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Doe down!!!


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a slight quartering away shot as you describe follwed by 3 pie plate pools of blood? that deer is DEAD no question about it i understand you attempted to recover it for 3-4 hrs however rather than returning to your stand you should have continued to search sorry if telling it like it is hurts but its the truth, you didnt exhaust every effort if you were back in your stand at 1:00pm even walking around blindly until dark would have given you a chance at finding it, sh*t ya may have tripped over it not gonna happen when your back in your stand, insert whatever medical terminology you like that deer is DEAD was probably dead before your feet touched the ground and you owed it to the deer to search till dark (at least till dark) some how i imagine if it was a 14pt deer you would still be searchin the woods rather than posting on here, we all loose deer sometimes i tracked a deer over 3 miles once hands and knees finding a pin head drop every 20ft did i find it? no i didnt but i truly exhausted every effort i wasn't sitting in my stand 4hrs later when i had another 6hrs of daylight

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sigh. :banghead:

If blood was pooling it def not lung blood. Lung blood spatters and froths several feet either side of the trail. More than likely the angle of entry was low on the deers body and did not enter the chest cavity. Shot a nice 8 point about 2 yrs ago. I thought I was at 20 but forgot I set tree stand back one more tree and was actually at 26 yrds. Last time I saw the fletch it looked like it had entered the bottom third of the chest behind the leg. But due to the angle of the dangle, the arrow never entered chest cavity. And I knew it wasnt a heart shot 30 sec after he ran 50 yrds and stopped. I watched him and kept praying he would wobble but the doe he was chasing ran by and he went right back to chasing her. I got down and looked and I had a ton of white hair which is a good indicator of a low hit. Hand size smattering of blood directly down on the trail he was on slowly petering out over 100 yrds or so to a few pin pricks. Then nothing.

Edited by erussell
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ok so three points for response, one,,, a buck in florida is about the same stature or weight ( maybe a little more) than your doe's here.... so no point there... second, a warm day like today, lol, it was 45 degrees out today, i can kill a buck in florida in 80-95 degree weather and not gut it for an hour and a half and NOTHING spoils, wise tails of the north.... third, the video and what i saw are two different things, from where i shot the deer to my left at 20, she then ran to the right and stood at 10 yds, paused , and i physically saw an entrance wound picture perfect behind the shoulder for a hi heart... however that does not convey angle.... which obviously video does.... do NOT question my ability to track a dam deer you spoiled northerner... you complain about tracking a deer after it rains cause rain washed away the blood trail, try tracking a deer in a swamp that is 60% water, you don't just look at the sawgrass, pepper grass, and palmettos , but you have to be careful when walking through water to not make too much wake because blood floats as an oily substance on the top of the water because of its phatty acid content, unlike the abundant LEAVES you have up here for blood to conveniently land on.... ohhhh and FOURTH point, i did NOT give up sooooo easily as you assume, i tracked that thing for almost three hours, well if your not having any progress, take a step back and think about it for a second, .... reflect..... so i hopped up in a tree(god forbid i should HUNt while im already in the woods) then got down a little while later and tracked it till dark... walked through every possible trail, though immature maple stand invested with thickets and shoulder high grass, she could have been lying right next to me in that stuff and never would have known it.... also, grad student, low budget , state land, far from house, GAS equals money incase you haven't paid any attention to todays society, so i don't necessarily have the TIME( class, lab, clinicals) or MONEY to track a dam deer for 2222222222 dayyyyyssss.. get over yourself... new name for you,,, GREAT WHITE HUNTER...... aka weekend warrior.. , like i said to another member, what started out a a joyful hopeful post (first deer in NY on the first day, of the first season, think im doin pretty well when majority didn't see squat) ended up as my inadequacy and lack of patients for giving a deer its due.... good day sir,,,, I SAID GOOD DAY!!! lol

Another longwinded unorganized rant which includes many points that show that you are not ready to be an ethical archer in this state. Not sure how they do things in gator country, not sure how that has anything to do with this. You tell how hard it is to track in swamps...what was it about multiflora rose and briar that had you so stumped?

You are not doing well for the first day, you did not "get" that deer and it was in no way the "first in NY on the first day." Seeing and wounding deer is in no way the measure of any hunter. And as for my name, check last years live from the stand report and harvest threads and see what kind of weekend warrior I am.

You have repeatedly told us what you did to track and we have repeatedly told you nearly unanimously it was not enough time or effort or real skill tracking.

