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Man did I speak...


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Too soon...so the guy next door with the 1 acre hunting camp is up to his usually stuff...Honest to hanna it makes me laugh!!...So I go out and decide I'll hit the middle of the woods...I'm running behind and it's 2:45....when I hear a voice down by the new blind.....mind you the blind borders his uncles not his dot on the map...I take this mornings trail to check it out and see bright orange right in front of the blind through the slashings...I get to the end of the lane way and there he is facing the blind yelling...WTH! he should have seen me coming...his buddy is standing in the uncles hedge row on the other side of his lane way..nope good ole NNt's is leaning on my fence post 2ft past the posted sign there...They both stop and stare at me as I climb the ladder to my 16 ft wooden stand shaking my head......Well no nerve to come yell at me ....so dumb and dumber with the a stiff wind to their backs head down the hill "slow stalking" that wood lot...I'm sitting there smiling knowing any big deer will hold tight in the swamp grass until they pass and come up...well they did kick the twins to me and after my timer went off I spooked a doe that was coming in...this guy just doesn't get it...I have another 300ft of that fence and 1200 ft of chain link...Now a dozer to make 2 ponds...He just won't listen..... cut the idiosy and I'll stop making it so the deer will not travel your way..What was the point of messing up their own hunt with such non sense...No wonder his grand parents sold us the land and not to them..hahahaha..It was a great sun set and fun time watching the fawns and dumb and dumber


Get home way after dark...waiting for the fawns to get away...I hit the garden plot and just make out the bright white styrofoam "target" from TSC farm packing crates....It is tumbling around the plot??? I know the winds not that strong...when something big moves past it..and I see the light bone bobbing through the air...One of the big buck were out there kicking the grud out of that block!...lol....I tried to move closer but the wind gave me up and he was gone down the lane way there in 3 bounds......he took a chunk out of it...I put it in the garden...it reminded me of when I caught Bear rolling a wht hen across the hay field...just playing...lol

Edited by growalot
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Probably worse.... this is the guy that nearly shot our daughter her first time out...one of his friends cut a sapling in half 3ft off my shoulder...while I was way up on our land going to a stand and then they nearly shot me out of my 16ft tree stand..plus were part of the party that shot and killed a friend hunting with them on said uncles land... We've had words more than once and I told him 16 years or so ago... Stop or I'll fence the place and make it a deer haven and your hunting will not be good...He should have listened...Just can't get over his grandparents CALLING US up to say they wanted the land ...but were told we had first rights...Which was news to us at the time...lol

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The fact that you misspelled the word IDIOCY, is beautiful.

I'd really love to hear this story from the other guy's perspective. Hard to tell what's really going on from the mutilation of the English language, that you are trying to pass as a post. I'd sure love to be your neighbor. Pretty sure we're about a mile from eachother, but that's much too close. I used to think it was the wind in the trees making that "biiiiiiitch, creaaaaak, whiiiiiiine" noise, that I always hear over the back of the hill. Now I know different. Sounds like maybe your blind is directly on the property line. That's always a classy move. Is it facing their land, too? You have plenty of property, so why do you need to set up so close to the line? Can't stand the thought of someone else succeeding, or do you just get pleasure out of screwing someone over, who has no recourse? You're fortunate to own a decent sized piece, so why do you feel it necessary to mock someone who can only afford that "dot on the map"? You don't know their situation. Maybe they didn't marry as well as you.

I'm sure they would probably sell, but I'm sure property next to yours would be tough to GIVE away. Even if they really are bad neighbors, so what? Just don't set up near the line, problem solved. No though, you love the drama & conflict.

Deliberately doing stuff to keep deer from using their land? Because? They don't follow your rules?

You should be ashamed of yourself, but instead, you're proud of your behavior.

Edited by Skillet
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You know I have listened to the pompus ridicule for years now and well Skillet has some issues going on toward me that has him following me around like a stalker...hey if this is it...Too bad I'm a woman hunter and a good one..please get over it already...


