted by grampy

  1. Spending a day fishing with you would be epic! Will let ya know as time gets closer. There is a kid and his dad, out in Webster, I'd like to fish with too! Working hard to get this shoulder back in shape, so will be later in the summer.
  2. Slowly getting the boat ready. Should be good to go next week. Still not much strength in the right arm, but I'm planning to go. No tournaments this year. Probably hit Saratoga lake first. Then the Mohawk, followed by Sacendaga, Ballston, Thompsons and Warner Lakes. Depending how it goes, would like to do a coupke WNY lakes too. Will be good PT for the shoulder!
  3. Now I know some people mean well, and some people are just decks! Sounds like your encounter, was with one of the latter. I've never considered myself a great shot, but get the job done in the field. And there is no doubt that many on this forum could outshoot me. While in the army, I was fortunate to share range time, and friendship with some sniper types just back from Nam. Now those guys could shoot! Highly trained, down to earth, and business like to the extream. A couple even went on to join the national team. But their quiet and sometimes humorous advise has stayed with me all these years. Just the basics, like breath control, solid "bone to bone" shooting positions, grip and trigger control made me a much more consistent shooter. I learned the basics well. So having seen the best, I can spot a "poser" from 100 yards away, and just humor them or ignore them completely, when they try to give me "advice". Here is my last range outing with a new to me 270 before my shoulder surgery. Five shot group at 100 yards.
  4. Looks good Biz! Now I'll have an unobstructed view with my binoculars for the pool parties!
  5. Since I'm officially sixty now. I'll consider it an accomplishment to climb a fifteen foot ladder stand!
  6. Yeah, that Dinsdale is a good guy! Nice work! My favorites are the bowhunter and buck, the six pack bottle carrier, and the trout. Although all are really cool! Love that kinda stuff.
  7. I too am not a huge basketball fan. But I've been watching the finals! I am amazed at the athletic abilities of these players! One of my grandsons is for the Cav's, the other for the Warriors. I cheer em both!
  8. I'll be making a call to Senator Flannagan's office today. I encourage anyone else, interested in seeing this bill passed, to do the same. Chances are slim to get this through. But hey, you never know.
  9. Bears are pretty common in these parts. "Big cats" with "two and a half foot long tails", not so much! And I wouldn't try to "move along" either of em!....................hahaha.
  10. Absolutely beautiful work! If I'm ever lucky enough to shoot another really nice buck. I'd be more than willing to make a road trip to you!
  11. Really cool my friend! How many hours does it take you to do one like this, from start to finish? Lots of detail in there for sure.
  12. A word of advice. Just because you are not seeing ticks in your area, doesn't mean there are none or that they won't soon be plentiful. Here in the Hilltowns of Albany County, up until seven to ten years ago, it was very rare to to see a deer tick, or any tick at all. Since then, every year, the population of ticks grows noticeably. To where now, just about every time I go to the woods, I'll either see one on my clothes or find one on me after a check. I spend a lot of time in the woods. I get tested twice a year with blood work for Lyme and other tick borne illnesses. And have been treated twice in the last five years for Lyme. The Sawyers does seem to help quite a bit, but nothing is fool proof. You still need to be aware and take every precaution! Pets are a known source of carrying ticks into your home. Check them regularly too. You really have to stay aware all the time, to keep yourself, family and pets safe from this scourge.
  13. Good you got checked, nothing to play arond with. Hope all is well from here on. Man I hate them little crawly bastids!
  14. I can picture a certain member here cruzin to the local establishments in a bunny suit! I'd frame that picture! ..........chuckle.
  15. In my lifetime in the woods and on the water, I've never picked up a snapper. I leave em alone, they leave me alone. Works out better for us both that way.
  16. Last year was bad for ticks. This year will be worse. Get it checked out, you can't be too careful.
  17. Guess I'm a google eyed fan of wooly's too. The guy has forgotten more woodsmanship than I'll know. Although I think nothing personal was directed to ya Grizz. I do understand defending yourself if you feel like you've been dis'd.
  18. Or why not just stand back and ask for a lightning bolt from the heavens?
  19. Yup, that be a coyote. After enlarging the pic, you can make out the pointy ears. But it "could" be a mountain lion! We haven't had one of those threads in awhile!
  20. 05 Yamaha Bruin 350 and 06 Honda Rancher AT 400. Both have been great machines! Bought the Yamaha for my wife, but the grandsons have put on the most miles. My hunting partner at the farm has a 06 Honda Foreman that has done way more than expected! The firewood logs that thing has dragged out is truly impressive! All machines are stock and have only had new tires and basic maintenance. All have hauled their fair share of deer.
  21. grampy


    I usually hit the BPS in Utica 2 or 3 times a year. The Auburn one has a good fishing selection too. I still have some lead bullet weights, and curse out loud every time I lose one. Did have to beak down and get a couple packs of the 1/16 oz. tungstens though. Hoping to get out soon! Best o luck to ya over to Cayuga! Tight lines my friend!
  22. Really is amazing. Considering I get dizzy, just looking at the pictures!
  23. The best Birthday wishes sent your way today! Hoping your day and the coming year is filled with all good stuff!
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