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Tree stand broke


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As I was descending, my safety harness is tied above a branch so I had to remove it to get it below the branch. Not a good idea apparently. As I'm standing on the tree stand straightening out my safety harness to tie it back on the tree below the branch, the platform gave out on me. I fell straight down. Lucky for me, the fri room of the tree stand against the tree absorbed most of the impact and I only walked away with a big scratch on my chest. The bottom platform is completely bent out of shape. Now I don't know if it got bent from impact or it bending was what caused it to give out from under me. POS stand! I weighted myself a couple of nights ago at 172lbs. I'll post pictures when I get back home.

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Dang...thank God all you got was a scratch...I just had my platform opening day give out on one side....just as I stepped one foot on...I gave firm push down before stepping completely on it and out it went...had locking pins with me so easy fix ...but my stomach was still in throat...Be safe all

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Treestands, most especially those climber type are just an accident waiting to happen. Elmo, glad you weren't hurt. My advice would be to hunt from the ground from now on. I've killed plenty of deer from the ground, and so have scores of others. I have no doubt that you will too. No deer is worth breaking your neck for. Solidly built permanent type stands are one thing(although not completely foolproof), but these flimsy portable climbing types belong in the trash and not up a tree where a hunter is to stand on them. My .02 cents.

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I'm glad your ok too !

All my hang ons have a rope tied off above head height when standing on stand. I have a Prusik knot on them at about 2 steps up,so i'm clipped on from when I leave the ground till I'm back down.

Was i always like that ? No. When I first used tree stands I used climbing blocks tied to the tree, and tied a rope around my waist when I got up in the stand, which was made out of steel and was a giant pain to hang.

Equipment got better,stands, tree steps and harnesses, and I learned of many who fell and were not so lucky.

I know I'm older now I like to think wiser.

must say I still use $50 stands may need to rethink that,you do get what you pay for.

Edited by Larry302
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The stand was Ameristep. Forgot the name of the model. I don't think they sell it anymore. Bought it for like $120 or something like that. Will have to hunt on the ground for the rest of the season. Might go with steps and hang on or saddle next year but money is tight this year.

The bottom platform as you well know should be completely straight. It bent where that white part is at. The white is due to the paint cracking off due to the bend. Fortunately it dropped right when I was hugging the tree as I was trying to get the harness around the trunk. Also fortunate that I was only 12 to 15 feet up.



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Am i looking at that picture righit?? If that gave out and by looking at how it bent.... you had your base upside down, but i dont see how that could possibly ever get you up a tree if it was lol

Is anyone else seeing this or is just me? Im sittin in my climber right now checking the orientation of mine and im royally confused how that bent in that manner.

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Am i looking at that picture righit?? If that gave out and by looking at how it bent.... you had your base upside down, but i dont see how that could possibly ever get you up a tree if it was lol

Is anyone else seeing this or is just me? Im sittin in my climber right now checking the orientation of mine and im royally confused how that bent in that manner.

I was standing at where it had bent. Since it bent there, it cause the front to come up. The metal strap the holds the stand to the tree pulled on the front of the stand pulling it up. Keep in mind, I was facing the tree adjusting my harness when it happened.

Edited by Elmo
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Glad you r ok . I know you have to be careful where you place your weight on some climbers. I have a summit viper. The 1st time I used it last year I was sitting down with my rifle across my lap.I shifted my but around little bit, ... and the next thing I know I am sitting on the foot platform with my gun between my knees and my chest and the upper platform sitting on the lower one..Of coarse this was 30' in the air. Need less to say it sped my heart rate up a little.

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