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15 minutes ago, The_Real_TCIII said:

Are they a brewery or a scented candle factory?

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Gotta keep the skinny jeans, man bun ( that’s actually a contradiction) folks supplied with beer too .


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1 minute ago, crappyice said:

Dare I ask….vodka and milk?

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My buddy Joe invented it, about 35 years ago, near the end of a long weekend snowmobile trip, to Allegheny state park.  All of our beer was gone on the last day, but someone found a bottle of vodka.  

The only thing we could find to mix with it was milk.  Fill a cup with ice (or snow), pour in a shot or two of vodka, top off with milk, and stir.  Not half bad, and it has been my go to mixed drink ever since.   

At fancy joints, cruises, etc.,  I always ask for a White Russian,  but tell them to hold the Kallua (I don’t think they have that in Russia anyhow).  My favorites are made with crushed ice, Finlandia vodka and 2% milk.

This is the only mixed drink that I have found, that I am able to consume in fairly large quantity, with little to no “ill effects” the following morning. If it ain’t broke, I ain’t fixing it.  

Also, much of my family and friends are in the dairy business, so I like to support them any way I can.

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Drinking a can of Marzen from Mill House in Poughkeepsie. Pretty good although I like it a little more carbonated and a little less caramel in an Oktoberfest but still enjoyable.. Also drinking a Spaten Oktoberfest. Classic, good and clean and a little biscuity. Very easy drinking. 

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10 minutes ago, Biz-R-OWorld said:

Looks cool. How is it?

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Not bad.reminds me of the kolsch in a way with the smooth lightness and refreshing taste.fiance isnt a drinker,only on occassion and hates beer..she didnt make the usual brutal pucker face after trying it:rofl:.id recommend scooping a 12 up

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