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Lets screw NY state right in the wallet...

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A complete and total boycott of hunting and fishing licenses would cripple NY state. About 600 thousand hunters at say 50 bucks or more a piece, you do the math, Give up one year of hunting to put the screws to the people who run this Damn state. And then the A-Holes can figure out what the hell they are gonna do with an extra quarter million deer running around, those deer will give birth to another 1/2 million deer the following spring. In one year they will end up with close to 3/4 of a million extra deer in the state that they will have to contend with. Heck we might even get alittle more respect from the general none hunting public when every time they drive to work they total their Subaru's....and Beemers!!!

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we've already discussed this. most of that money pays for conservation and preservation. We only hurt ourselves by sacrificing something we love that will change nothing. All you do is give them a reason to take the rest of the guns as there are obviously no hunters in the state that need them... and boy would the animal rights people love it!

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there are other ways, we just haven't figured them out yet. it's day 1. relax for a minute and take a deep breath. But really the best thing currently is to vote the right individuals in. Cuomo may think this inked his ticket to be 2016 president but he has no idea how different the rest of the country is from NYS. There are many, many pro-gun democrats that will remember this.

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Here is what you do. Make it so you don't get a NYS tax refund, ok why give them an interest free loan on your money ? either zero out or owe them like I do, I take their interest free loan, then pay on the last day.

Don't by lotto (hint you'll now have MORE money) you won by not playing.....

Buy your smokes on the Res.

Im thinking of tossing our 4 ez passes but still driving through the ez pass lane,read awhile back that they have millions now owed them by folks doing that, and that not paying seems to have little to no consequences .

I'm not so sure about hunting though,it ll never happen but if nobody bought a lic.the DEC would go broke, the state would sure lose money, and the QDM and AR boys would be pleased with no young bucks killed ! Yep conservation would suffer for 1 year, hotels, restaurants, stores and the like would suffer, I say good you got our message.

Our forefathers burned sh!t to the ground and fought wars over stuff like this, today we worry about hurting the state dec and maybe missing a day of work by going to a rally .

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I hope your right Belo, unfortunatly in 3 years most people will have forgot about this, heck they blame the dreaded guns on the ct. issue, people seem to forget that Timmy mcveigh killed 168 people and injured over 800 more with fertilizer and deisel fuel... both can still be bought by anyone today with no background check.....

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How about 10 years mandatory for possessing a firearm during the commission of a crime and 20 years if the firearm was discharged duirng said crime.That would be a good start ! Look for someone running for office that adheres to this kind of thinking and lets not forget the judges they are the key to justice ,we need law and order in our system of law not people that give a slap on the wrist for serious crime ...Punish the guilty not the innocent !!! NO PLEA bargining in gun cases PERIOD !!!! Seems fair to me what about you ??

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A complete and total boycott of hunting and fishing licenses would cripple NY state. About 600 thousand hunters at say 50 bucks or more a piece, you do the math, Give up one year of hunting to put the screws to the people who run this Damn state. And then the A-Holes can figure out what the hell they are gonna do with an extra quarter million deer running around, those deer will give birth to another 1/2 million deer the following spring. In one year they will end up with close to 3/4 of a million extra deer in the state that they will have to contend with. Heck we might even get alittle more respect from the general none hunting public when every time they drive to work they total their Subaru's....and Beemers!!!

Between resident and non residents its worth $32 million to the state. It would be struggle but I support you!

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lets not forget 8.125 % tax revenue on atleast 700 million dollars in sales generated every hunting season in NY. i really dont think you guys realize how big this could be. just imagine the repercussions on our elected officials when the businesses feel the crunch of hunters staying home for 2013...and oil companies not getting their piece of pie with all of us not driving all over the state and spending hundreds on gasoline and diesel for our F250s? the travel and lodging industry wont be happy with our lawmakers either now that they pissed off sportsman and no one is showing up in November.

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Didn't there used to be a countdown clock to the next hunting season on this forum? We have hunters who start dreaming about NEXT hunting season the minute the current season ends and you think ALL hunters will give up an entire hunting season just to make a point about gun laws?? Will never happen.

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There is only one realistic way to fight these kinds of screw-jobs by politicians, and that is to become a single-issue voter, and remember who voted for what on this. Of course we are in the minority, but you would be surprised how powerful a minority can be if we can just get our gun owning people to vote as a unified block. We can indeed put the fear of God back into these creeps. Also, actively work and campaign for the defeat of those that voted for this mess. Volunteer a bit of time as campaign workers.

I understand that this state is a liberal, pinko, bastion of commies, but we have voted in Republican state senators and assemblymen before, and we can do it again if we can just keep in mind exactly who screwed us and who took us and our 2nd amendment rights seriously. We have to make it politically expensive for the politicians that thumbed their noses at us. We need a list made of Assembly and Senate who are our allies, and who are our enemies and vote accordingly during the next election.

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The unfortunate reality is the economic ripple effect that our not buying licenses would have on all the small business's that exist in the areas where we hunt and fish. I would not want to see those people adversely effected

Hunting and fishing is every thing to me. No way that I couldn't do it. I definitely will be a one issue voter. Unfortunately there is such a Democratic stronghold in my immediate area it is ridiculous.

Hopefully various aspects of the Bill will be contested in the Courts and we will prevail!

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Ironically, that's the problem. Exactly who do you vote for? They all (includes Dems, and Repubs), tell you what you want to hear, and then they get voted in. As soon as they're in there, though, it's like a Jekyll & Hyde deal. The Republicans clearly stabbed us in the back on the gun deal.

I actually agree with Sits on this one. It doesn't so much have to be the license buying, but the taxes on goods would definitely be a hit to the economy.

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as much as no one wants to admit it sits in trees may well very be on the right track. nothing in this law has to do with public safety or bettering society, it all about the money. in order for cuomo to run for president he need allot of cash,(22 million so far) the amounts that can only come from donors such as bloomburg. all the downstate dems are looking for fed jobs in 2016 so they go along. in 2011 ny hunters applied for 1.7 million licenses at $52.5 million. (dec web page). thats $30 per license and with the way the state cooks the books a super sportsman w/bow is 6 licenses. if 28,000 people didn't get a license thats 10% or 5.2million of direct revenue out of the budget. also fed contribution is based on issued license, thats another 2 million for a total of 7.2 million dollars for a total of 13.7%. thats a very LARGE statement for a group of hunters that liberal political types dont respect. if you dont do some like this we as hunter have pretty much paid alot of our hard earned money to have our rights taken away. i'm not trying to tick anyone off, just trying to be heard.

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