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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by landtracdeerhunter

  1. I know your joking but, electric current is something to take very seriously. Only 5.2mA can electrocute. If you have gotten shocked, you've dodged a bullet.
  2. The breaker preformed as it built to do. Nice to live by the rule, better safe then sorry though.
  3. Don't forget the Red Wing Blackbirds, woodcock return, and the Grackles making nests. The Maple Syrup steam is sure smelling good too. Be looking for sheds soon.
  4. Sure! Senator Charles Schumer don't have the time these days with his nose up Washington.
  5. Nice. I use good old Neatsfoots oil. Bought several gallon down at State Line Tack Shop several years ago for something like $4 / gallon. Wipe on let dry and good to go.
  6. Typical left, anti-gun news media publishing stories. Making it sound dome and gloom for firearms in this country. Miss leading uninformed people to move their anti gun agenda forward.
  7. Sorry to hear that WNY; I'll send you a trial of my fresh syrup; after season is over.
  8. With the frost thaw cycle started, I spread on 40 lbs of red clover seed Sunday morning before the wind picked up. In the 40 some years doing this, it has always work out on my heavy soils. I never frost seed grain crops.
  9. I enjoy some of the best tasting fish fries for Lent.
  10. Never liked many tillage A.T.V. tools. More like toys then tillage equipment. This one, however looks good. Bet if this really cuts in, your A.T.V won't have enough traction in loose soil; even with 4wd..
  11. Without reading the other replies, this is what I think. Your daughter tried something new, didn't do very well with it. So what. Everyone tries new things, new adventures. Some do well, some ok, and some not so good. Try something else. She'll find something to excel in. Everyone finds their niche. It would worry me more, if she didn't try something new. Good luck with what the future holds!
  12. Fox have been breeding for a month now. When does the season end?
  13. He shows off well in that position. Congrats!
  14. King Kutter always made good quality equipment when I sold them.
  15. Nearly made 50 degrees here yesterday . The sap poured out of some trees. Picked up 40 gallon this morning. Can't wait to smell that maple steam.
  16. Have my favorites. Differs with the seasons. Also fun to go into old threads, from years gone by, to see how myself and others have evolved.
  17. Front end failures, on today's designs tend to occur in the casting area. Road speeds are stressful with front loader installed. The bounce will put extreme pressures on the front end. Every make and model have failures, reguardless what the salesman says.
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