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Hunting Accident


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Know for sure your target is a deer and it is one you want to shoot is fine but you can not be 100% sure there is not a hunter in camo hiding in the brush 100 yards away bubba. I don't care how good you think you are you can not say you have never shot at a deer and knew 100% if someone was out there behind that deer and you just couldn't see them. You can only be sure of what you can see and camo at a distance is very hard to see. Looking for orange and hopeing there is not some unseen person hiding in your line of site is all we can do sense orange is not mandatory. If you make sure you can be seen and not mistaken for a deer and get shot both hunters share the blame equally. How ever if you get shot by another from 100 yards away when you are hiding in the brush wearing camo? you take all the blame.

Making yourself seen is safer for you then hiding. Why are you hiding in camo anyways? Are you trespassing ? Are you doing something illegal?




So its my fault some moron shoots at me cause I have no orange on ????? Are you freaking kidding me. Do you shoot your gun often?? Can you see what your shooting at?? Do you put your target in a trail and hop in the bushes to practice that stupidity???


Should I get a big orange gun from wal-mart to match my bright color camo thats moron proof???



I will NEVER in my life aim my weapon at something that im not ready and willling to shoot. I can not wrap my head around the thought that you have to have orange on cause theirs some dumb dumb in a bush thinking he hears something.



Its no accident the gun dont shoot itself Remember " Guns dont kill people, people kill people "



Now go ahead everyone tell me how I should be willing to shoot you for not waering orange. I hope if and when something like this happens to one of you your mind frame stays the same.

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I was wearing an orange hat and vest on this opening day when I shot my first buck ever. I wouldn't even consider taking a step into the woods without all that on. Hunter Safety Course anyone!!!



Know what your shooting at anyone?? You aim your rifle when your hear a noise?? Were did they teach you that ?? Smh, WOW

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So its my fault some moron shoots at me cause I have no orange on ????? Are you freaking kidding me. Do you shoot your gun often?? Can you see what your shooting at?? Do you put your target in a trail and hop in the bushes to practice that stupidity???


Should I get a big orange gun from wal-mart to match my bright color camo thats moron proof???



I will NEVER in my life aim my weapon at something that im not ready and willling to shoot. I can not wrap my head around the thought that you have to have orange on cause theirs some dumb dumb in a bush thinking he hears something.



Its no accident the gun dont shoot itself Remember " Guns dont kill people, people kill people "



Now go ahead everyone tell me how I should be willing to shoot you for not waering orange. I hope if and when something like this happens to one of you your mind frame stays the same.

Yes there are those hunters who just shoot without knowing for sure what they are shooting at which is what happened in this case. How ever they do not have to be shooting at you to have a round go flying by your head or even get hit. Just because you know exactly what you are shooting at that does not mean there isn't some moron 75 or 100 yards behind that target who is wearing camo and hiding in the brush and is well within range to be hit if you miss or have a pass through. If you were wearing orange they could still see you at that distance and might not shoot knowing you are in there line of fire. Yes some still would and that would be there fault. If you are hiding in your camo how can you blame someone for shooting in your direction if you are 100 yards away and they have no way of knowing you are there because you blend in at that distance. Can you say for sure that every time you shoot at a deer you know there is absalutly no one on the other side at a distance that can be dangerous yet is not visiable due to there camo? Have you ever been hunting and seen another hunter 100 yards out wearing orange? Do you ever think hay can that guy see me? What if there a deer between us and he shoots cause he can't see me? Where will that round go if he misses.

If you are not wearing camo amd get hit or a round goes by your head from a shot 100 yards away how can you blame the other guy? You do not need camo to get a deer and if you wear orange you cut down your chances of being seen by another hunter. Why play hide and seek with other hunters when it could turn out bad for you.

If a person weaqring camo gets shot when with in range to be seen even with camo on then yes it is the shooters fault but if they get shot while hiding at a distance that makes it imposable to be seen when in camo then yes it is the camo wearing morons fault. I am not talking a distance of 20 or 30 yards I am talking 75 or 100 yards. Even if you know your target you can not see some one out that distance if they are in camo and it get end bad.

