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NY Deer Hunter Survey Results


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A couple of small surprises. very sad that of the half-three quarters of a million licensees in this state the such a small percentage will participate. It was interesting to get a few pms from folks who said why bother (w regard to the DEC).

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It is interesting that there was no question about the crossbow and "full inclusion" on the survey. Could there be a "hidden agenda"? My guess is that those behind the survey did not want to hear that the majority of hunters support full-inclusion of the crossbow during archery season.

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It is interesting that there was no question about the crossbow and "full inclusion" on the survey. Could there be a "hidden agenda"? My guess is that those behind the survey did not want to hear that the majority of hunters support full-inclusion of the crossbow during archery season.

You're off the mark with the crossbow theory to some degree.

I wrote the survey. Crossbows, and other implants/regs have the deer community divided. My goal was to remove such divisions and have unity in deer hunters responses. Personally I think our own internal turmoil can be part of how we as a whole get railroaded with bad umbrella level regs. I thought the survey was rather unbiased in most regards.

You should start a survey for crossbows and see if you're right or not.

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This survey was posted on this site,.. it was not a dec survey

100% correct.

Can't believe anyone missed it as it was on the trending list for at least 5-6 weeks and posted on all the ny hunting related Facebook feeds.

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It is interesting that there was no question about the crossbow and "full inclusion" on the survey. Could there be a "hidden agenda"? My guess is that those behind the survey did not want to hear that the majority of hunters support full-inclusion of the crossbow during archery season.

It wasn't about the crossbow. It was about deer hunting in general. It was about more or less, if you think the DEC is doing their job and if you have made clear to DEC how you feel. 

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Question 20 seemed odd as it appeared to use dmap and nuisance permits interchangeably , when they are two separate systems.

The response as to how they effected ones hunting seem way high. In fact nuisance permits only accounting for 5% of the deer take and dmaps around 7 to 8%and many like our farm use dmaps instead of getting doe tags , so in many cases it's not extra doe being killed.

It seems hunters perceptions don't quite match up.

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732 responses isnt too bad considering the normal fluctuations in site traffic here. It was posted during a normal "quiet time" of the year. Not much hunting activity going on. Just because there are half to three quarters of a million hunters in the state, there are only 6000 or so registered members. Of those, maybe 1/4 are really active.Our Facebook page has just over 2200 likes total. The vast majority are most likely regularly active or semi-regularly active members here.

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feel so much could be said about how NY deer hunters only contribute to opening day of gun activities.....really starting to see how easy it would be to steer hunters any which way due the lack of participation(read as "rebuttal") by the powers that be.


Our license dollars are flat out wasted for the most part and as deer hunters we get NOTHING back from the state

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Please don't take this personal, but you may want to be more consistent with your polls formatting. There's a few questions where you have strongly dissatisfied at the top but the majority of the questions have that choice at the bottom. Keep your questions capitalized and make sure the questions aren't crossing pages. It'll help drive the validity of your survey. Otherwise, I think the participation you got was what I'd expect on this site at this time a year.

Edited by Belo
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Question 20 seemed odd as it appeared to use dmap and nuisance permits interchangeably , when they are two separate systems.

The response as to how they effected ones hunting seem way high. In fact nuisance permits only accounting for 5% of the deer take and dmaps around 7 to 8%and many like our farm use dmaps instead of getting doe tags , so in many cases it's not extra doe being killed.

It seems hunters perceptions don't quite match up.



If a hunter taking that survey was around one either properties (either DMAP or Nuisance), they are much more likely to observe impacts.


The other is the fear of the unknown - if one hears of a farm with either nearby or next door, they are likely to attribute observations to this causation, whether correct or not.

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Please don't take this personal, but you may want to be more consistent with your polls formatting. There's a few questions where you have strongly dissatisfied at the top but the majority of the questions have that choice at the bottom. Keep your questions capitalized and make sure the questions aren't crossing pages. It'll help drive the validity of your survey. Otherwise, I think the participation you got was what I'd expect on this site at this time a year.


I appreciate it.  Ill gladly run the editorial review on yours when you make one.


That's what you have to love about forums. Armchair QBs come out to help post completion. Do you think I am going to make another one? What was your desired end goal for that contribution? Take flack over no comments section, it doesn't have crossbows and improper DMAP context but who in this conversation actually did something? Ill take swing and miss over keeping the bench warm every day.....and I found enough from this exercise to know where the facts reside.

Edited by gjs4
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I will take it if you add the crossbow "full inclusion" question. I am otherwise satisfied with the current deer hunting situation in NY. For myself, basically a pure "meat-hunter" with very little interest in "trophies" (my wife doesn't want to give up any more wall-space and my growing kids are consuming more venison every year). It would be nearly perfect here if we could use a crossbow throughout archery season. If you are really into trophy hunting and are not satisfied with what is available here in NY, consider a move to one of the states that rank higher in that area.

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I will take it if you add the crossbow "full inclusion" question. I am otherwise satisfied with the current deer hunting situation in NY. For myself, basically a pure "meat-hunter" with very little interest in "trophies" (my wife doesn't want to give up any more wall-space and my growing kids are consuming more venison every year). It would be nearly perfect here if we could use a crossbow throughout archery season. If you are really into trophy hunting and are not satisfied with what is available here in NY, consider a move to one of the states that rank higher in that area.


Anyone who hunts and isn't after the meat for themselves or another is a killer, not a hunter.


Maybe you should consider raising pigs in a pen if you don't have patience and are just after meat...bet you could sportingly take em out with a bolt whenever you'd like too

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I didn't take the survey because it looked like a hastily thrown together and you were never clear on where the results would be shared and for what cause. 


Sorry to hear that. Ill do better just for you next time.

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I don't know how old you are, why you made it or what you made it for. But learn to take criticism as good feedback and not an insult. It's an excellent way to get ahead in life and especially in your career.


Doing pretty darn good with my career but thank you for your concern.


Try looking at it from the standpoint of putting a good and charitable effort forth for all (not yourself) and then taking pot shot like the one below your post....its easy to get a chip on your shoulder. Its also a sad realization when one comes to the conclusion that our own ranks are more the problem than the antis and DEC.

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