Worst of all, you bragged about staying in the stand to hunt on a warm day when you had no visual or even audio confirmation it was dead and recoverable. Then you went on to tell us TWO hours later..."Oh well lost one, darn." and then sarcastically chided a deer recovery service as you are sitting in the treestand ready to wound another.

If I had shot one of those doe yesterday morning, I would have had to leave the woods by noon latest to watch my son, I factored that into not taking a so/so shot when I could have.

Even if I would have made a bad shot or just had a difficult time finding the deer the difference between you and me is instead of hunting at 4 like I did yesterday I would have been out with the reflective tape and kneepads...and by dark would have gotten my dogs on it with a latern.

No one cares about your florida past or your socioeconomic situation and don't presume to know mine. Learn how to properly recover deer before you shoot another one.

Edited by 7J Everyday
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I've snapped more arrows going into the off-side shoulder than near side...the bucking motion of the near-side breaks the arrow.

Learning experience, that is for sure.

I don't know alot of guys who haven't phade, but this guys lack of ethics in terms of what is a satisfactory effort at tracking a wounded animal is striking to me, maybe I just need to chill, but I don't want to hear it from this non-chalent deer poker.

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He's from out of state and probbaly knows nobody else here that hunts (in person).

Not saying I condone...I think the whole deal could have gone better.

Likely a case of emotions overruling skills. I also doubt it will happen again. I know as a young and green hunter with little bowhunting mentorship, I made some mistakes...had to...to learn from them.

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He's from out of state and probbaly knows nobody else here that hunts (in person).

Not saying I condone...I think the whole deal could have gone better.

Likely a case of emotions overruling skills. I also doubt it will happen again. I know as a young and green hunter with little bowhunting mentorship, I made some mistakes...had to...to learn from them.

Again Phade, it wasn't that long ago for me I was sticking near-side shoulder or only hitting one lung because I was too eager to think about quartering toward vs quartering away. Its also no secret I've been hunting in CNY after my whole life in Eastern PA nearly on my own for 5 years now, so I have plenty of sympathy.

The real problem is first he posts about a dead deer, and sounds so sure of its demise and location he is going to continue to hunt.

Then when he realizes tracking deer is hard, he gives up and decides to try and shoot that buck he was looking for instead.

Then when alot of members politely try to give him some guidance and confidence and encouragement to keep looking (hell, he probably would have actually recovered the deer and we would have all been celebrating his actual achievement), he sets his stunner on blast and starts telling us swamp stories and how crazy and rich we must be to search deer overnight and stuff. Meanwhile lets not forget he did have the foresight and economic means to film it all.

Uck...I hope my wife gets home from work soon, I gotta try and get in the woods and get this bad taste out of my mouth. I shouldn't let this kind of thing bother me. Time for me to put away the computer and handheld electronics for a while...especially in the woods.

Edited by 7J Everyday
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In NYS., It's against the law, for a person to track a deer with a dog.

no it's not illegal... it's illegal to hunt deer with dogs not track them for recovery

Long Island they use Dauschounds because they are blood trackers not scent trackers

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What I find funny is seeing people posting on this forum while on their stands. Makes absolutely NO sense to me. OK, I can see someone wanting to take a phone with them for safeties sake, but why fuss around with these contraptions when you are supposed to be hunting? I guarantee that sooner or later these hunters will miss spotting a deer while playing with these things. Email friends and post to forums when you get back home. In the woods one should be looking and listening for game movement and not looking at this forum. I know that's what I will do when I get out there.

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It is illegal if you are not licensed to do it. Go take your bird dog out in the woods to find your deer and get caught by DEC...you will have a rude awakening. Better yet, call the DEC and ask them personally. Trust me, the thought crossed my mind since I have a Dachshund and Brittany spaniel. Ill advised.

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It is illegal if you are not licensed to do it. Go take your bird dog out in the woods to find your deer and get caught by DEC...you will have a rude awakening. Better yet, call the DEC and ask them personally. Trust me, the thought crossed my mind since I have a Dachshund and Brittany spaniel. Ill advised.

I know ignorance is no excuse but I swore I read dogs were ok as long as it was only for recovery, but after reading these posts and researching myself I can see it is quite true...thanks for the education.

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I stand corrected....

This license authorizes qualified individuals to use a certified leashed tracking dog for locating wounded, dead or injured deer or bear.

