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A terrible 4th of July tragedy

Big Indian

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Saw this on the news last night. A bad storm moved into the area at that time. It had high winds and heavy rain.

I have to ask, when they saw this storm coming and the water getting choppy, why didn't they take precautions like putting on life jackets and steering the boat into the wind? Was the boat carrying more people than it was legally allowed to?

Seems to me the skipper has a lot of questions to answer.

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Saw this on the news last night. A bad storm moved into the area at that time. It had high winds and heavy rain.

I have to ask, when they saw this storm coming and the water getting choppy, why didn't they take precautions like putting on life jackets and steering the boat into the wind? Was the boat carrying more people than it was legally allowed to?

Seems to me the skipper has a lot of questions to answer.

I live in the area where this happened and it got dark very quickly. It was sunny and hot one second and the next it was dark, windy and raining. The weather changed very fast. The Det. on the case gave a news conference earlier and said the cause could have been several factors. Weather was only one of them. They showed the type of boat it was and I can't figure out how they got 27 people on there. I'm thinking it was a combination of the weather, wakes from other passing boats who were all probably heading back to the marina and overcrowding. It's possible that the skipper was turning into the wind because witnesses apparently saw the boat turn quickly and then capsize. As far as life jackets are concerned, two kids who died were found inside the cabin of the capsized boat. The third was found a couple of hours later inside the cabin as well. I don't think a life jacket would have saved them if they are trapped in the cabin filled with water.

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It is a real shame .The rough waves do pop up on the LI sound,I ran into it once on my way out in my 16 footer.Had a heck of a time trying to turn around.But I did TG.Another story on the sound west end near Sands Point.in the 16 Footer two bass rods live lining bunker ,I look to my right and Here comes a 40'+ sail boat all of the sails out with people sitting with there legs hanging over every side with champane glasses in there hands.The AH at the helm Never made an attempt to turn,I got me knife cut the two lines and thank God the engine started right up and I got out of the way just in time.And That was around 1:00 PM on The 4th. of July.

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It absolutely matters what happened. Though it's sad and the dead are to be mourned, unless you want to see it happen again, you better find out what happened. Things like this don't happen unless something wasn't done right. If safety laws were ignored, someone has to set up as an example.

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It absolutely matters what happened. Though it's sad and the dead are to be mourned, unless you want to see it happen again, you better find out what happened. Things like this don't happen unless something wasn't done right. If safety laws were ignored, someone has to set up as an example.

You are 100% correct Grouse As sad and tragic as this story maybe, it is absolutely necessary to figure out why it happened so it doesn't happen again.

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Radio news said there was a total of 27 people on the boat and alcohol might have been a contributing factor. Such a sad deal that the lack of common sense cost 3 innocent lifes. 27 people would require 27 life jackets on that boat as well. Someone is going to be held accountable for what happend and why. What a tragedy.

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27 people on a 34 foot boat? The operators of the boat need to be held accountable for this. It was completely reckless to have that many people aboard that boat. The boat was a Silverton Convertible, similar to a 12 meter Trojan flybridge I used to take care of for a customer when I lived in Florida. I would never think anymore than 10 people max would be safe on a boat like that. Idiots.

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Terrible, just terrible.

A boat that size is only going to have so much gear as in vests. You would think before they left dock someone would have come to their senses with children onboard.

I think it has a lot to do with the "It's not going to happen to me", mentality. This is just as true for people who choose not to wear seat belts in cars because they are "just going down the road". Little do most people know is that most car accidents occur within a mile of your home.

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The boat was overloaded plain and simple. The boat was rolled (not capsized as mistakenly reported) when he cut a turn as stated by a nearby boater. The boat took on water and spilled everyone overboard except those in the cabin. The storm came afterward. The harbor gets a bit choppy but not enough to roll over a boat that size unless it is overloaded. It was a almost a full moon that night and you could see the water quite well.

Truly sad beyond belief, one of the deceased was his nephew. That whole family will never be the same.

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Radio news said there was a total of 27 people on the boat and alcohol might have been a contributing factor. Such a sad deal that the lack of common sense cost 3 innocent lifes. 27 people would require 27 life jackets on that boat as well. Someone is going to be held accountable for what happend and why. What a tragedy.

They are required to have a life vest for each person on board, but children inside the cabin are NOT required to wear them and should NOT wear them below deck. Try escaping a flooded compartment underwater wearing a lifevest and you'll know what I mean.

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They are required to have a life vest for each person on board, but children inside the cabin are NOT required to wear them and should NOT wear them below deck. Try escaping a flooded compartment underwater wearing a lifevest and you'll know what I mean.

Im well aware! Hence the reason I said 27 people would require 27 life jackets. When I tournament fished we got checked by DEC and Sheriffs dept constantly. We had to account for 1 life vest per person on the boat, also if under power we had to have them on period there was zero debate about it, you got caught under power without wearing one you got ticketed. Unless you were in the cabin of the boat, but the moment you stepped out it had to be on if under power.

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Sad for sure.

Not unexpected to me. I'm 53 been going out on boats for 53 years, got my first one of my own at age 12.

Just got in from skiing,swimming and cruising Irondeqoute bay and lake Ontario. I never go out on weekends and try to be off by noon or so on nice days like today.

Why ? most boaters have little clue about how to opperate the craft safely, the laws, let alone common courtesies . Fill the cooler, hit the throttle....

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