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a passing....


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I am so profoundly sad to see Robin Williams passed...That generation of comics and actors had so many tragic endings....... I really thought at this age ...he may have made it.


His comic genius will be missed in the future but his past will shine on for ever....Thanks for the smiles and God Bless....... may peace find you on the flip side....

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I'm sick of hearing about this already and it hasn't even been 24 hours. Some rich actor killed himself, boo hoo. Where's the outpouring for the military members and first responders who lost their lives doing something worthwhile? Robin Williams had the resources to live a wonderful live but instead pissed it away with his own selfish acts. Good riddance, I hope they give his fortune away to people who could do something useful with it.

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Monitors I will nicely ask you to please delete the above post....I posted this out of respect for a person that made others laugh and perhaps forget their own troubles for a while...His passing  and the respect people are showing have nothing and I do mean nothing to do with any thing other than that.


                                                                       Thank you,



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tell us how you really feel  Do not hold it in. 


Sorry, one of my nerves have been struck.



People are more upset about some celebrity who through his own means selfishly destroyed his life with booze and drugs and ultimately killed himself yet there is no where near the concern for others who lost their lives serving the greater good. But yet nobody sees the problem here.

Edited by Waldershrek
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I'm sick of hearing about this already and it hasn't even been 24 hours. Some rich actor killed himself, boo hoo. Where's the outpouring for the military members and first responders who lost their lives doing something worthwhile? Robin Williams had the resources to live a wonderful live but instead pissed it away with his own selfish acts. Good riddance, I hope they give his fortune away to people who could do something useful with it.



You need to educate yourself. 



Takes all types………..

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The USO said that throughout his 12 years of involvement with the organization, Williams created special moments for nearly 90,000 servicemen and servicewomen in 13 countries.

"Williams traveled around the world to lift the spirits of our troops and their families. He will always be a part of our USO family and will be sorely missed," the organization said in a statement.


His St. Jude work I think was probably his best. He captured imaginations of millions of kids in his movies and I can just imagine those kids who got to interact with him; they probably forgot their fate for an hour or two, and that's priceless.

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Robin Williams had the resources to live a wonderful live .

Like what? Money?

Yes those millions could allow someone to live quite comfortably, even lavishly, but his mental angiush could have plagued him all his life. We'll never know.

What we do know is that there are many "rich" people who can do more and don't. So why single him out? Mr.Williams brought joy to alot of people.

To basically say rot in hell is quite low-down.

I truly understand your enthusiasm for seeking recognition for American patriots, soldiers,vets & heros as I share in that enthusiasm, but this venue was to pay respect not to disrespect.

Sent from my SCH-S720C using Tapatalk 2

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   I sit and scratch my head at the level of anger, hate, and outrageous comments this man's death has generated not only here but on some of the news channels. As mental health professional I cringe when I hear  the ridiculous misinformation many of these so called news anchors passing themselves off as arm chair mental health experts toss around, making diagnoses and talking like they know what they are saying. Listening to the same people complain that this man’s death is getting to much attention reeks of some sick underlying jealousy to me. 


   In my opinion; we get beat over the head every place we turn about how scary and bad off the world is these days; with news about Russia on the war path and China now built into a Super Power thanks to our businesses who all ran there for cheap labor and handing over technology, yet will run back and hide behind the bodies of American soldiers who were too costly to hire but are good enough to save their sorry a$$e$ if and when they need that protection. With non stop death and destruction in the Mid East and the threat that poses to us and our allies, and so on, and so on, the bad news piles up. 


   The level of disrespect, name calling, and all out personal attacks against anyone with a different view than yours is at a destructive level. Spewing venom and fear mongering is not only considered acceptable but encouraged on television and in other media. We are told our government refuses to work together which instills little faith in our elected officials being able to do anything other than line their own pockets.


   A friendly reminder; just as we watch the news and lose hope, our enemies watch the same news and are inspired. I’m sure they love to hear how weak we have become as a nation, how poorly our leaders do their jobs, and how little faith we have in our leaders or way of life anymore.  


   Perhaps the reason the Robin Williams death is such a blow is not only because of the sad nature of his demise, but because he was one who made us smile and laugh for decades, and by all counts was reported to be a genuinely kind and good person. His movies and entertainment provided a respite from the rest of the crap we deal with everyday, and those who subject us to, or create that same crap. Sadly, I would argue that those same antics that cracked us up always struck me as symptoms of an underlying illness, but that is another subject altogether. 


   In the end; even though none of us really knew the man, we knew enough that we would feel better at least for a while after watched or listened to him. Maybe there is a twinge of sadness in people that a person who brought smiles to so many suffered so much inside and in the end nobody was there to make him feel better. So, I agree with the others that say he now should rest in peace.

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I have a tough time getting choked up about strangers or people I've never met, but I have to give the fella credit, he was an extremely successful entertainer. Depression is a horrible thing, I can't judge anyone who decides to end their own life without really knowing what demons & pain he may have been enduring. 

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