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Time to boycott A & E

Catskill Hunter

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Sorry to say but you sound ignorant.


But hey, I have my rights to my own and opinions and you have your rights to your own opinions so let's just agree to that.


It's hard to believe you are a graduate of the University of Michigan.  I can't tell by what you write in your posts.

Very interesting, you are a contridiction trying to backtrack on your statements. You can fool some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time. I must admit you tell good stories, who know how true they are. I would think a college educated guy like you would make better decisions and think before he writes. Especially when there are a lot of white guys on this site, and many are giving you a pass on your comments.








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Honestly what did A&E really expect when they hired these guys for tv?.I liked them better when it was The duck Commander show which mostly revolved around duck hunting and a little family values thrown in for good measure.Once they went to Duck dynasty I kinda lost interest.But they are who they are and since when did it become a crime to speak your own mind?.Its not like he threatened to do harm to anyone.And now that they've gained so much fame its always the custom of the mass media to dig up stuff to discredit someone...build them up then tear them down..

If I was Phil I would be out on the marsh shooting ducks and let the kids make money and do interviews

just send me a check!!!!!

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It's hard to believe you are a graduate of the University of Michigan.  I can't tell by what you write in your posts.

Very interesting, you are a contridiction trying to backtrack on your statements. You can fool some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time. I must admit you tell good stories, who know how true they are. I would think a college educated guy like you would make better decisions and think before he writes. Especially when there are a lot of white guys on this site, and many are giving you a pass on your comments.


No back tracking at all.  I stand by what I said.  I never said white guys don't get any grief.  As a matter of fact, my "getting knocked down a peg of two" is acknowledging that Caucasians are starting to receive the short end of the stick.  I only stated that even with the short end of the stick, Caucasians still don't have it the worst.

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I tried watching one of their shows several months ago and was bored . I watched two episodes last night and fail to see what the interest is about the show . 

One episode was about it being hot , the AC wasn't working and they made some dumb ass redneck water park .

The other was where a lizard got loose in the warehouse and they tried to track it down and capture it .


What a waste of TV time !

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WOW Happy I don't watch TV!  And people wonder why I ban talk about politics and religion at camp lol.  5 pages in one day, dam.  Arguing about politics and religion on the internet is like trying to eat that apple on my phone, it just don't work! 


Freedom of speech, plain and simple to me.  Nice to see him stick to his guns.  He has nothing to loose and could care less.  I would be in the same boat if I was able to make that kind of money... 

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that is hilariously factually incorrect.





few months back there was a Christian owned restaurant that did something similar and got hit hard by the lgbt community with boycotts and lotsa bad press. just remember thinking it was ridiculous. but they stuck together until they were appeased.


how many different types of Christians are there? many with varying levels of religion, many who support the lgbt community.


Christians as a whole are fractured and impossible to pull together as a whole into one group.


Lgbts are not and all share the same identity and goals for the most part.


one will stick together and put their money where their mouth is. the other is so fractured that its hard to really say sticking together for something that some feel are right some feel are wrong could even happen


if all Christians got together and like the post said "Boycotted A&E" THEN you would have a fight. that is something that will not happen.



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WOW Happy I don't watch TV!  And people wonder why I ban talk about politics and religion at camp lol.  5 pages in one day, dam.  Arguing about politics and religion on the internet is like trying to eat that apple on my phone, it just don't work! 


Freedom of speech, plain and simple to me.  Nice to see him stick to his guns.  He has nothing to loose and could care less.  I would be in the same boat if I was able to make that kind of money... 


Dangnabit hit my like quota already again....

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Never liked the show or any of those low brow "reality" shows, It's a wonder anyone is surprised he feels that way I mean he is from Louisiana which is the second most conservative state after Mississippi. States that were brought kicking and screaming into the modern world of equal rights and indoor plumbing. He has the right to free speech just as A&E has the right to can him for what he says.


OK.... I'm addicted to Doomsday Preppers, but that's it I swear!

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unfortunately, when you sign a big dollar contract with a TV Station, sports team or any other high profile job that what you say or do, is considered a reflection on them, you have to live with your actions and suffer the consequences.......I guess what they stand to lose is much more than they make from the celebrity they employ....I'm sure there are a few on here who have jobs, that if they went to work and openly voiced their anti whatever opinions openly in the work place, would find themselves on the unemployment line.

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I just don't get the celebrity hype. I mean seriously what significance do these people actually make in your life? You will probably never meet them, you watch their stupid shows religiously filling their pockets with money that you will never see. I suspect, just like any other show/ person that starts to fall off the ratings, they have a major news story so that everyone gets interested in it again. I suppose that's whats wrong with Americans. I don't want to be like these people who have managed to strike gold with the dumbest TV show, that's 90% made up to look dramatic. That's what TV producers get paid to do. Go read a book, then come back to the forum and talk about how dramatic, interesting or life changing that was for you. Plenty of people in our daily lives agree or disagree with our views and beliefs, but I haven't been on every freaking tabloid for telling people I feel X.  God I hate celebrity hype/ gossip, just like a bunch of teenage girls are those who need to fill their daily lives with that crap. With that said, I am sure I've pissed of quite a few people but to each their own. 


Edited by Kot2B
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The key words in your hypothesis are "went to work and openly voiced"...  I'll say whatever the H I want to outside of work.


Edit: well, I'm retired but when I was there..... ;)

some people are never considered "off the clock"..........the problem is, some people are considered important and relevant  when they're really not.....TV stars, Sports figures, etc.........actually, I'd rather peoples opinions and beliefs are well known.

Edited by jjb4900
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I have to laugh at how this forum and some of the threads resemble every reality show I've ever seen... and its funny to hear how many of the participants hate those shows.. any outsider reading this thread alone would experience the same train wreck they can't take their eyes of on the boob tube...lol ... maybe that's why I enjoy this forum so much!


As for the suspension I bet I feel the same way Phil feels.. couldn't care less.

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Never liked the show or any of those low brow "reality" shows, It's a wonder anyone is surprised he feels that way I mean he is from Louisiana which is the second most conservative state after Mississippi. States that were brought kicking and screaming into the modern world of equal rights and indoor plumbing. He has the right to free speech just as A&E has the right to can him for what he says.

OK.... I'm addicted to Doomsday Preppers, but that's it I swear!

So are you trying to say that you're a more enlightened New Yorker while at the same time putting down an entire part of the country? Ironic a little? At least in the south people are friendly towards their neighbor and still hold some family values.

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The key words in your hypothesis are "went to work and openly voiced"... I'll say whatever the H I want to outside of work.

Edit: well, I'm retired but when I was there..... ;)

There is no "work place" for a celebrity. And he wasn't shooting the sh!t with buddies he was giving an interview to a magazine! There's no secret tape or witness like Paula Dean. He knew exactly what he was doing.

Fwiw, I love he show. I enjoy some low brow humor from time to time. Good to turn the brain off and just laugh.

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