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So my Italian inlaws asked me to cook a lamb on a spit for Easter ...


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I have a cousin who is pushing 50. Despite my many attempts to correct him, he still uses the word "verbatim" wrong. "Hey man I have a pair of boots just like those,,mine are verbatim to those"

Drives me nuts!!!

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I'm more interested in the lamb. How's it cooking, LOL? What fuel are u using?

I agree...How big is the lamb ? What are you basting it with ?

What degree of doneness you you plan on cooking to...?

What wine do you prefer ? I'm assuming a dry red for lamb, perhaps a nice Cabernet or maybe a merlot....

What time should I show up for dinner ?

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Ok so here's the scoop:

1. After I set it all up for them this morning, I tell them "you must keep the fire at a steady heat" otherwise we wont eat until midnight. You have to keep adding charcoal. Then I go home to get ready for Easter Mass.

2. No sooner than I walk in my door after Mass, the phone rings: "Come quick, your FIL and BIL are arguing on whether they should drop the lamb to the lower level". I tell them in no uncertain terms, "No toucha!" "I be there in 5 mins."

3. I get to the house and walk over to the spit and the fire was almost out. Oy vey! I start adding charcoal frustratingly. I said if you drop it down the skin will burn and crack and the joints will break. I get the usual response - no it wont! I say you're telling a Greek how to cook a lamb on a spit which I've been doing for the last 30 years??

4. Finally at about 4:30 it comes off the spit and we start carving it. And we dig in. As suspected, some parts were still not throughly cooked but after a few glasses of homemade wine, overall it came out pretty good!

The baste we use is just two sticks of butter melted with lemon juice. Gives it a crispy juicy taste.

Moral of the story: let the Italians stick to wine making and the Greeks to roasting a whole lamb. ;)

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Mine is the misuse of 'and I'.  It seems that the latest trend is to always use 'and I' instead of 'and me' regardless of correctness.  Ex: 'my inlaws asked my wife and I to roast a lamb on a spit.'  Makes me mental.

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The difference between Greek's and Italian's is this the Italian's roast/cook goat's the Greek roast/cook lamb's.That is my observation and I'm sticking to it.Both cullture's make fine wine.You make sauce we make gravy

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