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I was a long time moderator on another outdoors site. It was a full time job with the amount of rules they had. If anyone disagreed they. We're gone. I quit moderating and rarely visit the site. My opinion if you are not interested in the political stuff, which by the way is crucial to the survival of our country, then start your own site. Rules are rules.

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I have been running a hunting dog message board-forum myself for 11 years, I have rules and they are permanently posted at the top of the board's home page for all to read, in fact the first thing I do with every new member is to make sure they read the rules so there are no surprises. If you can live by the rules fine if not and you try to test me you will not be around for long.


The owner of this board allows for politics to be discussed on his board, that is his call and I will respect that. Personally I do not have any problem passing over any post that I don't care for and to make an argument that you are compelled to read them and reply to them is baloney. 


If one is compelled to read what they deem to be unsavory posts and you make a reply be civil and stay away from personal attacks because that is when the crap starts hitting the fan.


I also have the info below posted in my rule section



The following is considered to be the general universal rules of message board "Etiquette". 

The topic of Message Boards and their proper use comes up on a regular basis. Here are some tips to make sure you have a more enjoyable, constructive experience:

Being a member to a private message board is a "Privilege" not a right.

Review the "Charter" or rules for the message board and abide by them. If you don't like the rules, search out another board that is more in line with what you feel is appropriate or are willing to abide by. It is the right of the owner of the message board to dictate terms of use. If you don't like them, rather than ruin the experience for all the other participants, find another message board or start up your own. Most rules are common sense and in place to ensure an enjoyable constructive experience for all members. 

What about my right to "free speech" to say whatever I want where ever I want? Use of any site or message board is not a right! To participate, you will be asked to follow a few simple rules. The "freedom of speech" guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution that folks so willingly throw around many times to justify their poor behavior, only protects you from governmental intervention in your right to express yourself -- it does not give you free reign to use computer resources, paid for by others, against the wishes of their owner. Again, if you don't like the rules, search out another board that is more in line with what you feel is tolerable. 

Stay on topic and discuss issues only relative to the thread in question. A thread is the term used for a ongoing conversation based on a particular subject. Feel free to change the subject to something more apropos if the thread goes off in another direction or start an entirely new thread. When you do so be sure to change the SUBJECT: field to clearly reflect the revised topic so the other members are aware of the change in direction from the original thread. 

If new to the message board, "lurk" for awhile to get a feel for the community and personalities of the regulars before you post. You will be participating in an established community and don't want to just bust in and blurt out your opinions, demands or questions before getting a good idea for the feel of the group. Then, in your first post, a short intro about you before you comment is recommended and helps you start to become part of that community. 

Never give out personal information or specifics to your location on message boards. This information can then be farmed by troublemakers. 

Keep in mind there will always be differences of opinion. Try to remain objective and not personalize issues if at all possible. You can disagree with others by being firm and expressing your opinion with clarity without resorting to name calling, slurs or innuendos just to make your point. Posters that behave in that manner are generally those whose opinions are weak or not based in any truth or facts and are viewed as such. 

Don't fall for trolls. Trolls are folks who will post rude comments just to get a rise out of everyone on the board. Ignoring folks who do this simply halts their efforts to disrupt the board and get them the attention they seek. Move on to more constructive conversations. 

Be sure to down edit, or remove any part of the post you are replying to that is no longer necessary to the ongoing conversation. This includes anything within the >>> that no longer applies, previous poster's signature files and any header information. By down editing, you will show your command of the technology in which you are participating, while doing your part to keep the conversation focused and easy to read by the other members. These efforts will be greatly appreciated by your fellow members. 

Always review your post(s) before you click send/post. Make sure they express the appropriate tone you want to relay. If you are joking, add a ;-). Use emoticons to reflect the seriousness or lack thereof of your comments. Most forums provide you with standard emoticons so you can do just that. "I didn't mean it that way..." doesn't apply online - people will take your words at their face value! If you type it, you'd better mean it and be willing to accept the repercussions that can possibly ensue. Also be sure to check your spelling and grammar to do your best to make sure you are viewed as someone who made it out of the 6th grade. 

