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Shot a buck yesterday....


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So yesterday I had a buck come out that I believe is the big nontypical that ive had 2 encounters with this year. I shot at him when he was at @ 60 yards. I saw him jump straight up and kick his back legs out right as I shot, then he took off at a dead run with his tail tucked. By the time I got down and started looking around, it was dark. One of my friends came over and we found the slug, which wasnt expanded much, some whit and brown hair, then nothing for a touch over 100 yards. At that point we found small spots of bright red blood, then he crossrd a road and wsnt into a cut bean field which was all mud, so we stopped looking as we didnt want to push him. I marked the trail with orange tape and called deer search. Havent heard back yet. Im hunting now with another buddy, but will go back and search more this morning. Ill be bummed if we dont find it, but if not, I hope he lives to try and outwit me next year lol.

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Will be interested in how you make out. Good luck on the recovery.

I used Deer Search on a buck last year. We never found it but it wasn't due to lack of effort. Came to the conclusion he survived given all the sign. Sounds like you got a pretty decent hit on him. Hopefully he bedded down when you pulled out and is not far from your last sign of him.

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I went back out to look. All blood is gone with the rain. I found the spot where I shot it, 4 foot by 2 foot area of white hair with a little brown hair. Found his trail through the bean field and where it looks like he went into some thick woods. I am trying to get permission from the land owner to search the woods. Deer search still hasnt called. I have a friend that knows someone with a cadaver dog that is good wjth tracking deer. He will call them if deer search doesnt come. Im still hopeful but its not looking good.

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I have a friend that knows someone with a cadaver dog that is good wjth tracking deer. He will call them if deer search doesnt come. Im still hopeful but its not looking good.

Would like to see you recover your deer and I aint saying anything BUT.......

.....unless your friends friend is certified licenced deer dog tracker, it's illegal.

Don't ask me why because I have no clue. Just know it is from a CO and Deer Search tracker.

Just an FYI.

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Sounds like you just zingged him low especially since the slug wasn't deformed. Happens alot out of treestands. Ive done it three times twice on the ground with a gun and once this yr out of my treestand with a bow. Everytime there has been alot of white hair and very little in the way of blood usually just a few drops every few ft. Did you find what looked like pcs of fat or pulverized skin? If you had hit him higher it would have all been brown hair. Well atleast you can get him next yr if someone doesnt get him with the muzzleoader.

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Sounds like you just zingged him low especially since the slug wasn't deformed. Happens alot out of treestands. Ive done it three times twice on the ground with a gun and once this yr out of my treestand with a bow. Everytime there has been alot of white hair and very little in the way of blood usually just a few drops every few ft. Did you find what looked like pcs of fat or pulverized skin? If you had hit him higher it would have all been brown hair. Well atleast you can get him next yr if someone doesnt get him with the muzzleoader.

I think you are right, but its tough to tell because the rain overnight washed away any blood. His trail was easy to see in the bean field once it was light out, and either he is one clumsy deer or he was stumbling alot. I found where he went into the woods, and kicked through every bit of thick stuff I had permission to get to. I kicked a bunch of deer out of there, it looks to be one of the main bedding areas.

BTW, this is not the first time I have shot a deer and the slugs I use just punch a smallish hole and dont expand. The last time I shot a deer with those slugs, it didnt expand and the deer ran 500 yards after a good vital hit. Ill be changing slugs after this year, no more solid copper for me.

Oh, and Ive borrowed a ML from a guy that wont be using it. Ill be out this coming weekend again.  :)

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Sorry to hear you lost your deer....That always sucks....

If you lack confidence in your slugs, you should definitely change to a projectile that you have more faith in..

However, a 20 gauge that does not expand at all still would leave a 63 caliber hole through the deer... Seems like that would be enough to do the job with a good hit... I killed quite a few deer with 20 gauge slugs in past years ( probably 30-40) and I don't remember many of them leaving exit holes a whole lot bigger than the entrance wounds..

I'm guessing that perhaps you hit your deer in a non-vital area, considering the amount of white hair you found...Hopefully he will survive the wound..

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