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Help guys...have you heard of....


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Thanks They look legit on the internet...but one never knows...the blanket lease seems pretty good off hand...they lease pay taxes and a bit over 1500 per acre on a 20 year lease...though we know with out even talking to them the hill side would have to be completely deforested.....I'm thinking the land locked neighbor next door would probably go for this and I'll assume they have been contacted as well.

This would have a huge impact on turkey roosting and deer food for that area...oak,beech,and apples gone....

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Yep that's just about the #'s the gave... with cost of living increases but no percentages given...this is just a packet they sent to see if there is any interest...We are lawyer freaks so there would have to be in depth talks and reviews before we would even consider it seriously.

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Now you know why we are sceptical...though we are well aware that the shape of that property and the number of trees in effected areas make it a perfect choice...we have many calls out and then will contact them...the package arrived priority mail just today .

No on retirement..if true perhaps semi...but definitely 1 perhaps two rentals on the market and a full time lake home...

I never count chickens before hatched...I will candle them though...Lol

We are just not this lucky EVER...

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we got the same info several weeks back looking at leasing 100 acres in ny.  said at the 20 year date re-up or return land to what it was....  need to do a whole lot more investigating when I get back.  seems too good to be true, if everything seems legit we will give all the paperwork to the lawyer to investigate further.


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Well that l letter needs the same careful consideration as The Cyprus letter...considering the authors affiliation.

That's why people that deal in real estate have good lawyers..and do their research...like knowing the proximity of their property to the nearest sub station. Which is something we did..not only for that but fire station ,fire Station pond hookup,and telephone sub station..which effect internet speed. We are also in a direct line with the air force radar guideance station...all these things can effect a piece of property and or insurance and taxes.

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Set up for tomorrow...One needs to remember...just like with wind farms and fracking....NOTHING can happen if locals do not want it...it may be quiet..but they are dang shiny and ugly...also built on concrete footers...so you need stable ground...many things need to be considered...many things need to happen...

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Just a thought...Lease the land and you might not be responsible for what you leave behind, or so they may think


it's usually written into the contract that once they don't renew the contract and they pull out the infrastructure is removed and land returned to it's original state as much as feasible.  their intent isn't to walk away though.  lots of money gets invested before anything is even built.  the intent is to stay.

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how close you are to a substation or utility poles to tie in makes a big difference.  also the infrastructure of the utility is somewhat unknown.  they need to be able to support the power coming into the grid real time.  it isn't stored in batteries or anything and then dumped into the grid when it's convenient.

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Seeing their research went as far as getting the areal photos with the exact parcel layouts and they sent out packets to several different areas...Common  business sense would dictate the grid was already in play before packets were sent...they have an established office in the area. So feelers I'm sure have gone out to town supervisors. No different than when the wind generators first arrived....Then there is this consideration, they are looking at cash poor areas No industry or very very little...deals are to be made with town boards...such as what happened in Cohocton and the wind farm...though I'm not sure how well they fared in getting their money.

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