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Nobody likes a thief..


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So im in gander mountain with my 6yr old son just looking around. I just got done looking at the t cam as this kid comes over to them. My son takes me a row over to show me a bow he see's. I then notice the kid walking funny towards the bathrooms and I see something stuffed under his shirt. So I start looking around for an employee and I see one walking around. So I go over and tell him what I saw he says thanks and starts talking on his radio. So I went up into the fishing dept to kinda wait and see what happens and I see the kid walking towards the front exit. I hear the manager say can I help you, the kid says no, the manager says are you sure, follows the kid out the door the kid takes off running with 2 new t cams & the manager just watches.

I cant believe they didn't just confront him in the store, its amazing they just let you go. Man if I didn't have my son with me I would have freaking Chuck Norris'ed his a@@. Nothing I hate more than a thief.

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They didn't stop him because they didn't actually see him take anything, and by law they can't accuse him of stealing nor can they stop him from leaving.  I know because I work for a big box store and unfortunately those are the rules.  Yes...the rules suck!!


The reason the manager didn't chase him is because if the kid was to get hit by a car running through the parking lot it would become a major law suit for the store and the manager. 

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I thought the stores had little chips in the camera boxes that would beep if someone left with one that hadn't been removed . Why have those big plastic tags on a pair of $50 boots but not a $100+ camera ?


They were on them but he removed them in the bathroom.

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 I then notice the kid walking funny towards the bathrooms and I see something stuffed under his shirt.


Uh ohh, sounds like he may have gotten away with a "Cornholer" too,lol

Maybe the guy let him go so he didn't have to perform the cavity search! :notme:



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They didn't stop him because they didn't actually see him take anything, and by law they can't accuse him of stealing nor can they stop him from leaving.  I know because I work for a big box store and unfortunately those are the rules.  Yes...the rules suck!!


The reason the manager didn't chase him is because if the kid was to get hit by a car running through the parking lot it would become a major law suit for the store and the manager. 


Before going back to school, I cut meat in a supermarket. We were told NEVER confront a suspected shoplifter, but tell management. One guy decided to be a hero, and chased a guy down & tackled him, he got bitten by the shoplifter & reprimanded by management for his efforts.


Another time a manger got slugged by a suspected shoplifter, turns out the suspect wasn't stealing anything, and the manager had to apologize, along with nurse a shiner for a few days, Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.


Not a fan of thieves either, But sometimes, you have to use common sense.

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These little dirt bags know nothing will happen to them. Even if someone sees them stealing, all they have to do is walk, not even run, out of the store. Employee's aren't going to got hands on with a shop lifter. Even if the thief is caught by police what happens to them??? Nothing. I hate these little dirt bags...

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These little dirt bags know nothing will happen to them. Even if someone sees them stealing, all they have to do is walk, not even run, out of the store. Employee's aren't going to got hands on with a shop lifter. Even if the thief is caught by police what happens to them??? Nothing. I hate these little dirt bags...



Double post …..sorry

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