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one way to stop a trespasser


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I like it, but I would not film it. evdence of an assault on film is not good lol

yeah that is a tough one used them a lot when playing paintball not sure if it would be assault if they were "setting up to play a game" & he shouldn't be on the property?

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There are 2 sides to every story so who knows if what we are reading is at all true? it was funny but what if that small little paint bomb started a fire,what if that guy did have a heart attack.and who really knows if the old guy was asked to stay off the property or not...

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There are 2 sides to every story so who knows if what we are reading is at all true? it was funny but what if that small little paint bomb started a fire,what if that guy did have a heart attack.and who really knows if the old guy was asked to stay off the property or not...Agree

I agree only getting one side but I played paintball for over 15 years semi pro for 5 the paintball claymores & mines make a bang but use no explosives they are run off Co2 or compressed air unless this was homemade they will not start a fire I still have a few of those out in the woods somewhere I would have just said they were left over from playing. I still think you need to be aware of what land you are on as a hunter I always look at tax maps. Here in NH if land isn't posted you are allowed to hunt it but always a good idea to know who owns it & talk to them first

Either way that video is funny

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Update on this story:

UPDATE 5/20, 4:44 PM:

A trespasser’s son has responded to the unfolding events. Leroy Ogin Jr. contacted D&DH just now and offered these comments in a direct message on Facebook:

“I’m just [upset] because … one video can spread so fast … to top it off, there are people [who] have no idea of what happened and don’t know the true facts … saying how funny this is and he got what he deserved. I wonder if it happened to them or one of their children if they would think its funny. Then they say they deserved it. I deal with people on my in-laws land where I hunt(110 acres) and all I do is let them know they are on private property and tell them to leave. We don’t put out traps like this guy did. That’s going too far!”

UPDATE 5/20, 2:43 PM:

In a D&DH forum and subsequent email exchange with a man stating he was Michael Condoluci and said he did, in fact, warn Ogin previously about trespassing on his land.

On the forum, he wrote: “I’m the one who did this to this idiot. I’ve owned the land for 6 years. He’s been hunting on my land every year. I tell him every year he is trespassing, he refuses to leave and tells me he’s been hunting here his whole life. My land is posted and I even have signs trespassers will be painted, and patrolled by Sherwin Williams, maybe the jerk can’t read and if that’s the case, he shouldn’t be hunting. Don’t think I will see him next year.”

D&DH responded directly to the email address, asking Condoluci if he wanted to make further statements on this situation.

“Talk to you in 6 months after the hold period,” he replied. “Just have to say he was warned about trespassing before.”

The woman who uploaded the video onto YouTube added these comments on that site this afternoon: “This man has been warned for being on private property. He chose not to listen. There was [sic] many signs posted about the paint. Unfortunately, you cannot see in color, but his clothes were not ruined. They were old, stained and ripped. What you don’t see is another young man who actually destroys a few things in [sic] the property.”

- See more at: http://www.deeranddeerhunting.com/articles/deer-news/painted-deer-hunter-to-have-trespassing-ticket-dismissed-landowner-also-charged#sthash.bV1olsml.dpuf

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I think it was said 2x that he was only 8 ft over the property line. Doesn't matter he should not have been there.

He said he was never asked to leave the property, Doesn't matter because he knew he was over the property line.

Glad he didn't have a heart attach, maybe the embarrassment will stop him in the future.

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Trespassing is trespassing. I have a new lease this year with deer stands all over it. Once I tell the owners of those stands to get the stands out and stay out, that's their only warning. After that I will have them arrested every time I catch them. Im sorry, but the excuse that "ive been hunting here for years" isn't going to work with me. The same has happened to me and I found a new place to hunt.

Leasing is the future if you don't own land. Trespassing is just a slap in the face because I know they can read the 100 posted signs I put up. I wont shoot people with paintballs,but I will make sure they never shoot another deer on my lease.

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yeah that is a tough one used them a lot when playing paintball not sure if it would be assault if they were "setting up to play a game" & he shouldn't be on the property?


if someone hurts themselves on your property and it was not "fenced in". You are liable. Silly but true law. The violator must commit and obvious act to tresspass and bypass security in order for you to be excused of liability. It is why most towns and insurance companies require gates and fences by pools.

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I think it was said 2x that he was only 8 ft over the property line. Doesn't matter he should not have been there.

He said he was never asked to leave the property, Doesn't matter because he knew he was over the property line.

Glad he didn't have a heart attach, maybe the embarrassment will stop him in the future.

If he can recall a detail like the fact that he was exactly eight feet over the property line, it tells me that the trespass was intentional and willful.


Still, I have to say that it is probably the first time that I ever felt sorry for a trespasser.....lol. Just watching the video, I flinched pretty bad when the explosion went off. I can't imagine what it must have been like to be a few feet from it in the quiet conditions of the woods. What an ugly thing that would have been to come back to the area and find a dead body laying there where your "trespasser trap" resulted in a cardio death. I know how damned frustrating it can be to unsuccessfully defend your property from trespass, but people have got to be using their heads when dealing with such things.


On the other hand, I have to admit that he probably will not be trespassing again for the rest of his life.....lol.

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