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So what about Zimmerman?

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Police Officer cannot just shoot someone because they "might" get injured..


You really didn't say that right?...OK I'll admit it ...my original assumption ......


I'll assume you don't live in a bubble.


May have been wrong....Here's an Idea....grab a knife and charge a police officer...If he doesn't kill you ...you were right...LOL

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You really didn't say that right?...OK I'll admit it ...my original assumption ......



May have been wrong....Here's an Idea....grab a knife and charge a police officer...If he doesn't kill you ...you were right...LOL

they can shoot if the force being used or about to be used against them is readily capable of causing death or serious physical injury............unless I'm mistaken, you said just if they perceive a risk of any injury. But like you said, I was wrong about the law too, but if you read what Deerthug posted, it pretty much says exactly what I said.........in fact it's copied right from the NYS Penal Law.

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grab a knife and charge a police officer...If he doesn't kill you ...you were right...LOL

Now that was funny!  Are you going to make tshirts up too?   


Early wishing anyones kids dead really sums you up now.  I have lost what little respect I had left and it wasnt much. 

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I am assuming that those who disagree with the findings of the jury have either attended each day of the trial or have somehow already read a complete transcript of the trial. Or perhaps they have some special personal knowledge of the case and those involved. Otherwise, while second-guessing the verdict of those who heard the entire case may be a lot of fun, it really only amounts to some silly ignorant blather. And I mean the term "ignorant" only in the dictionary sense ..... lol.

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once again reaching...What I said was...

When Officers bring guns and a wild person see this and approaches with a knife... bat ..big stick ...they are taught to shoot to kill...not wound and there is a reason for that...


Now which one of your two statements are you going with here...I'm confused...


a Police Officer cannot just shoot someone because they "might" get injured




they can shoot if the force being used or about to be used against them is readily capable of causing death or serious physical injury............unless I'm mistaken, you said just if they perceive a risk of any injury.


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Posted Today, 12:03 AM


grab a knife and charge a police officer...If he doesn't kill you ...you were right...LOL

Now that was funny!  Are you going to make tshirts up too?   


Early wishing anyones kids dead really sums you up now.  I have lost what little respect I had left and it wasnt much.


Wow You took one sentence and blew it up to  where you put me in the same category as Early??  Where in any of this have I wished any one dead?


To be honest whether you had any respect for me or not is of no concern of mine...you are nothing more than printed words on a screen to me as I am to anyone else here...save those who have ever met me. Like or dislike what I say but at least try to keep your perspectives in line with what I say IMO and knowing what was behind my statement..... your above statement doesn't do that.

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Wow You took one sentence and blew it up to  where you put me in the same category as Early??  Where in any of this have I wished any one dead?


To be honest whether you had any respect for me or not is of no concern of mine...you are nothing more than printed words on a screen to me as I am to anyone else here...save those who have ever met me. Like or dislike what I say but at least try to keep your perspectives in line with what I say IMO and knowing what was behind my statement..... your above statement doesn't do that.


I don't believe he was lumping you with early and or comparing you for his shameful statement

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I hope your right Paula...wdswtr...I've read and re-read that post and what threw me was...

Posted Today, 12:03 AM


grab a knife and charge a police officer...If he doesn't kill you ...you were right...LOL

Now that was funny!  Are you going to make tshirts up too?   


Early wishing anyones kids dead really sums you up now.  I have lost what little respect I had left and it wasnt much.

 I'm hoping I was wrong in the interpretation...That said...


For everyone on here I stand by this statement and wish that you would as well....what any of us write in these forums does not sum up the whole of the ppl writing them...no one really knows another unless they have spent time with them....It saddens me to see the frustrations of others coming out in such a way because two ppl made a series of judgements and mistakes that led to a death...But saddens me more that ppl with agendas...ppl that have a need to make a situation that was human error on both sides into a societal wrong doing of colored proportion.......


To be honest whether you had any respect for me or not is of no concern of mine...you are nothing more than printed words on a screen to me as I am to anyone else here...save those who have ever met me. Like or dislike what I say but at least try to keep your perspectives in line with what I say



So if I read his post wrong ...I'm glad.... for it made me say this and hope some think about it

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wow 7 pages huh?


this article pretty much sums up how I feel. The only real argument I had with anyone on this subject was the guy telling me he should have shot to wound not to kill... the military and police don't even shoot that. Typical movie watching, never shot a gun clueless liberal response.



That and sickening it was made about race. 50% of murders in this country are African American males between 17-24. 90% of them are committed by other blacks. Chicago has an epidemic, but nobody is protesting that?

Edited by Belo
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once again reaching...What I said was...


Now which one of your two statements are you going with here...I'm confused...




