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Getting older stinks


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I forget stuff all the time. Like the time when I posted on a hunting forum and totally forgot I was on a political forum instead.

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There's a few that has done just the opposite, thinking they are posting in a political forum, but happens to be a hunting forum instead.

X-Calibur Lighting Systems


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Well I never got a chance to look for the keys this weekend. Friday morning I was driving to work and started getting really bad lower left abdominal pain. I got to work and was drenched in sweat and doubled over in pain. I actually drove to the nearest ER only to be admitted and scheduled for kidney stone surgery. Wow what a surprise series of events that turned out to be. Stone was to large to pass so surgery was only option.

They also found my sugar was way out of whack so I also have to control that going forward. 3 days in the hospital was no fun. I have a few days off from work so maybe I can look for those Damn keys tomorrow. I will repeat the title of my original post, Gettin old stinks!!

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Funny stories!  I get my bow and arrows and lock the front door, when I try to open the truck I realize the keys are on the kitchen table.  Arg  As long as we can laugh about it we are good and remembering what we are laughing about is better! 


Wow Zem18 glad your ok!  Keys are replaceable, take care of that body you only get one! 

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Thanks guys. Definitely resting up. Going to miss the bow opener this year which I have mixed feelings about but focus needs to be on health for sure. Have an appointment on Oct 2nd to get my stint out, then my nieces wedding on the 3rd. Hoping for some good luck coming my way soon.

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Thanks guys. Definitely resting up. Going to miss the bow opener this year which I have mixed feelings about but focus needs to be on health for sure. Have an appointment on Oct 2nd to get my stint out, then my nieces wedding on the 3rd. Hoping for some good luck coming my way soon.

Hope your feeling better ..... Need help filling your Tag  ? ( heh heh heh )

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Sorry to dredge this topic back up but I had to update it. I'm driving to work 4 days after the regular season ended. My phone rings and my wife says, you won't believe what I just found. I said, I know you found my keys but the key question is WHERE did you find them.

They were in my son's sock drawer. I must've set them down on the dryer in the laundry room and they got scooped up in my son's clean clothes and were in the bottom of his sock drawer. If I ever misplace 4 of the keys, it will be opened with a crowbar before I pay $10 again.

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