If conversations get out of hand and others resort to personal insults or innuendo because of your comments, try not to take it too personally - they don't know you. When you feel you need to defend yourself, do so politely based on your opinion not personal digs. Always take the high road and you will be respected by the other members of the forum. 

By keeping the above in mind you'll have a more informed and enjoyable time!


Edited by airedale
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Gotcha. I dont look at the site unless Im logged in, so that stuff doesnt show up. Maybe burmjohn can explain why or change that.


I don't log out so I guess I show being here all the time . I buzz in every so often to see what's going on . 

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Gotcha. I dont look at the site unless Im logged in, so that stuff doesnt show up. Maybe burmjohn can explain why or change that.


it shows if i'm logged in or not. The only time it doesn't, is if I have my filters to show only threads i've posted in.

Edited by Belo
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I was a long time moderator on another outdoors site. It was a full time job with the amount of rules they had. If anyone disagreed they. We're gone. I quit moderating and rarely visit the site. My opinion if you are not interested in the political stuff, which by the way is crucial to the survival of our country, then start your own site. Rules are rules.


Why isn't the site called hunting and NY and Politics then? How is a Muslim holiday in a Rochester school crucial to our hunting survival? How is Bill Clinton's sex life critical to our hunting survival? I love the stuff Rossi posts, the safe act stuff that actually helps spread information or answer questions is great. 3 times over the last few years I've decided I've had enough with this place and taken vacations. I always come back because I hunt in NY and there are mostly great members here with great information. Then inevideibly I get annoyed and feel like leaving again. There are other sites devoted to politics. I haven't seen anywhere in the description of this site where politics was a key focus. Furthermore, I'm not sure the owner really wants members to leave or be told to start a new site because the 3 musketeers have overrun the site with anti-Muslim propaganda.


I own a pontiac g8. A rare car, only produced for 2 years. Mine is modded to over 400hp and enjoy learning and talking about the platform. There's not a lot of owners, and what you're mentioning actually did happen. The one good forum splintered due to bad ownership and now we have 2 mediocre forums. Is that really what you want? There's over 200k hunters in NY and only 1,960 followers on tapatalk. Do we really want to start another forum and turn HUNTERS away because they don't want to talk politics?

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Why isn't the site called hunting and NY and Politics then? How is a Muslim holiday in a Rochester school crucial to our hunting survival? How is Bill Clinton's sex life critical to our hunting survival? I love the stuff Rossi posts, the safe act stuff that actually helps spread information or answer questions is great. 3 times over the last few years I've decided I've had enough with this place and taken vacations. I always come back because I hunt in NY and there are mostly great members here with great information. Then inevideibly I get annoyed and feel like leaving again. There are other sites devoted to politics. I haven't seen anywhere in the description of this site where politics was a key focus. Furthermore, I'm not sure the owner really wants members to leave or be told to start a new site because the 3 musketeers have overrun the site with anti-Muslim propaganda.


I own a pontiac g8. A rare car, only produced for 2 years. Mine is modded to over 400hp and enjoy learning and talking about the platform. There's not a lot of owners, and what you're mentioning actually did happen. The one good forum splintered due to bad ownership and now we have 2 mediocre forums. Is that really what you want? There's over 200k hunters in NY and only 1,960 followers on tapatalk. Do we really want to start another forum and turn HUNTERS away because they don't want to talk politics?


I would think it would be better for those few that post that type of thing to start their own web site.

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My opinion if you are not interested in the political stuff, which by the way is crucial to the survival of our country, then start your own site. Rules are rules.

I can understand this attitude if it was people just randomly complaining but for this particular thread, it was a moderator who is soliciting opinions on how to improve the site so naturally, users are responding to his question. I don't think this "take it or leave it" attitude is warranted.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I can understand this attitude if it was people just randomly complaining but for this particular thread, it was a moderator who is soliciting opinions on how to improve the site so naturally, users are responding to his question. I don't think this "take it or leave it" attitude is warranted.


Elmo, not a criticism, but you may want to re-read the OP...I think it was basically him giving his opinion on censorship and members PMing him..could be wrong  but I just re-read it myself.

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This has turned from the topic of censoring certain individuals who are sometimes disruptive, to censoring the entire site? Interesting.