In NY, there's a distinction between "physical injury" & "serious physical injury", and of course "death"..........there's been more than one scenario discussed here, so if I misread one or two, my mistake. If someone swings at you with a fist, that's considered physical force and you probably won't get away with shooting them.........if someone swings a bat at you, whether or not they connect, that's considered deadly physical force, because it's capable of causing death or SPI, and you can justify the use of deadly physical force to protect yourself.......and of course there's dozen's of other scenarios that can be brought up, but that is the basic guidelines.

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I'll be honest, I haven't read any of the 7 pages of this thread. However, here's my opinion on the topic:


What went on before Zimmerman and Martin began fighting is clearly debatable from both sides. However my opinion below is only based on once they started fighting:


IF Zimmerman truly felt he might die that night, it was him or Martin who would die that night.


IF I was in the same situation and truly felt there was even a 1% chance that I might get killed, I would much rather take my chances on trial for murder than already be dead and buried.

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I'll be honest, I haven't read any of the 7 pages of this thread. However, here's my opinion on the topic:


What went on before Zimmerman and Martin began fighting is clearly debatable from both sides. However my opinion below is only based on once they started fighting:


IF Zimmerman truly felt he might die that night, it was him or Martin who would die that night.


IF I was in the same situation and truly felt there was even a 1% chance that I might get killed, I would much rather take my chances on trial for murder than already be dead and buried.

and Zimmerman was able to articulate his fear of dying very well.........Zimmerman's statement's were, Martin told him he was gonna kill him, he tried to smother him and he went for his gun.

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We are a country of innocent until proven guilty....but the public had Zimmerman guilty from the start.  The trial was a formality.  I'm pretty sure a good number of people who are crying travesty never actually followed the trial.  I personal know a few of them so I know some people are like that.


These very people also rely so heavily on the media and believe the media won't distort information to sell more papers and everything is discovered by the newspaper.  If it wasn't printed, it didn't happen.


They also believe every one is a racist.  The entire Sanford police department who knew from the beginning there wasn't enough evidence to charge Zimmerman but charged him when they were pressured by the public.  The 6 jurors who heard the entire case only took a day and a half to find him not guilty.  I've been a juror who spend 5 days deciding on a case and we ended up in a hung jury.  But of course there are a bunch of people who only heard a couple of things read a couple of papers and all of a sudden they know more about the case than those 6 jurors.

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One can not open their newspaper or watch any news broadcast without being deluged with the goings on at the Zimmerman Martin Trial which a racially motivated spectacle.


Below is the coverage of a murder that happened in Syracuse a few weeks ago by a local blogger. He is mad as hell and I don't blame him, where is the national outrage?, where is the national  media frenzy? 



Murdering Black Mobs Come to Syracuse, Local Media and City Officials Run Interference for Them

by Matt Forney on May 31, 2013

in Society


I try not to do current events blogging because it’s boring and superfluous. The world doesn’t need another self-important keyboard warrior writing deep thoughts about something that some politician said or some other news story that people will forget next week. Nonetheless, I have to write about this story because I have local expertise that other bloggers in this part of the Internet don’t:


Syracuse, NY — Authorities have charged two teenagers in the May 23 attack and subsequent death of a 51-year-old Syracuse man outside a South Side market.


A 13-year-old and a 15-year-old have each been charged with first-degree manslaughter in the killing of Michael Daniels, Syracuse Police Chief Frank Fowler and Mayor Stephanie Miner said at a news conference Thursday night.


Daniels was standing alone outside Los Amigos Market at the corner of Cannon Street and West Brighton Avenue around 9:40 p.m. on May 23 when when he was attacked by a group of teenagers. Police said the teens repeatedly punched Daniels and then kicked him in the head while he was on the ground.


He died a day later at Upstate University Hospital.


Fowler said the two teens were taking part in “Knockout,” a game in which people randomly target someone on the street and try to knock the person out by punching them.


Don’t you just love the mainstream media, how effortlessly they omit and contort stories that don’t fit their prefab worldview? I grew up in Syracuse, so I can provide a local perspective on this.



Here are the facts, for those of you keeping score:


These “teenagers” were black. Whenever a news story fails to mention the race of the perp, it’s because they’re either black or Latino. This attack happened in the South Side, a run-down, primarily black ghetto where convenience store owners have to put bars on their windows to deter theft and the only booming businesses are pawn shops and payday loan sharks. Put two and two together.

The man they killed, Michael Daniels, was white.

These black teenagers were playing Knockout King, a game where you go around finding white people to beat up and put in the hospital. It’s also called “polar bear hunting,” and you can figure out why.

There are literally hundreds of documented cases across the U.S. in the past 5-6 years of black teenagers swarming on hapless white people and putting them in the hospital for kicks, sometimes even killing them. Ex: Carter Strange.

Additionally, as commenters at the Post-Standard pointed out, the story’s author, Ken Sturtz, omitted the graphic details of what these “teenagers” did to Daniels. They didn’t just beat him to death, they popped his eyeball out of its socket and laughed about it.


