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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by grampy

  1. Sawyers works!! Since using it, I've not had one tick embedded in me from hunting. And have hunted some very tick laden areas.
  2. I am normally one the nicest guys you will meet anywhere. Until I catch you trespassing!!! And it usually only takes one meeting, before someone realizes that I'm a real prick. And that it's not worth the trouble to come back, and go through it again. Or......they just find a more secluded spot to get in??? That's happened too, and they were again caught and escorted out to a waiting LEO. It's a never ending battle, when your property borders state land.
  3. Welcome to hunting and shooting. And to HuntingNY ! Would suggest finding a nearby hunting club and joining. You will have a range to shoot that beautiful Sako, and will have members that can give you some sound advice. Have you taken the NYS hunter Safety Course? If not, that will be a good start. Lots of good info in there, and it can be done online at this time. What town are you in upstate?
  4. My wife actually BUYS me guns!!!! Few years ago for Christmas, she got in touch with my hunting partner to make sure she got the right caliber!!! She has never hunted a day in her dear sweet life........
  5. Thanks for sharing with us, this is an awesome thread!!!
  6. Good afternoon sit! Was on the ground in a brush blind, in the hemlocks bordering a large swamp. First time sitting this spot in a couple years. Going in I came across two very fresh scrapes. Got to the blind and fifteen yards away is a brand new rub! Cool, I says to myself! Half hour after sitting down, two big doe's and two fawns come trotting up out of the swamp. They passed twenty yards to my right, and headed towards the field a hundred yards behind me. Caught my scent once behind me, and off they went. Tails flagging. Cool I says to myself! Hour or so later, from the same area the doe's came from, I see a year old four point heading towards me. He comes to within a few FEET from the blind, stops, looks around, and walks away down into the hemlocks to my right, and eventually out of sight. Cool, I says to myself! About five o'clock I see a deer in the thick stuff fifty yards away, then a tree whipping back and forth! At this point I knew it was a buck, but couldn't tell how big? As it got closer, I watched it make another rub and also a couple of scrapes! I also saw it was a pretty nice two year old six point. And he's coming closer! I drew my bow just as he came from behind a tree at twelve yards. He was a nice deer, but not what I wanted tonight. I let him walk. Even though, I really want one more buck with my bow this year. We have some nicer ones on the property, and the best is yet to come. Walking out saw another small buck, and two doe's in the field, near where my wheeler was parked. Saw no deer yesterday. Saw a bunch today, and could have taken a shot. Cool, I said to myself!
  7. Yes.....but for my own benefit not for the deer. I just gotta have a shower when I get up. That said, when I plan to hunt I'll use scent free soap and shampoo. But again, probably for my own benefit, as there is nothing you can do, to where a downwind deer won't smell you. IMO
  8. Yesterday, almost nine hours in two stands, on two properties with no deer seen. Did meet up with upstate redneck for coffee in between hunts! Always a pleasure Paul! Got plenty of deer sign. Rubs and scrapes popping up all over. I need to pace myself now. Very tired after yesterday. Took the morning off. Will go to the other side of the farm property, along the edge of the big swamp this afternoon. Looking to get some blood on this Obsession!
  9. Just finished breakfast and on second cup of coffee. 41degrees, light NW wind will work perfectly for a spot halfway up the ridge at the lake property. Saw a bunch of deer in there last weekend. And even a couple of decent bucks still running together? Best of luck to all venturing out today!!!! I think Biz's prediction is spot on!
  10. During hunter education classes, we would always make the point that it is up to YOU, to know the season dates, and hunting regulations where you are hunting. So easy to do now with the click of a few buttons. Or when they have them available, pick up the hunters guide when you buy your tags. If ever a doubt about something, just look it up!
  11. I have the rattle bag. But it's never worked for me........
  12. Just bring plenty of hand sanitizer, and your mask in case you need to go for supplies. Then enjoy the company and culture of deer camp life like always. As long as no one shows up sick, you should all be good.
  13. Looks to be a coon trap set up.
  14. Welcome!! Glad to have you join us! I admire your enthusiasm and drive for hunting! I hope you can find someone close to where you are to team up with. If you ever get up to the capitol region, I'd be happy to take you on a hunt. If you get another close shot with the bow, take it! Any deer with the bow is a trophy!! And you will also start to learn the fine art of gutting, dragging, and processing your hard earned deer! Wishing you safe and successful hunting sir.
  15. Cabin Fever and I met up on Monday in Utica, and I now have the traps. Thanks Bob! Mods can lock this up.
  16. Hunting the hills and ridges like you and I do (and many others) can be very tricky with the thermals and terrain irregularities. You could sit a spot, and within a couple hours have the breeze and thermals blow from every conceivable direction! Some of our spots along oak ridge benches are like this. And the only way to hunt them is when there is a stiff NW wind. Which when sitting in that spot becomes a predominant SE wind where I'm set up. This is all the more important hunting with a bow. And if the wind changes to where you expect the deer to come from, it's time to move, and not tip them off to your presence. Challenging? Yes. But the rewards can be BIG.
  17. Chris, You are doing well by finding the spots near the water hole. Is there any way you can set up close to where they are coming to the water, and still have the wind in your favor? Is there a good ambush spot between where they are bedding and the water? If you are seeing deer, that is great! You just need to figure out how to get in closer for a shot, without them knowing you are there. It may take a long loop around, to come in from downwind.
  18. I like it. But please don't tell my wife where ya got it!
  19. Scat will tell you there is deer in the area. I don't really think it's very important to know exactly how fresh it is. For the most part, especially for a beginner, tracks will also tell you there are deer in the area. Most importantly, is finding where are those tracks are coming from? And where are they going to? Most times between bedding (usually very thick cover) and feeding (ag crops, green grass fields, acorn or apple trees). Once you have established bedding and feeding areas, you'll want to set up somewhere in between, down wind of course. So finding scat and tracks is good! But taking more obvious clues from them will work more in your favor.
  20. As he is now, he'd be the buck of a lifetime around these parts. Perhaps even multiple lifetimes. To have a property where you can actually consider letting a buck like that pass, is very rare here in NYS. I envy you sir!!!
  21. Congratulations!! Nice buck!!
  22. grampy


    Just a thought, are the boots you already have adequate? Though they are too big, you could buy some heavy wool socks and wear two, or even three pairs. That would take up the extra space, and add layers of warm insulation. This is what I do when I buy cold weather hunting boots. Buy them a bit larger than my normal shoe size, so I can layer wool socks. Just bought a couple more pairs of Smartwool hunt socks. I love them! And always better to have cold weather boots not too tight!
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