Bottom line you do not have to be the target to get shot and wearing orange camo helps your odds that the shooter will wait till deer is past the point where you could be in line with the shot. Wear orange and take the chance that they do not see you. Not talking 20 or 30 yards I am talking further. I can not believe you have never thought hay maybe that guy on the other ridge can't see me

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And his right to walk freely amongst the rest of us. (Jail time.)


That should have been a given.

Minimum 2 to 4 for shooting someone. He would still be out in a year.

He will most likely just get probation, and not much else. Depends on how much money he has to pay an attorney to bail his a$$ out of this pile. That's the real part that sucks.

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So its my fault some moron shoots at me cause I have no orange on ????? Are you freaking kidding me. Do you shoot your gun often?? Can you see what your shooting at?? Do you put your target in a trail and hop in the bushes to practice that stupidity???


Should I get a big orange gun from wal-mart to match my bright color camo thats moron proof???



I will NEVER in my life aim my weapon at something that im not ready and willling to shoot. I can not wrap my head around the thought that you have to have orange on cause theirs some dumb dumb in a bush thinking he hears something.



Its no accident the gun dont shoot itself Remember " Guns dont kill people, people kill people "



Now go ahead everyone tell me how I should be willing to shoot you for not waering orange. I hope if and when something like this happens to one of you your mind frame stays the same.


When I read stubby's post I didn't take it as people shooting at a noise, I took it as someone shooting at a deer but not being able to see a person who may be in range BEYOND the deer.

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Look, it is a fact that unless you are hunting on a rifle range with an earthen backstop and the foreground all cleared, you do not know for a fact that there is no idiot concealed in camo behind or in the direction of the deer that you are pulling the trigger on. I know that "Be sure of the background behind the target" makes a wonderful hunter safety course slogan, but along with that, it really needs to be emphasized that safe hunting involves doing your best to be seen and identified by other hunters. Somehow that fact has been lost on a few hunters along the way.


Oh, and by the way, no one is saying that blaze orange makes you bullet-proof. It is just one more very important and pretty darned effective tool of hunting safety.

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So its my fault some moron shoots at me cause I have no orange on ????? Are you freaking kidding me. Do you shoot your gun often?? Can you see what your shooting at?? Do you put your target in a trail and hop in the bushes to practice that stupidity???

Should I get a big orange gun from wal-mart to match my bright color camo thats moron proof???

I will NEVER in my life aim my weapon at something that im not ready and willling to shoot. I can not wrap my head around the thought that you have to have orange on cause theirs some dumb dumb in a bush thinking he hears something.

Its no accident the gun dont shoot itself Remember " Guns dont kill people, people kill people "

Now go ahead everyone tell me how I should be willing to shoot you for not waering orange. I hope if and when something like this happens to one of you your mind frame stays the same.

its not your fault, but you still got shot. Wear the Orange.
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So its my fault some moron shoots at me cause I have no orange on ?????





Though I would like to know what you think of the motorcyclists that don't wear helmets in states where they are not required, like in Connecticut.


I always think, "Damn fool". But maybe that is because I smashed the back of my head on the pavement when I was cut off by a motorist that "did not see me". I might not be alive if it were not for my helmet.


Was the accident my fault? No.


By the way. Camo is made up of small irregular patterns. And motorcycles are comprised of small irregularly shaped parts. That is the reason why other motorists "did not see" the motorcycle they cut off or hit.

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I used a deer cart on opening day last year getting my deer out . They are actually pretty quiet wheeling them thru the woods . Don't think for a minute I wasn't worried about getting shot at . Even wearing a blaze orange vest and hat , I couldn't wait to get to the safety of my truck.

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I was hunting today and came across a woman taking her two dogs for a walk.


The black one wore a red collar.


The deer brown one was also wearing a white T-shirt.


She gets it.


Just saying.

Edited by incognito
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IMHO mandatory orange is bs. IMHO going into the woods without orange in some areas is just plain stupid.This comes from someone living in the nz that never wears orange and never worries about getting shot. When I am hunting public land in the sz I am the great pumpkin(and nervous)..lol.

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its not your fault, but you still got shot. Wear the Orange.




Remember that when its the other way around big timer!!




So funny when the term " guns dont kill people, people kill people " fits you its a never ending story. But in this case its just a accident. So when someone shoots your kid cause he couldn't see his orange hat popping over the bush im sure you will understand right???

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