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I thought it was funny at the time


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I was out clearing my driveway and un-burying my trailer with the snowblower . It was 18 degrees out . Someone pulled into the driveway and asked if I cleared neighbor's driveways . I said no and that I blessed the old snowblower every time I went out to use it hoping it would start and run .

He then asked if I knew anyone that plowed driveways . I suggested that he look at the driveways that looked like they were plowed out and ask the homeowner who they use for a Plow Jockey . I have no idea who the guy is or where he lives .

I guess I am not the Good Samaritan ............If you live in Western NY , you have to be pro-active when it comes to the weather . You can't wait until you have a foot of snow in the driveway and then try to figure out how to get rid of it .

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i've done neighbors driveways especially my elderly ones, would feel bad if emergency services couldnt get in there to help them, the one old lady has her grandson bring over a case or two of beer as payment he usually does her drive but can be held up by work or other commitments and i dont want her to have to wait 2-3 days to get plowed out, i appreciate it but dont drink beer i accept it graciously... my friends benefit when they come over as its there cold in fridge waiting for them, and i dont have to buy any....lol

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I snow blow the neighbors sidewalk and he'll get mine if he's out first, we both have snow blowers, the neighbor on the other side is one of those people that just rams her car through the snow all year long, if she isn't going to at least try to clear her drive then I'm certainly not going to worry about it.

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I am 72 years old . The guy was able to drive his car around so he wasn't trapped in or anything . I have no idea who he is or where he lives . In my younger years I had helped neighbors that I knew and one neighbor (younger than me) expected me to do it all the time until I told him , no more Buddy .

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I am 72 years old . The guy was able to drive his car around so he wasn't trapped in or anything . I have no idea who he is or where he lives . In my younger years I had helped neighbors that I knew and one neighbor (younger than me) expected me to do it all the time until I told him , no more Buddy .


That's the problem. When you start as just a favor, the first thing you know it becomes an obligation and you start hearing things like, "When are you coming over to do my driveway?" or, "geeze don't ya think the snow is getting a bit deep in my driveway?"  People don't realize that snow removal equipment is only good for "X" number of years and if you use it two or three times more than you would for just your own needs, you have just cut the time before you need new stuff accordingly. I own a 4-wheel drive ATV almost exclusively for the purpose of snow removal, but I will say that plowing all winter long with one of those little guys is bordering on abuse. I would really like not to have to buy too many more of those things over what's left of my life .... lol. They ain't cheap!


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A few years ago when we had + or - 4' of snow, I was moving snow from my driveway with my front end loader tractor, I made it to about 30 feet from the road and A neiighbors daughter came and asked if I could make a path to her mothers house about 200 feet from the road.I said when I finish here and make it to the road I would be there, Which I did. I get back to do the back of my house and a hydrolic hose blows and oil all over.Now I cannot do the rest of my property until I get a new hose. 

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did 3 of my neighbors the other day. sometimes i do sometimes i dont, depends what hours im working if their home or at work,if i like them.........


one time i went over a neighbors steel dog lead, wound up tight, snapped both pins .

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So, what kinds of liability are you getting yourself into when you plow out other people's driveways? If you tear up their curb-stones, or landscaping are you legally obligated to repair or replace the damaged features?


Haaaaa. The town never fixes our driveway that they tear up every year with the plow. Or the huge layer of sod that they tear up and throw on our lawn.

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I share a driveway with my neighbor.  it is mine, but we share it.  He works different shifts, so if I am out I do it and vice versa. My daughter and her soon to be husband bought the house across the street.  Sunday when I had the snow blower out, I called them and said get the vehicles cleared off and I will be over.  Well watching the bills was the priority so they did not bother.  Well after t he game, they did and she called and said they were ready. My reply, I was done a while ago.  I sat in the warm house and watched them shovel. I told him cone and get the snow blower and do it.  I guess I pissed him off because he shoveled it all  I bet next time they will clean them off when I call.

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Haaaaa. The town never fixes our driveway that they tear up every year with the plow. Or the huge layer of sod that they tear up and throw on our lawn.

Of course that doesn't mean that your neighbor won't slap a lawsuit on you when you back into his Japanese maple does it or run over his pooch while you are trying to be a good neighbor?

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I was out clearing my driveway and un-burying my trailer with the snowblower . It was 18 degrees out . Someone pulled into the driveway and asked if I cleared neighbor's driveways . I said no and that I blessed the old snowblower every time I went out to use it hoping it would start and run .

He then asked if I knew anyone that plowed driveways . I suggested that he look at the driveways that looked like they were plowed out and ask the homeowner who they use for a Plow Jockey . I have no idea who the guy is or where he lives .

I guess I am not the Good Samaritan ............If you live in Western NY , you have to be pro-active when it comes to the weather . You can't wait until you have a foot of snow in the driveway and then try to figure out how to get rid of it .


The winters have been uneventful for quite a few years here.  People tend to let their guard down. We get slammed with a real good one, like we use to get back in the 60's and 70's, people wake up.

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Haaaaa. The town never fixes our driveway that they tear up every year with the plow. Or the huge layer of sod that they tear up and throw on our lawn.


Exactly why I don't tend to go off the property. I remember the days, when you were dam happy to see a plow open the road,  to get supplies when the next storm  hit. We we happy to fix a little lawn, or put the mailbox back up, LOL.

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if u want to buy a house make sure u have a plow guy lined up!  I have no sympathy for people anymore i have many accounts that I plow and i refuse to take on new customers during the winter.  Being a landscaper i will only plow the people I work for during the season.  I dont care how old or young anymore. If your old enough to buy a house, you are old enough to realize you need someone to plow it.  And if you are elderly and can no longer take care of your own place...you have lived long enough to gather the intelligence to have a plan and a back up plan and and a back up plan after that.  I only NEED 1 truck to do my route we generally send out 2 and have another 2 ready to go at all times.  Thats a plan with a backup and another backup and one more after that.  If i can plan ahead why cant these people!

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Of course that doesn't mean that your neighbor won't slap a lawsuit on you when you back into his Japanese maple does it or run over his pooch while you are trying to be a good neighbor?


Well if I had to worry about getting sued for helping a neighbor out I might think about living somewhere else. But this probably does happen, I don't know what to tell ya I would never worry about that way up North where I am.

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I share a driveway with my neighbor.  it is mine, but we share it.  He works different shifts, so if I am out I do it and vice versa. My daughter and her soon to be husband bought the house across the street.  Sunday when I had the snow blower out, I called them and said get the vehicles cleared off and I will be over.  Well watching the bills was the priority so they did not bother.  Well after t he game, they did and she called and said they were ready. My reply, I was done a while ago.  I sat in the warm house and watched them shovel. I told him cone and get the snow blower and do it.  I guess I pissed him off because he shoveled it all  I bet next time they will clean them off when I call.


soon to be husband ... maybe not   LOL

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My landlord/neighbor takes care of snow removal and grass. But I swear I'm getting VERY close to telling him I will take care of it because he fails miserably at both. The dude is a male nurse and I think isn't use to or doesn't enjoy manual labor of any sort. The driveway is a wreck because of his half ass snow blowing job. Gets on my nerves especially for the price I pay in rent.

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Our neighbor is probably in her mid 70's, living alone.  I've taken care of her driveway and mowed her lawn for years. I can't stand seeing her out there shoveling or mowing.  She gives me a twenty for gas once in a while.   


Just a thought; maybe the guy in the OP had a blower that broke... been there

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