Let’s get one thing clear to Chief Fowler and Mayor Miner: what these black kids did is not manslaughter, it is murder. They were playing a game that involves physically assaulting other people, which is the definition of premeditation. Sitting around laughing at how you beat a man so severely that you knocked his eyeball out of its socket is the exact definition of a depraved-heart homicide, which constitutes second-degree murder in the U.S.


More importantly, what these kids did was a hate crime.


These black kids specifically went out of their way to attack a white man solely for being white. Every single documented case of Knockout King/polar bear hunting, from Chicago to Philadelphia, has shown the exact same pattern: blacks going out of their way to beat up, maim, injure and kill whites. If two white teenagers from DeWitt or Skaneateles had beaten and killed a black man, Miner and Fowler wouldn’t hesitate to charge them with a hate crime.


But because the colors are reversed, they and the Post-Standard are covering up what was effectively a lynching.


This comment by Fowler is the most disgusting of them all:


“A man lost his life because a group of young people decided to play this very dangerous game,” Fowler said.


Is this guy insane? You’d think he was talking about some kids planking on a railroad track or chugging vodka in their parents’ basements. These monsters headed out the door specifically to hurt and kill someone, and this is all you have to say?


I am nobody of importance, but I can’t say silent on this. If the hacks at the Post-Standard and in the Syracuse PD aren’t willing to do their jobs on their own, we have to shame them into it.


The city of Syracuse must charge these vicious killers with both murder and a hate crime, and the Post-Standard’s reporters need to stop hiding the facts of the case out of fear of being called “racist.” And if Mayor Miner and Chief Fowler are too cowardly to do their jobs, the Onondaga County DA needs to step in and do it for them.


And I don’t want to hear anyone making excuses for these little scumbags. I don’t want to read leftist hacks from Syracuse University writing guest editorials on how America’s “institutional racism” or “lack of educational opportunities” led these kids to murder this guy. I don’t care how poor or marginalized you are, there is no justification for seeking out someone at random and beating them to death. None. 


I especially don’t want to hear Fowler blaming these attacks on “boredom.” When I was a kid and I was bored, I went outside to play, played video games, or read a book. Gang-swarming on some poor stranger and putting him in the hospital never crossed my mind, and anyone who would do that for fun is a sociopath with no place in civilized society.


These “teens” beat Michael Daniels to death for one reason and one reason only: they hate white people.


They’ve been told to hate whites since they were old enough to comprehend words. They’ve been told by their mothers, their teachers, their role models that whites are oppressing them, stealing from them, and are responsible for all the misery in their lives. Is it any wonder that blacks across America are beating up and abusing whites like this? You want to talk about “institutional racism?” Let’s talk about the institutions that tell poor blacks that stomping random white people to death is socially acceptable.


Again, I’m not an important person, but I’m not keeping my mouth shut on a disgusting story like this.

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In NY, there's a distinction between "physical injury" & "serious physical injury", and of course "death"..........there's been more than one scenario discussed here, so if I misread one or two, my mistake. If someone swings at you with a fist, that's considered physical force and you probably won't get away with shooting them.........if someone swings a bat at you, whether or not they connect, that's considered deadly physical force, because it's capable of causing death or SPI, and you can justify the use of deadly physical force to protect yourself.......and of course there's dozen's of other scenarios that can be brought up, but that is the basic guidelines.

 Do you remember the Roderick Scott Trial? There wasn't even any "contact" in that case. The Grand Jusy wouldn't even entertain a Murder charge. They knocked it down to Manslaughter and the Jury let him off after hearing the evidence. That is a NY case.

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 Do you remember the Roderick Scott Trial? There wasn't even any "contact" in that case. The Grand Jusy wouldn't even entertain a Murder charge. They knocked it down to Manslaughter and the Jury let him off after hearing the evidence. That is a NY case.

I'm not familiar with that case, what I posted are just general guidelines as layed out in the penal law........like I said, there's dozen's of other scenarios to be considered, each on their own.

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just checked it out, my guess is the simple fact that there was a gun involved, if you can articulate that you feared he may get the gun, then you may be justified in the shooting............in the Zimmerman trial, the defense said that once the physical fight started, it could have became anyone's gun during the struggle.......oh, that and it appears to have been a black male doing the shooting.

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and Zimmerman was able to articulate his fear of dying very well.........Zimmerman's statement's were, Martin told him he was gonna kill him, he tried to smother him and he went for his gun.



And his nose was broken and he had cuts to the back of his head. The jury found the injuries consistent with those of a person being punched in the face and having his head slammed against the concrete.


Like it or not this case was jam packed with reasonable doubt and thats what the jury decided.

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And his nose was broken and he had cuts to the back of his head. The jury found the injuries consistent with those of a person being punched in the face and having his head slammed against the concrete.


Like it or not this case was jam packed with reasonable doubt and thats what the jury decided.

no doubt...like I said, he was able to articulate that he was in fear of his life.

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