To the rest I have tried to explain and apparently it doesn't stick...You do not see me going around judging and correcting others mistakes( unless a joke) because I can't walk in their shoes to know whats going on....But even though it is none of your business by any means You might want to look up Aphasia and go count what ever blessings allotted you.

Happy hunting and Thanks giving...

Edited by growalot
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There really is no need to read posts by this person, They are confusing and at about 5 a day they take up a lot of time and are mostly non-sense to begin with, From all the posts you have written im glad your not an adjoining landowner where i hunt, You seem to be the problem, Not the answer, You are the reason why hunters are hunters worst enemy, Honestly i know i will catch hell for writing this but honestly i dont care, You post about every part of your life and maybe should just take up facebook so you can make their internet cruising as painful as you have for the people on this site, Now i know i could just not read your posts and for the most part i dont, This is one that i clicked on by accident and its as painful as stepping on a rusty nail, Now you can begin ripping me apart, Because i know you have nothing better to do besides sit around and figure out ways to stir the pot, Have a nice day, 

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Don't sweat it Growalot, it's just the internet.  Cool story but I would never hunt those woods with them in it after the stories you just told about them shooting at you and killing a friend.  Makes me happy I did bow on LI for opening of Southern zone. 

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For those of you that don't like , understand / comprehend Growalot's posts , don't read them . Go on to the next post . Why put yourselves through the agony of reading them when it bothers you sooooo much ! If it such a terrible ordeal to understand them ......move along to the next person's post . Why be a Masochist ( A willingness or tendency to subject oneself to unpleasant or trying experiences ).


And now we are correcting spelling . Wow !  If many folks had to use Spell Check and it wasn't working and you couldn't post a misspelled word , there would be fewer posts on here . Several people type faster than they are thinking and transpose letters but we know what they are saying so what's the big deal . ...........


Just an opinion !  Flame away !


Gotta go finish cutting up a deer . Later ..................

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Too bad I'm a woman hunter and a good one..please get over it already...



I do  not know you ...nor you I...but I do want you to take note on the names that liked your post

They are better trained than my dogs...and I have very well trained dogs...they stay 3 steps behind all of my posts just waiting for some thing, anything negative to say.   as I once discribed it ....like giddy high school boys picking on an under classman.


Now I post on the internet as a causual thing...I will not punctuate ...the (....) were just a style I picked up...now it's just a FU to some rather pompus individuals. I find it amusing some can look at a single dot(period) and pause. Yet find it impossible to pause and take a breath for several. Then complain my posts run.  Heres is the other thing...I have many thoughts going through my head at any given time and I tend to type like I speak..


I multi task..... so I usually have several different things going on at once and do not use spell check..,I try to catch them....but don't always..... when using the Kindle...... that auto correct is a monster....I am some what dyslexic...But I also have aphasia...so letters and even sentences can become backwards...or I think on thing and type something similar but different..is what it is.... if I'm tired it is more noticable. Plus I'm a lousy typist.


Now all that said and really no concern of yours actually.....I do not require ppl. to read my posts...You, other than as a joke ....will not see me correcting others posts...for I can not walk in their shoes and I only care about the substance...All the rest ...Well I am intelligent enough to decipher most ppls posts...I have no desire to run around checking others for their mistakes...for I do not walk in their shoes and have no idea what may cause anyone to make errors.

Now to conclude...... please take note as to how many mistakes are in others posts...and how often you see those particular guys going after said ppl.....There has always been a price to pay to some...when you are a woman and a darn good hunter...A guy thing I suppose

WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT??? Your writing is a giant stream-of-conscious with no coherent order. Are you saying that you do not know how to write because you're a woman? 


Edited by rj23nyr
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Eddie, the fact that no one can understand anything she says is just a bonus. Even when we can follow her line of thought, she usually posts things that many find to be disagreeable, & arrogant. So now we shouldn't comment when we don't like what someone posts? Why? If we did that, there would be very little action on this site.

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Growie is busy, she had a lot going on, she is a retired teacher so I am sure she knows grammar and punctuation

I'm not too worried about her...pretty sure she is doing much better in life then a lot of others on here. There are those who like to find a weak spot and attack it......

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