If the Political section is somehow seen to be a 'problem', make it password-protected: Newcomers and the general public won't see it, and people who want to ignore it won't see it.

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It was not meant as a THREAT ..... Just an opinion about Censorship . Look at the Political Correctness junk where you have to choose your words carefully . The PC police have gotten out of hand . 


I DO NOT have any intention of banning anyone other than the Spammers who show up on the site . 


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This has turned from the topic of censoring certain individuals who are sometimes disruptive, to censoring the entire site? Interesting.


If the Political section is somehow seen to be a 'problem', make it password-protected: Newcomers and the general public won't see it, and people who want to ignore it won't see it.


It does seem that most of the talk in this thread has been geared towards the political side. But a lot of normal hunting threads (seems like most to me, or maybe I just happen to click on all the ones that turn bad) get derailed or nasty by the 2nd page...sometimes the 2nd post lol

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This has turned from the topic of censoring certain individuals who are sometimes disruptive, to censoring the entire site? Interesting.

If the Political section is somehow seen to be a 'problem', make it password-protected: Newcomers and the general public won't see it, and people who want to ignore it won't see it.

See you don't see the political section as a problem because you agree with it. We don't all agree with it. You want to censor redneck, but don't see the issue with papist because you agree with him. At a minimum, those 2 alone contribute to the majority of what bother some (but not all) members.

We are all hunters. We have enough enemies already. As a conservative I understand that while predominantly right, some hunters have liberal political beliefs. That's fine with me, I'm never going to change their beliefs and they won't change mine. So let's all enjoy talking about the sound a broadhead makes when it strikes a whitetail in the vitals!

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Personally if they guy that started this site wants to leave the political section in ...Well We should all be damn grateful it was he that took the time ,effort and money(if that was need) to do so  Then hope HE doesn't just get fed up and close the place down leaving everyone holding their fannies.

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Personally if they guy that started this site wants to leave the political section in ...Well We should all be damn grateful it was he that took the time ,effort and money(if that was need) to do so  Then hope HE doesn't just get fed up and close the place down leaving everyone holding their fannies.


I am fairly confident he doesn't lose money on the site. I don't know him personally or his reasons or goals, but most forums generate money.


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See you don't see the political section as a problem because you agree with it. We don't all agree with it. You want to censor redneck, but don't see the issue with papist because you agree with him. At a minimum, those 2 alone contribute to the majority of what bother some (but not all) members.

We are all hunters. We have enough enemies already. As a conservative I understand that while predominantly right, some hunters have liberal political beliefs. That's fine with me, I'm never going to change their beliefs and they won't change mine. So let's all enjoy talking about the sound a broadhead makes when it strikes a whitetail in the vitals!


I don't agree, on a blanket basis, with anything that's posted until I give it thought. I tend to think for myself.

I have no desire to see anyone censored. Clean up the personal attack crap or move on. 'nuff said.

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It does seem that most of the talk in this thread has been geared towards the political side. But a lot of normal hunting threads (seems like most to me, or maybe I just happen to click on all the ones that turn bad) get derailed or nasty by the 2nd page...sometimes the 2nd post lol

Who is actually derailing those threads?

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Just my honest opinion...if the political section was removed I'm guessing only a small handful of people will actually miss it.

IMO I think it serves a purpose. There has been some very good information conveyed on it (and a bunch of crap), but I would not want to see it go. It's too easy to skip by what you don't want to read. 

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Just my honest opinion...if the political section was removed I'm guessing only a small handful of people will actually miss it.

You know how the saying goes, one bad apple ruins it for the rest.

I personally don't want to see the political section of this forum go away, because I truly believe it's original purpose was to discuss hunting politics, and not every political issue under the sun, which is what it has become due to a couple of individuals. I feel hunting related politics is important and the hunting community can benefit from it. But again, if it were up to me(and it's not) I'd rather see the entire section removed than to filter through non-hunting related politics that constantly cause friction.

X-Calibur Lighting Systems


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Who is actually derailing those threads?


I don't want to point fingers and try to single anyone out because I think it will excite people but I can think of a few different people that seem to be pretty consistent in derailing them. I'm sure you probably have a couple examples in your mind as well

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