License Fee: $50

License Expiration: 5 years from date of issuance

Hunting License Requirement: In addition to passing the examination (information below), you must also possess a valid New York State big game hunting license to receive this license. (Please note: annual hunting licenses are valid from October 1 through September 30)

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What I find funny is seeing people posting on this forum while on their stands. Makes absolutely NO sense to me. OK, I can see someone wanting to take a phone with them for safeties sake, but why fuss around with these contraptions when you are supposed to be hunting? I guarantee that sooner or later these hunters will miss spotting a deer while playing with these things. Email friends and post to forums when you get back home. In the woods one should be looking and listening for game movement and not looking at this forum. I know that's what I will do when I get out there.

Its happened to me before, sucks and I have modified my usage of it because of that. I will use my phone here and there during slow times, but have started just putting it away at the times I typically see deer in certain places. If I am unfamiliar or in a place where deer usually show up at any time, I just keep it in my pocket. Last year I was dinking around on here and just about dropped my phone trying to get it back in my pocket as a buck came into one of my shooting lanes. I do try and keep my phone handy to take pics of deer that I am passing up though.

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Its happened to me before, sucks and I have modified my usage of it because of that. I will use my phone here and there during slow times, but have started just putting it away at the times I typically see deer in certain places. If I am unfamiliar or in a place where deer usually show up at any time, I just keep it in my pocket. Last year I was dinking around on here and just about dropped my phone trying to get it back in my pocket as a buck came into one of my shooting lanes. I do try and keep my phone handy to take pics of deer that I am passing up though.

There you go! It is always best to keep ones full attention to what is around you, and leave these electronic gizmos in your pocket or backpack. Also i-pods. When I hear people say that they listen to music while on the stand I just can't believe it. There have been MANY deer that I've heard well before I ever saw them. Most especially hunting in wooded environments like we do in NYS when they walk over downed foliage. If I had my ears plugged up with an i-pod, I probably would have never heard them or seen them.

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What I find funny is seeing people posting on this forum while on their stands. Makes absolutely NO sense to me. OK, I can see someone wanting to take a phone with them for safeties sake, but why fuss around with these contraptions when you are supposed to be hunting? I guarantee that sooner or later these hunters will miss spotting a deer while playing with these things. Email friends and post to forums when you get back home. In the woods one should be looking and listening for game movement and not looking at this forum. I know that's what I will do when I get out there.

I agree with Steve,just can't see posting from my stand. This is my sanctuary I have been waiting for all year, no way a cell phone is coming out to update you guys. I get pissed at my brother when he texts for an update.

Its a nuisance, but a must have for safety reasons. I know some of you guys love doing it and that's great, enjoy it but you just may miss the big boy slipping through right before you hit send! lol

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I agree with Steve,just can't see posting from my stand. This is my sanctuary I have been waiting for all year, no way a cell phone is coming out to update you guys. I get pissed at my brother when he texts for an update.

Its a nuisance, but a must have for safety reasons. I know some of you guys love doing it and that's great, enjoy it but you just may miss the big boy slipping through right before you hit send! lol

Yeah, and knowing what typically happens on this forum someone will probably be pissing you off on the forum right at the moment the big boy comes along. You will be so upset at some forum member that you won't be able to hold your bow or gun steady enough for the kill! Boom!!!! Oh s#!+ I missed because of that a$$wipe so and so on the forum! LOL Will probably lead to even more arguing here! LOL

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There you go! It is always best to keep ones full attention to what is around you, and leave these electronic gizmos in your pocket or backpack. Also i-pods. When I hear people say that they listen to music while on the stand I just can't believe it. There have been MANY deer that I've heard well before I ever saw them. Most especially hunting in wooded environments like we do in NYS when they walk over downed foliage. If I had my ears plugged up with an i-pod, I probably would have never heard them or seen them.

The one I shot last night was because I heard her tromping through the leaves. With the foliage so thick right now, its next to impossible to see them coming in time.

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Its happened to me before, sucks and I have modified my usage of it because of that. I will use my phone here and there during slow times, but have started just putting it away at the times I typically see deer in certain places. If I am unfamiliar or in a place where deer usually show up at any time, I just keep it in my pocket. Last year I was dinking around on here and just about dropped my phone trying to get it back in my pocket as a buck came into one of my shooting lanes. I do try and keep my phone handy to take pics of deer that I am passing up though.

exactly what is down time while you are hunting?

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