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For 8-9 months of the year its non-huntingny.com and 2-3 its huntingny.com.


Shame, really.

and I don't know why, is it the relatively small community of people that frequent it? you look at some of the other sites they keep it flowing pretty good year round, some even ban the ones who do nothing other then stir sh*t up.

Edited by jjb4900
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I agree with a lot of the posts on this thread.  A thoughtful debate can be interesting.  And, those used to happen frequently on this site.  But, it's become overun by a few overzealous and relentless posters.  It's the same pattern every day- baiting/trolling, followed by rants and attacks, then days-long pissing matches.

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In all honesty, it makes no difference to me what political affiliation another hunter has, if we can share information and ideas about hunting. It also would not matter to me if they were gay,black, white,green or blue. I am always open to sharing or getting hunting, fishing or any outdoors activity, information. This is a great place to do that, with quite a few like minded people. 


I do have my own political views, likes and dislikes. And so does every individual that visits this site. Am I naive enough to believe that I could change someone else's views or have someone change mine on a hunting forum? Not likely.

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This post says it all.  When I first came to the site it was all about hunting.  If you are new and have no clue about filters this just seems like a political site.  I would put the political post on a separate feed instead of the main site (recent topics).  It would keep the clutter from that part of the site down and people interested in that part can click on politics to keep informed.

You're missing the bigger picture of what this site will look like to new members. I understand that the traffic and posts are good for the site in the off season, but the place looks like a bunch of right wing nut jobs. I've never seen anything like it on any site and that includes the very conservative southern hunting boards


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This post says it all.  When I first came to the site it was all about hunting.  If you are new and have no clue about filters this just seems like a political site.  I would put the political post on a separate feed instead of the main site (recent topics).  It would keep the clutter from that part of the site down and people interested in that part can click on politics to keep informed.

I have no problem with whatever people choose to post, if it wasn't for a lot of the topics outside of hunting/fishing/trapping related issues this site would be pretty quiet .........but, there is no question this site looks like a cluttered up mess.

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In all honesty, it makes no difference to me what political affiliation another hunter has, if we can share information and ideas about hunting. It also would not matter to me if they were gay,black, white,green or blue. I am always open to sharing or getting hunting, fishing or any outdoors activity, information. This is a great place to do that, with quite a few like minded people. 


I do have my own political views, likes and dislikes. And so does every individual that visits this site. Am I naive enough to believe that I could change someone else's views or have someone change mine on a hunting forum? Not likely.






too much bullchit......

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The thing is .... you don't have to read the political posts . You see a post that's political , bypass it . I choose not to open a lot of posts unless there is a problem or complaint about one . I guess the political posts don't bother me because I see so many of them on FaceBook .


When Deer Season opens , there will be a lot more interesting posts .

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and I don't know why, is it the relatively small community of people that frequent it? you look at some of the other sites they keep it flowing pretty good year round, some even ban the ones who do nothing other then stir sh*t up.


It's burm's site and he will decide what he want's. I've been around the interweb and message boards long enough where I've seen good sites grow when managed correctly and I've seen splinter sites pop up when good members have had enough. The shame is when you new sites pop up, you now divide your community. At the end of the day it's about clicks and posts to generate revenue. The owner must decide if the short term flood is better than the long term decline.


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Don't worry VJP...If it wasn't your post ppl were complaining about ..it would be mine...Then again perhaps you make them appreciate mine more......lol


A year ago grow, I would have said your open ended thread titles were annoying. Today I'd say they're a breath of fresh air compared to copy and paste nonsense. At least your posts are generally geared towards the outdoors and NY related events.

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It's burm's site and he will decide what he want's. I've been around the interweb and message boards long enough where I've seen good sites grow when managed correctly and I've seen splinter sites pop up when good members have had enough. The shame is when you new sites pop up, you now divide your community. At the end of the day it's about clicks and posts to generate revenue. The owner must decide if the short term flood is better than the long term decline.



Interests also change too. Plenty of sites and forums just go downhill as that interest wains from the ownership and admin/mods. There are mods that aren't posting near as often as they used to. It's the broken car window in a nice neighborhood paradigm....a slippery slope.

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Interests also change too. Plenty of sites and forums just go downhill as that interest wains from the ownership and admin/mods. There are mods that aren't posting near as often as they used to. It's the broken car window in a nice neighborhood paradigm....a slippery slope.

I remember when I first joined and posted a few inappropriate things, the mods were all over me pretty quickly.........now it's a free for all.

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Nice picture- except, almost none of the political threads are related to hunting.  They're all the same: anti-liberal, anti-obama, anti-government, anti-anti, 'this country is going down the tubes'....broken records.

If the mods are okay with it, that's their business.  If we don't like it, we can ignore it; or if it bothers us enough, we can quit visiting the site.  Having said that, i agree with the OP.

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Nice picture- except, almost none of the political threads are related to hunting.  They're all the same: anti-liberal, anti-obama, anti-government, anti-anti, 'this country is going down the tubes'....broken records.

If the mods are okay with it, that's their business.  If we don't like it, we can ignore it; or if it bothers us enough, we can quit visiting the site.  Having said that, i agree with the OP.


You guys do have a point. I'm just having fun with it. I will say this though. You have know idea how good you have it here. Trust me, Elmer J. Fudd, king of all trolls...

Edited by ELMER J. FUDD
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So , I take it some members want Censorship on the site  ........ Is that correct ?

nope, if the Forum owners are content having it pretty much overrun and controlled by a few others, then I'm OK with that as well..........it's an interesting place to visit.

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What is overrun? Those forum categories are these specifically for just that type of discussion.  If you don't like it don't participate in those threads, its simple really. 


I don't enjoy every single post on this site and don't expect anyone else to either.  


With that said, I do agree I rather that not be the focus of the recent topics for guests / new members as some of you have pointed out, I'll see if I can exclude that by default.

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This reminds me of a time when I was in a store and the guy next to me picked up a Playboy magazine . He was flipping pages saying "this is terrible , this is terrible" but kept flipping the pages looking at the pictures . IF YOU DON'T LIKE A TOPIC / THREAD , DON'T LOOK AT IT !


If you want hunting topics , post them !

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With that said, I do agree I rather that not be the focus of the recent topics for guests / new members as some of you have pointed out, I'll see if I can exclude that by default.

exactly, I have no problem not reading or commenting on many topics...but that's what I'm talking about. Like I said earlier, it does keep the board alive to some extent, but I would rather it didn't dominate the forum.

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